The risk averse issue as you call it isn’t that much of a problem. It’s pretty easily countered by balancing risk and reward. The more value things get through the process of Blackout and other means Hilmar and CCP goes for, the more motivation there is to attain said values. Of course, cowards like you will still fail, but this entire game was built on people braving the risks of New Eden in order to succeed.
There’ll be more than enough people of strength, innovation and drive to lead the way and you and your kind will do what you’ve always done. Fall behind or desperately hold on to their apron strings. It’s really not much different than how it is now, in that particular regard.
It would appear you can’t read, so perhaps get someone else to come give it a try for you. Perhaps you’ll be able to follow it if they doodle it out in crayon or something. What you don’t seem to understand is that there is a desirable balance. Creation and destruction, organization and touch of upheaval and chaos, building and tearing down, growth and… well. Right now, there’s no balance. Nullsec, even now with Blackout, is pretty much pure stagnation. Infinite ore, infinite isk, infinite beardom, and the “sandbox” is just spent kitty litter full of turds and chunks of bloated piss sand.
You can’t even really build anything out there anymore. It’s all already built. Safe and boring. Every new thing churned out just ends up on an already existing stack or pile.
Balance requires risk. Vastly more risk than there is now, with the attending destruction, followed by increased scarcity etc, increases value and value increases motivation to create, and so on and so forth. This isn’t a difficult concept to grasp, I’m sure you’ll be able to catch on eventually.
I’m sure some NPC corp newbling alt from 2012 with no registered actual activity anywhere is someone who’s judgment is sound of course, when it comes to what others do in Eve. If you can’t shiptoast while running your accounts, I have to question your capabilities, really.