Then, I guess, you should be happy that local intel gives you a challenge to catch pve’ers. Instead of whining about it embrace it. But alas you dont want a challenge, your grant vision is a Space Farmville, where you farm PVEers and boast your ‘PVP’ skills.
Is anyone else having it very hard to get back into nullsec after derpout? Because I am.
Before derpout me and my mates had a very clear goal: rebuild cap fleet, take better sov, hold it. We couldn’t use rorqs because we live in a tube with constant hostile traffic within 2 blocs hotdrop range, so stuff your “nullsec fatcat rorq miner” argument somewhere it belongs, and we could only use carriers around downtime when we get less roaming ganktards than usual 4 per minute.
And now, I see derpout, and I ask CCP “why would I want to take better sov if there’s LITERALLY no benefit to holding it, unless you’re under bloc supercap umbrella?”. We’ll just get camped and supercap-dropped to death, with zero counterplay options - with local at least providing warning that you are in fact camped, and should not bring out anything shinier than T1 battleship. We get no benefit from near2 and intel channels, because, well, it’s safe assumption that within peak time there’s ALWAYS traffic, so all the talk about “advance warning” is not an argument here either, most of the time we’re first in the chain to see someone anyway.
Now every time I think of getting back and undocking my barges, I think “why?”. CCP can just blackout again and every piece of ore in my cargohold is losing all value, so does every single ISK in my wallet, every ship, and every character I own. Moreover, Hilmar talks like the derpout is some kind of success (and probably means that it succeeded in something other than losing massive amount of subs). At start, I was secretly holding on to my optimistic opinion that it’s a heist to collect all subbing ganktards sub money, and then toss them out like any business does with idiots, but after it held for 2 months, I’m not so sure anymore.
Therefore, here’s a serious question: What do I do in a game which threatens to invalidate everything I’ve done in it over at least 5 years with another derpout? Any reasons I had to log in and undock evaporate before this question.
this orca guy sounds like hes suffering some serious “the world owes me everything” syndrome. if you live in a pipe then go to the backend of nowhere. live in a WH, live in highsec or lowsec or quit the game. otherwise join goons/test/PL or some other super umbrella and happily mine away. I’ve done the whole cap thing and honestly its all severely overblown. its a huge stress relief to not be worried about someone coming after your cap, and 700 mil a week is more than enough for all PvP that isn’t only blue fit HACs or pirate battleships.
im curious if they have a good metric now to gauge how much of the direct-inject isk is made by botters out in null. a lot of the changes have been to indirectly nerf nullsec anoms. maybe CCP will directly nerf the isk per site or make nullsec actually dynamic with its resource allocation. fountains of perfectly scaling isk without even superficial involvement in the market seems not right.
Are you going to tell me the game doesn’t owe me entertainment for subscription?
I’ve been to the backend of nowhere, but as it stands, it’s only possible within a bloc that owns said backend of nowhere, and if I wanted to join blocs, I’d be in one already, sitting in super under umbrella farming them infinite iskies for no apparent reason.
eve pvp is a niche boring system which is a chore (at best) to interact with, I’d prefer to avoid every bit of it outside of what’s needed to achieve some goal.
That ISK goes poof when the botter is exposed, including neg-walleting buyers, so I afraid that metric is pointless.
I’d say you’re very wrong about lack of involvement - extracting said ISK requires investments in ship, skills, and gear - which requires market interaction.
Otherwise, I’m fine with pve remake (provided it won’t benefit goons so hard as the last one, CFCCPls) - it would honestly strike bots much harder than derpout could possibly do, without hurting people as much. We had a ton of events in the recent years, which I believed to be tests for new pve systems, but apparently this was wishful thinking.
I will tell you the games owes you omega for your subscription and nothing more lul. almost every other form of isk making in this game requires using the market to sell to other players. incursions give concord LP, faction warfare gives LP and L4 missions give LP. all these take isk to exchange before you sell to other players for profit. every form of industry requires sales to other players. ratting has 0 involvement with other players outside PvP interaction. lack of interaction with other players is bad for an MMO. so whatever they can do to make PvE more dynamic will in the long run benefit the game. automated instant intel service discourages dynamic and co-operative gameplay, so they nerfed it.
Lies. Ratting ships do not magically appear out of thin air. You have to interact with market to get them.
Mistake. ISK making is portayed as end goal, while most of the time you’re making ISK not to make ISK, but to trade it for something else, and for most things in eve, there’s more than one way of getting stuff, and it may not involve much ISK to use the other way.
How does group pve fit into this faulty image of yours?
And the nerf discouraged any gameplay at all, except the lowest forms of ganktarding on people clueless enough to undock in a derpout. Classic case of cure being worse than illness.
the lowest forms of life make up the greatest amount and diversity on this planet. join us! the lichen and bacteria calls for you! become one with the low and experience the true joys of eve as one of the true beings! be as an amoeba on the waves of the great era of chaos! let the patches roll over you as your pod drifts on the currents of change. or be as the mighty fedo and call any space station home, finding unlikely ways to prosper on the trade routes.
Hear me! Ye who believe their gameplay to be sacred! for the strength of the inflexible will fade like the shields of an abandoned POS, and those who think highly of only their game will fall to scourge rage and burning scorch! Indeed I tell you! the very pits of Zkillboard are open and waiting to receive their corporation history as their names are biomassed! for only the lowly and teeming will inherit the future of New Eden.
Ganktard bullcrap aside, I take it you have no answer to my serious question?
Roaming empty space for an occasional barge kill is even more pointless and retarded than printing ISK in a super under bloc umbrella.
P.S. Should’ve checked killboards before taking another safe space dwelling scrub seriously, I got no more questions for you.
People should bring to their hair-carrying pumices that in order to talk BO, must define BO at least in their fantasy.
A blackout is not coming back in the form of a bit of this without the horror of that.
It is or it is not, period.
And for a true Blackout, which I would unequivocally support, there should be zero information about the area, not even cartography.
It would be the only way I would accept it. The rest is strict BS from biased tendencies in order to pursue the slightest advantage according to an agenda.
A BO should guarantee absolute equal opportunity for everyone.
And since there is not enough will or manpower to embark in such monumental task, CCP will not even try.
Some say make up a structure, a whiteout structure that counters a by default BO (nut only comms, ok…? the rest, leave as is)
To which I say, well, why not leave comms as is and have the incoming threat be the one to raise that structure, in order to inflict BO.
And we will get nowhere.
And guys, face it: a true Blackout is WH space.
A chicken space that can be isolated for complete safety not even theoretically achievable in nullsec.
Ratting is the only thing in Eve that actually ‘makes’ ISK besides project discovery
I don’t know why ppl can’t at least recognize what requires more individuals, coordination, teamwork, time, investment, grinding, etc…
I provided a draft list of everything needed to establish a sustainable PVE deployment in Null under current circumstances. And asked a simple question:
- What are the minimum requirements to attempt an attack on such deployment in Null under the same current circumstances?
And there is no answer because they don’t care about it. They just want to meet 3 more scumbags, fit a cyno, jump to a populated productive system, undetectable, arrive at PVE site, engage, light, POW… PRO PVP!
It will never happen again.
People better start providing a well backed point for the discussion or just move towards proposing a different approach (other than BO) to the fact that an environmental intervention has proven to be possible, that it can work to improve Null making it something we all want and are willing to fight for, and that doesn’t require the amount of work compared to making differential, segmented changes. EVE needs that and quickly!
Anyone who wishes to establish a discussion must provide the answers before echoing fallacies like “super safe”, “free intel”… etc… It was earned!
Those who said it are the same who phuked up EVE’s summer, they don’t know this game.
Whatever happens in Null that’s worth mentioning, took at least months to build and some want to just show up and demand it to be easier~to detect, hunt or killed? well, ■■■■ you!
But the BIG CHANGE that would make Nullsec more healthy than it is now has literally nothing to do with buffing whaling.
Whalers are some sort of scum living off nullsec empires’ garbage really.
What CCP really should worry about is how to get SOV warfare to a state where more alliances are compelled to throw Cap fleets at each other.
