Level 5 missions isk an hour?

That definitely is different - I had thought it was a screen grabber, as he mentioned that he checks both killboards and uses a scanning tool (PLH, NEAR2, and other intel tools will generally check killboards automagically, which would be the same discrete “thing”, not two separate activities intended to keep one safe)

I use eve overmind because it sorts by threat, it has a cyno counter, and theres a little button that links to zkillboard which is nift. Unfortunately it seems like its down right now.

Pretty sure it follows the tos. It’s a copy paste kind of a thing.

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If you run L5s long enough, it’ll happen to you. The thing is you make so much ISK running them that you can shrug the losses off.

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“On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.”

Has anyone here ever do Lowsec incursions? if so, what is the isk per hour and is it better than L5 Missions? i assume that Lowsec incursions is also safer than L5 missions because you are doing it in a group.

It is really not that hard to catch a carrier especially if they dont pimp it out for agility and warp speed. As long as you account for station position within the system and pay close eye to which way the carriers warp you can scan+land on a carrier within 10 seconds. Most missions also have little dps upon warp-in without additional spawns and with turrets/neuts are fixed locked on carrier. If you havent noticed those carriers were tackled by anathema which says all.

On the other hand l5 pays decently, but you need rather high initial investment - 6-8 carriers, at least 2 factions toons + 6-8 rattles or whatever to do gated/storylines. Oh and it gets tedious after a while :slight_smile:

Or get super and go rat in gurista/angel null, you can make 450ish mil/hour + 10/10 escalations to change the pace. And probably even safer if you know what you are doing!

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Do you have any idea why he uses that font ?

No idea, personal preference? Tired of standard ones? The font is the only thing you got out of the whole video? :smiley:

it’s the thing that prevents me from watching the whole vid.

Sorry but the back of my eye is very sensitive :cup_with_straw:

??? I don’t see an anathema on those killmails? Am I blind?

3 carriers, 2 faction toons to get up and running. 3 snakes optional. It’s an expensive initial investment nonetheless, I’ll give you that.

Who uses two carriers per mission? They’re fast enough with one.

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I should add that you have to be careful on the undock as well. Some stations have a very short distance before you leave the docking radius, and if hunters in the area are aware you stash your carrier in that station they might undock with a 50000mn fit Apostle to bump you off.

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