Level 4 Alpha FIts

Hi! Just blasted through all level 1-3 missions in my Gila which looked like this:

[Gila, Gila]
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II

Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Thermal Dissipation Field I
Gist X-Type Explosive Deflection Field
10MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner

Prototype ‘Arbalest’ Rapid Light Missile Launcher
Prototype ‘Arbalest’ Rapid Light Missile Launcher
Prototype ‘Arbalest’ Rapid Light Missile Launcher
Prototype ‘Arbalest’ Rapid Light Missile Launcher
Core Probe Launcher I

Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II

Imperial Navy Infiltrator x3
Caldari Navy Vespa x2
Republic Fleet Valkyrie x2
Federation Navy Hammerhead x3

Core Scanner Probe I x8
Mjolnir Light Missile x1500
Nova Light Missile x500
Scourge Light Missile x500
Inferno Light Missile x1000

I was having great success with this until I went into my first level 4 mission where I got decimated and blown up. As alphas can now fly BattleCruisers and Battleships I was hoping someone could be able to provide me with a valid and reasonable low-ish skill point fit for something. I have looked around but most of the popular level 4 fits include cruise missiles which will take approximately 40 days for me to complete. While I am working on this now I would greatly appreciate help with another fit to use in the meantime.
Thanks in advance!

There are already two threads on this Please critique my Alpha L4 Rattlesnake and Gila and Alpha changes: Best (Battle)ship for LvL4 missions . Also you can always use https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Main_Page and https://o.smium.org/ to look for fits that can be used with your skills. Try searching following ships by yourself: Dominix, Tempest, Machariel, Armageddon.

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i think gila should be okay but your tank is a bit messy
those extenders and rigs are giving you a huge signature radius so you are taking a lot more damage and your reps arent that strong
go for an active tank and switch harderners to suit the rats
also your drones seem weird
youre using a mixture of 3 mediums and 2 lights
you should be using 2 mediums but you can also use 4 lights to help clear frigates
use your light missiles to focus on frigates
especially webs and scrams
stick to thermal and kinetic missiles and they will give good coverage against all rat types
i think if you focus your training on gila it will do better overall than most bses

try something like this but remember to switch your harderners
you will need 3% pg implant with max alpha skills

[Gila, Gila]

Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II

Pithum A-Type Medium Shield Booster
Dread Guristas Shield Boost Amplifier
EM Ward Field II
EM Ward Field II
Thermal Dissipation Field II
10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner

Rapid Light Missile Launcher II, Inferno Fury Light Missile
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II, Inferno Fury Light Missile
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II, Inferno Fury Light Missile
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II, Inferno Fury Light Missile
[Empty High slot]

Medium Warhead Calefaction Catalyst II
Medium Warhead Flare Catalyst I
[Empty Rig slot]

Hammerhead II x2
Hobgoblin II x4

Okay thanks very much guys!

The Gnosis is quite a reasonable ship for alphas and can run L4s quite succesfully. You don’t need a huge tank if you run an AB all the time and actively fly your ship. This fit will put out around 600dps and avoids most BS damage via speed. Just don’t get webbed. Faction drones are very useful for low skill point pilots. Clearly the railguns in this fit can be replaced by any other turret and appropriate damage mods.

My fit is
Drone damage amplifier II
Drone damage amplifier II
Drone damage amplifier II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II

10mn Y-S8 Compact afterburner (or 10mn FN afterburner for a bit more speed)
2xactive rat specific hardners
Pith C-type medium shield booster
Large cap battery
f-90 sensor booster

Drone link augmentor 1
5x250mm prototype railgun

Capacitor management circuit rigs to give stable cap.

5xfaction medium drones eg FN Hammerheads
5xfaction small drones eg FN Hobgoblins

I started off using a 100mn AB but found that it wasn’t necessary so was able to fit more damage.

Hope this helps.


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