BWAAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. I’m saying Miz is right for one reason, and one reason only: because Miz is right. When Miz is wrong, I’m more than willing to say so. So, since you, on your happy little NPC corp alt, have provided no actual evidence of having a damned thing to do in null, but you’re belittling the opinion on the matter of someone who does actually live there (Hi, that’d be me), then I guess by your own measure, your opinion (because I’m assuming you didn’t mean ‘you are opinion’ the way you wrote it) doesn’t matter, does it?
I mean, if you wanna keep being a pissy little beyotch attacking the messenger, not the substance, that’s your call, but as many, many people can tell you, I’m more than happy to argue over pretty much anything nonstop for months on end until even Gevlon was reduced to banning me from his blog. And I’m happy to do it with walls of text that made most of /r/eve look brief and succinct1.
The fact of the matter is that you haven’t actually provided any real counterargument to the substance of Miz’s posts. Not a single one. Can you? After all, if you’re so experienced in the state of things now, can you actually refute the content of the things you’re disagreeing with, or are you just going to hide behind ‘but you’re being mean and calling people weak and even if you’re not hiding behind an alt like I am, I tried to claim you bought the account to discredit you based on absolutely no evidence and despite the evidence to the contrary provided by subtle clues like a goon telling a long-standing goon-hater ‘we’ve fought over this particular issue in the past’ which really should’ve told me that maybe you’ve an established history on this account and I’m being a particularly dense flavor a dipshit, but one of the joys of being a particularly dense flavor of dipshit is I’m too dense to realize any of that!’
I mean, I’m not saying you’re a particularly dense flavor of dipshit. That’d be rude. But it does seem to be what you’re saying about yourself, so I’m offering it up as my opinion of the situation and how I’m reading your words to mean. That way, you can clarify it. I’m not insulting you, you see, I’m trying to let you clarify whether or not you’re insulting you. Because I don’t think you mean to be, but you certainly do seem to be and that’s just unfortunate.
So: on the substance of Miz’s opinion of the Blackout. You got anything? Anything at all?
1. One of which, for the record, this was not.