He noticed, I am his alt… remember?
Now that’s just not even nice to do to yourself.
Maria Dragoon is GMing this thread.
Rocks fall, everyone dies, apparently.
ogodno I’m not claiming any one of ya’ll as my alts. I have too many as it is, and I kind of pride myself on only attaining and carrying one player history on this name.
Well, except Falcon. His original character is my alt.
y wud u do dis
I mean, if you want me to provide a wall of text, it’s not outside the range of possibility. But first you’d have to say something worth actually taking the time to craft a response. So far, you haven’t done that. You’ve barely even said anything worth rattling off a few run-on sentences with the intention of mildly amusing myself. And, by the way, I do apologize for taking such a very long time to avoid things like using the wrong ‘you’re’ when I mean 'your’1. Or making sure I actually capitalize the beginnings of sentences2, don’t insert a space between the opening " of a quote and the first letter in the quoted text3, capitalizing the first word in a proper noun but not the second4 (that was a really weird one to screw up, for the record), or using the non-word ‘que’ when you mean 'cue’5. For that matter, you know, I also added little touches like the formatting for footnotes. I do understand that you have trouble with this sort of thing, but really, if you put just a little bit of craftsmanship into your writing, you won’t come across like a mouth-breathing moron.
But, again, I’m not saying you’re a mouth-breathing moron. That’d be insulting, wrong, and against the forum rules. I’m just saying that’s the way you come across, as a piece of hopefully-helpful advice to let you take a moment and consider the way you’re typing and whether or not the literacy level of a drunken weasel in a persistent vegetative state is really the kind of public face you want to present in a text-based medium. It’s not the direction I’d go, obviously, but hey, fortune favors the bold, right? So you do you… whatever you happen to think you are.
But don’t worry. I’m sure if you really want to try to come up with something clever, rather than just insulting typiing speed while ladling errors into every single post you make, you can… nah, you probably can’t, can you?
And for the record, this is about what I type in 2h. (It actually took 94m, composed on the fly, if I’m being precise6.) What can you produce of substance in that time?
1 - Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread - Part Deux!
2 - Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread - Part Deux!
3 - Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread - Part Deux!
4 - Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread - Part Deux!
5 - Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread - Part Deux!
6 - No, I don’t have that memorized. Wordpress saves timestamps. It’s terribly handy.
We all know your only alts are Aldrith and Napkins anyway.
Please stop spamming the report feature. It’s a tool, not a toy.
Well. You haters did good didn’t you.
Q.Q bots.
Now every single gate is camped by FRT bots.
clap, clap.
Enjoy the final sellout of eve under the rule of that ginger Fucktard.
(also, no you may not have any of my ■■■■. Just gonna leave it there.
I will, if it kills me, find a way to insert a “Napkins” in you, sideways.
This may be the cruelest thing anyone has ever laid at my feet.
I have removed some off topic posts. Keep it civil and on topic. Thank you.
Thanks luv. I have no words for how much I do not envy you lot. Unpaid moderating of boards with us as users.
There’s a circle of hell that is precisely identical to this, you know?
Edit: Anyway, theories on what Hilmar means when he threatened further chaos? I’m thinking he might push messing with cynos, making it harder to just drop a million supers on a Rorqual when it gets bubbled. Or something of the sort. What do you lot think?
Nothing that will take a lot of developer time to put into effect, given that CCP’s generally out of the office July-August.
So flipping a few ones and zeroes around, like if-PANIC-Cyno = 0 instead of 1, or something of the sort.
… although that’s way too drastic, I’m just mentioning it as one of the things I bet they’d like to do something about. Super Umbrellas are still too oppressive as long as Rorquals remain the best mining platform even with just T2 Mining Drones. Until they can do something dev-time-heavy like rebalance Rorqs, supers, etc (along lines previously discussed), I can sort of see limiting cynos being more likely. I was thinking something like limiting the number of ships that can jump to the Rorqual at all, but I can’t really think of a way that doesn’t break it elsewhere. Besides, easily circumvented, unless you can tie cyno capability/cooldown to specific grids somehow.
Anyway, looks like the evening’s amusement is done. Time to eat and hit the sack.
apparently content is getting so hard to find that bombers are camping planets just to kill epithals. oh wait , we should be aligned and checking dscan, or have scouts out when we do PI, seriously, there is something wrong here.
Blackout, is just there to make it harder and benefit new people to easy kill a guy who did support the game for years who has 5+ acc who can fly capitals on all of them or do have rorqual pilots basically they are telling f— u we will make u a easy target now… (just to stop them from making that insane amounts of isk since they cant manage to deal with the inflation) that try to stop people from farming or force them to go in to the pvp is ridiculous… I have met a lot of older people playing the game just to farm who ain’t good at pvp (basically for years in the game and know nothing about it) but are persistent at farming and good at it.
Btw that new idea fuel for moving capitals is hilarious, again a punch in to the face for does who are for years here telling does people f— u from now u will use all of ur capitals for some strategic stuff and keep them at ur keepstar… It makes me just laugh about that idea “lets make eve great again”, its more going the other way… I know there are a lot of problems at the game, a lot of stuff to deal with but that’s definitely not the way! One problem I did face when I came to the game and some people I did invite in the game is how much time it takes to get to the point where some people are who play it for years and its still the same problem. Maybe try to deal with that stuff, make it more friendly for new players and the people are playing at the moment. People shouldn’t skill for years to fly a ship, just to fly I don’t wanna talk about the skill levels. Lower the research times to begin with, that hardcore gamer is a dying generation. The new generations who play games want everything a bit faster, they don’t wanna skill 2 years to fly a Titan, all of us wanna have a Titan at the end even if the ship is just standing at the keepstar its cool to have one.
so here’s a question… @CCP_Falcon, Hellmar said you all are getting on average 16k new players a week…if that is the case why aren’t any of those numbers being reflected in the average players online on any day of the week? lol
PI a sin anyways.
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