Multiboxing is working on Linux.
I run 5 clients, the main with all details on high and resource cache enabled, and the other 4 I run with medium-high graphics. I also run 3 monitors, the main 1920x1080 and 2 1366x768. You have to run the clients in fixed window or window mode, you cannot do full screen, or when you alt tab you will see they minimize and its not as fluid, even if you put one on a monitor and the other on the 2nd one, the moment u alt tab, one goes to minimize automatically. On Fixed window and windowed you can seamlessly move the mouse between clients no problems, though you need to click to make sure the chatbox it uses is the correct one (if you chat).
Im running Ubuntu Mate 18.04.3
AMD Ryzen 5 3600, 6cores 12 threads
27" DELL monitor 1920x1080 for the main, and 2 generic 19inc 1366x768 monitors.
I play with a cheap Radeon RX460 4GB (has DVI, HDMI and DP, and I basically run adapters or native depending on the monitor and connection.
32GB DDR4 3200Mhz.
Look for Renard’s evelinux profile, its working great for me, just about 45-55% cpu usage, with Vulkan enabled and wine staging, I think I was then at 6.14 or 6.16 but now is higher.
It does work great.
PS: I’m only having a minor issue with the audio, and its something that happened yesterday, as it was working well the day before. But other than that, it runs well.
I have 5 accounts, with total 14 chars, and I play with all 5 clients active, for different roles, cloaky eyes, mining boosters, and so on. I dont have PvP practive on all 5 at the ‘same’ time, last fight I was in was a disaster lol, but it was a good experience.