Letter to CCP

Thank you, I’ll give that a go and see what’s what.
I appreciate it.


looking at the current tutorial again then I will look at AIR.
I had my first human contact in EvE Online before I am done with Aura. Seem like this human saying much more than Aura only issue is: I don’t understand.
I got my first mail.

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Hey at 4. mission these channels opened up ! i begin to read !

PVP is boring high sec is good ( what is high sec even? )
PVP is expensive. \o/
mining good
if i do pvp atrons blobs me i dont know what it is it doesnt sound good either
I think i begin to learn the game

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tutorial done what is a corporation?

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They told me to post it here. They want that EVE Online community see why they are failing first.

As long as they succesfully ignore it. These inputs will not be exist . "IF they ban me. I will not exist* . "

*in their reality and bubble

  • Any sufficiently advanced cluelessness is indistinguishable from malice[12] (Clark’s law)
  • Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice[9] (Grey’s law)

Heh. Quite the opposite in fact. The south of the map is wide open for the taking (with resistance), large coalitions have been weakened by that war, landlords are not really in shape to pressure their renters if these should refuse. The blue donut episode is done for now (mutual standings have changed), and everything is back to before the war minus some trillions here and there. Or is it ? They kicked the bee hive long and hard and it’s mightily angry now. A lot of things may happen, and if you ever want to get involved in trying something, like carving out a piece of sov for yourself, this is a perfect time.

Ah. So we at least agree that a power vacuum potentially has developed…ok…

I suspect that situation will likely fairly quickly develop into absorption of large areas by large entities regardless whether or not smaller groups initially take advantage of the situation to seize smaller chunks of sov.

The donut even ends up getting much bluer as vulnerabilities in the existing power dynamics get taken advantage of. TQ moves closer to a Serenity situation…

TQ Coalition influence map from daily sov map:

Serenity influence map from daily sov map:


I do hope you’re right, though…

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Who is this mysterious “they”?

–Gadget is singular

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No mystery
That is CCP and GM s standard answer. when your ticket and share this kind of thing they show you the forum pages tell you to write there. 3 days ago i have wrote several

CCP telling you to post in here is their version of " go away, leave us/me alone." Kind of like a Sargasso Sea of ideas,thoughts, and criticisms.:thinking:


if they dont mind that people read these… why i do mind? They believe by default people will not read… which actually they are right about that too.
i can see nearly 900 people view it in one day. I dont believe 50 people in total really read it

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So, as I originally mentioned, why didn’t you write a formal memorandum or a white paper and send a physical copy to CCP leadership - if that’s who you really wanted to address?

–Gadget, Mistress of Bureaucracy


i did … if they didnt get it… that is your failiure @postmaster gadget
did you eat it?


Ah, so you are just here to troll.


I can respect that, I guess.

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How did you reach out to that result? and decided I am the troll?
let’s see
it is interesting you mentioned being a troll…
i have been thinking …
do you know what is the definition of projection in psychology?

But what does projection actually mean in this sense? According to Karen R. Koenig, M.Ed, LCSW, projection refers to unconsciously taking unwanted emotions or traits you don’t like about yourself and attributing them to someone else.

You have a lot of messages on the thread but zero contribution about OP.
you are of the blue claiming OP is a troll…
you cant even control yourself. im not interested in meeting this kind of personal traits of yours.

You will not get any more answer from me until you discuss things here like descent human being


Your garbage post is noted.

–Noting Gadget


Your credibility now = 0

Talk about fake news.

it’s very nice to see how do you see yourself "entitled " to give other players credibility notes.

Also, you see yourself “entitled” to talk for their names and reflect on something actually they do not agree with.

I know you so a long time from this Forums. and I have been expecting you to dive into this post with your very classic cliche “Ad hominem Fallacy”


Both forum and independent media are full of mentions around this issue … NPE currently CCP s main focus and this is also official . And nobody up to now stands against this idea.

Probably from the whole text that the only thing you understand was that sentence you have mentioned.
Because people go ad hominem mostly when their intellectual lvl cannot handle the content.
But they have a great urge to insult people to feel important and over.

You will not get any more answers from me until you properly comment about the OP.

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You won’t talk to me unless I read that whole non-sensical wall of text?

Promise? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: