Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread - Part Deux!

Honestly I think this is some of the funniest sh*** I’ve read in a looooooonnnggg time, lmao. Do they understand why people play games? It’s for that satisfaction of feeling like you accomplished something. Same reason people play candy crush, because when you win or beat a level you feel satisfied. Same thing with this game, when you make money, you kill, you trade you feel satisfied, like you accomplished something.

Now I would say that their “ideas” are probably in line with what you would expect from an FPS style of game play. Go out there, kill things, rinse and repeat. Clear the economy, reduce the isk sink, make things more chaotic, and encourage people to lose ■■■■ more. Do you know why people do that in an FPS? Because they have nothing to lose… “Oh I died? respawn” (FPS) “Oh I died in Eve? grind out more isk for next ship” Again even with survival games like DayZ, ect your investment is minimal, few hours or minutes gearing up go find fights… This is the entire reason Null blocks and players in general are risk averse. If it takes you forever to get the resources to build something you’re not going to simply throw that away as your level of satisfaction of feeling of success will be relatively low “damn I spent two months grinding out the isk for that Titan and now it’s gone that fast…” The only alternative to that is "hey I don’t care I lost that Titan because I have 1.5trillion isk (drop in the bucket, it was fun).

This whole “lets make Eve as terrifying as it can possibly be” is great in a 40k Novela, but imagine if you made that same claim for literally any other game. Lets see how long it would take Blizzard to lose their base if you lost all your items on your toon after a pvp session, or if a raid boss whiped your group and you had to refarm all your items, and honestly just look at games like DayZ or any other survival. Yeah that mentality works for a while, but after you’ve gotten all the crazy fights/interactions it gets boring. People play eve for the sandbox, to build things, as a team, and most have enough stress in their daily lives that making a game so chaotic and unpleasent doesn’t really sound like a great business model. But definitely worth the lol’s watching the dev team figure out any way they can break the game!


JS, how cute.

Sorry bro, no i code in real languages =X

You seem to labor under the notion that Eve has anything at all in common with FPS games, DayZ and so on. The only damn thing Eve has going for it is exactly that it is a niche game doing things differently than the rest of the pack. Risk, permanent history and everything being a vulnerable asset is exactly why Eve is worth playing at all. You risk your stuff exactly because it’s a risk. That risk massively increases the satisfaction and rush of success.

The Eve Shakes? They’re a very real thing and they’re the one defining part of Eve that no other competitive game can even begin to replicate.

Frankly, if you find that risk to be a problem you really should just sod off and play DayZ or whatever the hell you prefer, because you are very much in the wrong game to start with. Imagine for a moment removing the risk. The precious sandbox you’re talking about? It dies the moment said risks disappear, because the sandbox relies entirely on things having value. Space, resources, assets, even knowledge. All of these things have value, because they are finite, desired and at risk of being destroyed. Remove that, and you remove the entire reason for the sandbox to even exist.

Why gather materials and components when there’s no value to it? Why build when there’s no value to it? Why grow an Empire if there’s nothing of value to it?

All those other types of games you’re referring to are transient experiences for a reason. They have no permanence or inherent value that doesn’t go up in smoke at the end of the round or the next server reset and so on. Everything you’ve done up until that point becomes pointless, and you get to start all over with blank papers and new crayons.

Eve doesn’t work like that. Never will.

Introducing threat, chaos and shaking up the sandbox can only have one long-term result in Eve: All those things we put value on? The value increases. The motivation to build things, group together in teams and face the stress of danger goes up.

… and some weaklings like you will fail and wither away, because you don’t even understand what a sandbox even is.


And yet the risk averse issue they’re trying to force fix stands in opposition of everything you’re saying ;).

By your logic, everyone would be throwing everything at everyone all the time, but they don’t…go figure…

Honestly too, I think you’re kind of a moron because you’ve probably posted over 1k times on both this and the other post regularly which tells me you probably haven’t done anything during the blackout, definitely not PvPing b/c that takes time… and most of your posts are utter nonsense that really has little backing such as the one you posted above…


Lol, cute.

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The risk averse issue as you call it isn’t that much of a problem. It’s pretty easily countered by balancing risk and reward. The more value things get through the process of Blackout and other means Hilmar and CCP goes for, the more motivation there is to attain said values. Of course, cowards like you will still fail, but this entire game was built on people braving the risks of New Eden in order to succeed.

There’ll be more than enough people of strength, innovation and drive to lead the way and you and your kind will do what you’ve always done. Fall behind or desperately hold on to their apron strings. It’s really not much different than how it is now, in that particular regard.

It would appear you can’t read, so perhaps get someone else to come give it a try for you. Perhaps you’ll be able to follow it if they doodle it out in crayon or something. What you don’t seem to understand is that there is a desirable balance. Creation and destruction, organization and touch of upheaval and chaos, building and tearing down, growth and… well. Right now, there’s no balance. Nullsec, even now with Blackout, is pretty much pure stagnation. Infinite ore, infinite isk, infinite beardom, and the “sandbox” is just spent kitty litter full of turds and chunks of bloated piss sand.

You can’t even really build anything out there anymore. It’s all already built. Safe and boring. Every new thing churned out just ends up on an already existing stack or pile.

Balance requires risk. Vastly more risk than there is now, with the attending destruction, followed by increased scarcity etc, increases value and value increases motivation to create, and so on and so forth. This isn’t a difficult concept to grasp, I’m sure you’ll be able to catch on eventually.

I’m sure some NPC corp newbling alt from 2012 with no registered actual activity anywhere is someone who’s judgment is sound of course, when it comes to what others do in Eve. If you can’t shiptoast while running your accounts, I have to question your capabilities, really.

You see, proving my point you’re a moron. Those that speak the loudest are often the most ignorant…

The best part is A. almost all of your most recent kills have been in high/low sec. B. your most notable kills were in PH/PL at it’s peak, and what happened to them…oooohh yeah they’re a shadow of their former selves because the “elitest pvpers” thought crabbing was a waste of time/for plebs…

Oh yeah and the icing on the cake, I’ve played since 06, I’ve had over 200 kills in just the last two weeks since the blackout started, and I haven’t (unlike you) spent most of my time ship spinning while I attack people on the forums for being “weak”…

Maybe the devs should give you a Moron title next to your name on the forums :wink:


Oh and honestly, since the introduction of the blackout, I find most of the pvp fights to be pretty boring. Don’t get me wrong, the thrill of rolling around relatively unseen in an af gang with logi is fun, but after a while shooting fish in a barrel gets kind of old.

If I had to put my thumb on it, the big fleet fights have always been the most enjoyable, because most of the time they’re actually relatively even and comprised of groups that actually fight back, as opposed to the “let me find someone who can’t defend themselves and kill them and if I can’t I run” pvp that has become prevalent since the blackout started.

But to your point about “risk” I’d say the pvp has overall become much less risky to the nth degree, hence the 200 honestly easy KM’s catching people on gates, or ratters in anoms. Fun, but boring after about the 20-30th one…


My most notable kills were in PL/PH?

… sweetie, I’ve quite literally never been part of either. You know, calling someone morons when you can’t even read a timeline is kind of sad. Try again. This character doesn’t even have recent kills. It hasn’t been logged in for half a year, you absolute dimwit. When you get the very basics right, I might deign to bother reading the rest of your nonsense.

Lol so probably bought the account…and then spent most of your time in high/low sec, but “yes CCP this is a great change! I don’t live in NULL but thank you for making those NULL bears everyone talks about lose isk!”

Yep, they definitely need to add a Moron title next to your name on the forums!


Prove it, tough guy.

No, this account was not bought. This and the other eight all trained the various chars the old-fashioned way. Well, the really old-fashioned way with training skills taking the first month and a half, for most of them. You just can’t read a timeline. Try again: This character has never been in PL/PH. Now, if you’d had two braincells to rub together, this should probably give you a clue as to why there’s a corp in the history that is now part of PL. Hint: Past and present are two different things.

If you looked a bit closer at the timeline, you should actually be able to see that this particular character has lived everywhere but wormholes.

… and you posting on an alt with no registered activity, yet assuming this is the only one I own is kind of sad. You don’t really think very far ahead, do you?

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Lol “spent time in every part of Eve” While you were apart of MC that hasn’t held space in years… I would honestly have said PL would have been a more reputable group for any opinion on the blackout, but clearly you don’t live in NULL you used to just go there to get kills…

I think it’s hilarious too that you literally let the cat out of the bag with " Try again. This character doesn’t even have recent kills. It hasn’t been logged in for half a year" hence the ship spinning during the blackout…lmao

@CCP_Falcon please give this guy a Moron title next to his name so the rest of the forum know’s who they’re talking to :wink:


Can’t ship spin if you don’t log in, dearie. You’re quite right though, I don’t live in null. I haven’t lived in null, low, high or WHs for months. This isn’t exactly news. You should look a bit further back though. MC is almost yesterday in terms of history. The tale starts long before that.

As for Falcon, well I knew him back before he became Falcon. He’s got plenty of reason to title me all manner of things, but I suspect he’d rather prefer stories about V not going all too public. Those were the days. Lowsec was quite the hoot and so was null at that.

QUE Moron title — Here comes the name drop!

Another moron that doesn’t live in Null championing the changes that have no effect on him… again the loudest are often the most ignorant!

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Respect your elders, dearie. You’ll look less silly.

Give it time, the alliances need to create systems to counter the roaming. When that happens the real pvp will start. I suspect they will retreat back into area’s of space that are controlled by just a few chokes, then set up camps. Its intuitively the most strategic move to make.

Once this starts, you’ll get lots of small-mid gang pvp, and that will result in omg-fun pew pew.

Miz was part of MC 3 years ago when MC was one of the groups prosecuting the War Of Many Names And Now One More, through the sov-holding phase, the Imperium Hakonen deployment, on through until Tortuga was sold to Max Singularity. Prior to that (and after), Miz spent a number of years active in the FW warzones w/U’K and hunting solo. And even that only scratches the surface.

and the bad old days of Verone and Veto… yeesh.

In other words, this situation calls for Slovotsky’s Law #14: When you know not whereof you speak, your mouth is best used for chewing.

Have bagel, kiddo.


Lol why would I respect anyone that talks out of both sides of their mouth? You have as much experience as Brooks Halten in Shawshank redemption when he got out of jail with how things actually work now…

What you did in the past has no practical application to what’s going on today, even more so to Arrendis’ point that you spent the last half of your eve life in FW in low sec… (Which mind you is probably one of the biggest problems with Eve is people like you and the Devs (who spend most of their time in FW) thinking they know what’s best for the game when they don’t actually live in the places they feel the need to make changes to…)

Just because you played the game for a while (which mind you my main is older than yours and probably has more stories) doesn’t mean you have any valid experience in any of the recent changes especially considering you’re not even engaging in them…

You call people weak…but yet you’re not even TRYING the new content… pretty much a joke…


Yer a doink if you think you have to live in null to have a clue about hunting in null. While there’s a big difference in the mindset between nullbloc residents and hunters, that experience isn’t at all invalid, and Miz’s observations aren’t wrong.

There’s a difference between ‘this isn’t enough to bring me back’ and ‘I’m unsubbing because no local waaah’. The people who were out there sucking crock before, but won’t even undock now? Yeah. That’s weak.

Now g’wan. Tell me I don’t live in null. Tell me I don’t deal with the spodbrains and krabs out here, and I don’t know what I’m talking about.

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