What you demand is that CCP make a game where being outnumbered 1000 to 1 is not a disadvantage for the attacker.
Talking about a ‘level playing field’ makes absolutely no sense in this context.
You don’t put in nearly as much effort as maintaining an umbrella takes, yet demand free kills - try to be like Olmeca and earn your sucess instead of whining for more and more whaling buffs that competent PVPers don’t need to extract some fun gameplay from the big blocks.
Strawman harder. No one’s demanded that. I’m advocating for when changes are being made, that they affect the various populations of Eve somewhat proportionally, and that playing fields aren’t disproportionally uneven. No more, no less. For that to happen, they can’t be put into the game in ways that can be completely ignored by those with infinite resources.
The way things are right now basically ensures that all “play/counterplay” options won’t affect any established bloc, and thus neuters even the “play” option for anyone else.
He needs to go hide in his corner and if he thinks there is prejudice between CSMs and him, he needs to check his ego at the door. At least the CSM guys live in null sec. We may not agree with them, we may not like their entities, but they live in null sec. That idiot, dont know if he even spent 1 day in null. So please don’ t use him as an example for anything.
Same goes for Falcon, Hillmar and the rest of those numbnuts
Yea you want to punish people for bonding together wich doesn’t make sense for a game thats famous for it’s multi thousand player battles.
If you want to evict 40k goons try bringing 40k eliete pvpers.
Theres nothing in the gameemechanics preventing you.
I talked to the man before election, and the only thing in the world he cared about was “my whaling”.
He was for increasing cap proliferation because “more whales to kill”, increasing cap usage rewards because “more whales in space”, and generally, the whole point of him running was his ego.
… so you’re a genuine moron. If that says “punish people for bonding together” to you, I can only weep for the bearer of whatever loins you sprang from.
Come back when you have a middling grasp of both language and game balance.
That’d be so cool!
I have several suggestions to the cause:
When you install observatory/Ihub in ratting/mining system, 2 control units spawn somewhere in constelation. They last for 30 mins, then disappear and respawn in another system.
Hacking this entity will allow the intruder to mess up with local in ratting/mining system the way he wants. I mean I suggest giving the intruder access to control panel with several options like:
-Delaying update in system with local by n seconds.
-Allowing shiptype , fleet or alliance avoid appearing in system with local.
-Forsing local in target system to glitch and display pilots from other systems (preferably the null/low systems with most resent gatejumps) in addition to actual pilots that are in system with local. (CCP breaks locals pun intended, but this will force ratting pilots to dock until they figure out what’s going on, reducing their isk/tick rate)
-If you hack a control unit that was recalibrated to malfunction, you can either apply additional options, or restore the node integrity. This way ratters can try to find the node that was hacked and fix it. After it’s fixed there’ll be a message in system with local, announcing the name of a hackign pilot(s) and the exact hacks that were applied. The next message will announce that the local was restored and the name of a pilot who did it. (All other hacks are not announced when applied)
3)After being hacked, the entity remains in space until it’s lifespawn is ended, and may be re-hacked by other party. Applied changes stay for 15 minutes regardless of entity remaining lifespawn.
I think this will allow small forces to contest powerblocks ratting parties, without hurting smaller alliances more than powerblocks.
It’ll force ratters to either set eyes in “at least” 3 different systems: gate to ratting system, and 2 control units that are changing it’s location every 30 mins.
It’ll create small-scale content around control units.
It’ll allow to fake an attack on ratting systems to force most carefull carebeers to dock, losing isk rate, and on other side force most careless to become even more careless, and eventually pay a price for it.
More options allow for different tactics and different outcomes. Impact on the whole constellation, I was thinking system-based, but yes why not whole constellation, also an interesting idea.
have you ever seen a nul care bear? Doesn’t seem you have killed any so i thought i’d ask
Do you consider popping newbies out doing relic sites as PVP?
It seems your corp is either ganking newbies or getting killed by NPC’s - Is this how you see your Eve career going or do you have a plan to see what eve is really like outside the safety bubble of ganking newbies.
Don’t be offended or get all defensive, I am just curious. The first few years i played was very different to how i play now. I thought after my first few months diving into lowsec and nulsec getting kills was “just it”, I’d found my niche - 15 years later, I’m so glad i found some friends who offered to show me other aspects of the game.
what? That’s exactly how it’s gone almost my entire eve career in NS. And if 10 jumps wasn’t enough time to form a fleet, than seriously that corps/alliance was really really really bad. Five years ago that would be a bubble, ceptors and subcaps to beat the interlopers. More recently it was the same, except add a few Supers on standby (or with you on gate). Usually a form only took only a couple minutes unless it was completely out of the group’s play times.
Also if you spent as much time putting together believable coherent arguments instead of trying to extrapolate assumed experiences on one character’s KB --you might get more respect.