Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread - Part Deux!

The dishonesty of suggesting that WHs are just “null without local” has grown tiresome.

It’s a lie. You know it’s a lie, we know it’s a lie, the devs know it’s a lie, and so it’s difficult to understand what you’re trying to accomplish by asking such a disingenuous question, apart from giving everyone the very accurate impression that you’re a dishonest person with an agenda, and not someone attempting to get to the truth of the matter.

Wormholes come with a multitude of additional properties/features/difficulties.
-Weather effects
-You better like scanning, you’re going to do it a lot
-Logistics are inherently more difficult
-While the income can be quite good for smaller numbers of people, it doesn’t scale as easily to support thousands of people
-No supers whatsoever
-No R64s
-No cynos

And that is by no means an exhaustive list.

Trying to bamboozle everyone with this, “if no local so gud, whycome wormhole so empty?” horseshit is just ■■■■■■■ asinine.