Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread - Part Deux!

Actually there’s a huge difference, that’s like saying “I traveled to Egypt so I know what life is like in Egypt” especially when the last time you traveled was during colonial control…

If you don’t live there, if you don’t operate there, if you haven’t even entertained the content, but have the nerve to tell other’s they’re “weak” or belittle people’s opinions on the matter that DO actually live there, you’re opinion doesn’t matter…

And the fact you’re defending him because he’s an old buddy/acquaintance of yours despite the fact that he’s not even engaging in the new content and has an overly loud opinion on it really means your opinion on the matter means very little too… bias


Hear that, Red? We’re buddies. This is giving me flashbacks to that guy calling me an “SSoE Toting Pacifist”.

lmao now you’re reporting my posts b/c you don’t like what I said…GO FIGURE!

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Actually darling, that was me. You earned it.


So you’re violating the rules of the forum by reporting posts that are on topic…

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If you think outright insulting someone is on topic, then you’ve got quite some problems, deary.

oh you mean like " For starters, I doubt it. Secondly, are you really so arrogant and -->>>stupid<<<<— that you’re claiming Blackout to be your idea? Thirdly, if you can’t even get your and you’re right, you really need to stop posting. You’re embarrassing yourself." ? lol

That’s literally just one I scrolled up two seconds to find, I’m sure of the 55 other posts wouldn’t be hard to find a myriad of insults…

BWAAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. I’m saying Miz is right for one reason, and one reason only: because Miz is right. When Miz is wrong, I’m more than willing to say so. So, since you, on your happy little NPC corp alt, have provided no actual evidence of having a damned thing to do in null, but you’re belittling the opinion on the matter of someone who does actually live there (Hi, that’d be me), then I guess by your own measure, your opinion (because I’m assuming you didn’t mean ‘you are opinion’ the way you wrote it) doesn’t matter, does it?

I mean, if you wanna keep being a pissy little beyotch attacking the messenger, not the substance, that’s your call, but as many, many people can tell you, I’m more than happy to argue over pretty much anything nonstop for months on end until even Gevlon was reduced to banning me from his blog. And I’m happy to do it with walls of text that made most of /r/eve look brief and succinct1.

The fact of the matter is that you haven’t actually provided any real counterargument to the substance of Miz’s posts. Not a single one. Can you? After all, if you’re so experienced in the state of things now, can you actually refute the content of the things you’re disagreeing with, or are you just going to hide behind ‘but you’re being mean and calling people weak and even if you’re not hiding behind an alt like I am, I tried to claim you bought the account to discredit you based on absolutely no evidence and despite the evidence to the contrary provided by subtle clues like a goon telling a long-standing goon-hater ‘we’ve fought over this particular issue in the past’ which really should’ve told me that maybe you’ve an established history on this account and I’m being a particularly dense flavor a dipshit, but one of the joys of being a particularly dense flavor of dipshit is I’m too dense to realize any of that!’

I mean, I’m not saying you’re a particularly dense flavor of dipshit. That’d be rude. But it does seem to be what you’re saying about yourself, so I’m offering it up as my opinion of the situation and how I’m reading your words to mean. That way, you can clarify it. I’m not insulting you, you see, I’m trying to let you clarify whether or not you’re insulting you. Because I don’t think you mean to be, but you certainly do seem to be and that’s just unfortunate.

So: on the substance of Miz’s opinion of the Blackout. You got anything? Anything at all?

1. One of which, for the record, this was not.


Actually I’ve provided several arguments… they just haven’t been in the form of “you’re an idiot, you’re stupid, whaaa” as almost every single one of his have (despite again, HE DOENS’T LIVE IN NULL)

So continue to rush to your buddies side, because you feel the need to defend someone who doesn’t live there and who’s opinion means 0 because of it…makes no difference to me :slight_smile:


You really haven’t. You’ve just gone on about how bad it is that he thinks people who run and hide away when things get at all risky are ‘weak’, and how dare he have an opinion when ZOMG HE DOESN’T LIVE IN NULL IN TYOOL 2019 THE VILE FIEND!!!

Hell, near as I can tell you don’t live in null. So why should you care what you think?

I’m confused… Are you scrolling through the posting history of another person and try to attribute their posting to me?

do you type at like one word an hour? b/c it takes a loooooonngggg time of seeing your face down there with a reply to get that wall of text…lol

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I’m pointing out the hypocrisy that you casually skip over the 50 some odd posts of someone insulting someone and choose one specific one to report…

WHICH MIND YOU conveniently disagreed with your stance in this entire dialogue…go figure…

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What wall of text? That wasn’t a wall of text. Holy carp, that’s 4 paragraphs, and they’re not even really long ones. You got a weird sense of ‘wall of text’.

soooo 1 word every 2 hours then? lol…cuz that was a looooong time for that long winded dont insult my bro response…lol

Well honey, I’ve got a life. I’m hardly reading every post in this thread. Only take a peek every now and then and skip a dozen or a hundred posts in between…

But oh boy, must have struck a salt seam with you. So angry and so easy to upset… Do yourself a favour and step away from the keyboard.

lol again…skipped over the ones you agree with, reported the one you don’t…

Probably b/c you’re Miz’s alt…hmmmmm

They’re actually all my alts. :open_mouth:

So are you. :open_mouth: :open_mouth:


Even ontopic, you can still violate rules. Take a breath, go take a shower to allow yourself to cool down.

No clearly I am an @Orca_Platypus alt.

Oh my god why would you do that?!?!

I’m pretty sure he hadn’t noticed they made another thread.

Couldn’t you just go say his name 3 times in a candle-lit bathroom at midnight or something, geez.