Whaling is a playstyle for parasites latching on to Nullsec players - make Nullsec itself more healthy and whalers will thrive all on their own without special attention - just like weeds do everywhere
Oh I agree… but let me…
An environmental change…
See WH space, notice some things can, some cannot happen within it according to type. There are other stuff that alter shield, prop, etc… whatever.
It’s an environmental state that has hull type, mass, etc… attributes that make that environment, which is different per WH type, react IN FAVOR OR AGAINST whatever carries those attributes.
Why change a stupid ship? THE SHIP IS PERFECT… you hear that? PERRFECT! So are modules, structures (not), etc.
The environment could be established based on what goes on WITHIN THE SYSTEM with probable BLEEDING to it’s surroundings.
Done. An environmental alteration, handled BY PLAYERS that will deal with most of our demons IF handled with care on the coding. It’s not easy but IT IS EASIER… get it? EASIER. And that is something CCP truly CAN AND WILL DO of they just see the path.
I’m not shouting at you… but man, we have to move on, we all have to understand that we can learn that an environmental change can very well be a sound and adequate tool to make things happen with less bruhaha.
There will be no more BO!
I’m sorry, I should have defined isk making as different from isk generation. theres actually a few different ways isk is generated in game. ship insurance is the second biggest, followed (I believe) by L4 mission bonus payouts, NPC buy orders and a few other things like project discovery. but looking at the economic reports, faucets and sinks are waaay out of whack. for the average player though, isk making is just getting isk from another player, which is usually not freshly printed, unless a ratter is buying a new AFK ratting ship
I can see such systems making the game more interesting, giving the gameplay more depth but fixing sov warfare? Not so shure.
The problems at hand are too many timers and timers ontop of timers because of structure creep.
The defence against an invasion is not to fight so the invaders get bored to death.
One thing i proposed was to have sov warfare remove a bunch of timers from structures an an entire constellation at once if one critical system/structure stands undefended.
Take SOV…
well, if nothing happens within a system, no SOV, standard Null environment.
You want to build up SOV, ok… depending on what goes in that system, on the advance structures you put in, you will EARN IT, not claiming some ridiculous TCU that requires nada to exist.
Then, if you get to level A, you can propagate SOV to the adjacent systems.
It doesn’t matter if it’s not this way but the problem is that SOV must be limited if the demon is super entities and donutbrellas.
It’s a complex interaction.
AND if SOV gets to LEVEL 9000, then and only then supers can be supers INSIDE that system and perhaps 3 to 5 jumps around but there has to be a limitation.
It is not easy and might take a lot of time and effort but it’s a DIRECTION, a path, clarity, goal…
NOT THIS CRAPTOID ■■■■■■■■ that we have to swallow as effing CHAOS, which by the way IS OVER!
If your entity has Level 4 SOV, WHY THE ■■■■ A LEVEL 9000 ship is able to enter with 200 extra supermegahulls to do… what exactly?
No sir, If it is subcap SOV, subcap fight. Every entity should have a survival chance, not a free for all stumping-the-chick-cage that we have today…
That will put superhulls back on track without even touching them.
If GOONS (no pun) have a gazillion supers and whatever titons, well, sorry but those will only work against or within similar entities.
Just with adequate environmental settings derived from what goes on within.
Forget entosing, forget all that crap. you own what you can use, develop and grow and with certain limits IF yuou think it’s so terribad to have donutbrellas.
So you want 100 gewnswarms each owning 1 system?
Was discussed before in attempt to rack up sov bills per occupied system, won’t work.
So nobody is allowed to attack with supers anymore?
are the only thing enabling half the people whining for BO to come back to get any kills at all.
Besides the point annyways - people who playd this game for a while sooner or later end up with ‘some’ range of activities to pay for the rest of their playstyle. Only very few people (especially nullsec people) really view grinding for infinite amounts of isk as their goal, its just a means to an end. If you take that away and force people into a different playstyle after they already founf their nieche long ago you’re bound to piss of a bunch of customers.
I know damn well i could do without ratting if i just spent a few minutes here and there posting scams in Jita.
Doesn’t mean i’d be fine with CCP taking my ratting away and not even offering a propper alternative.
I’ve been playing with my corp mates for years - i helped building this group from literally nothing to one of the top Corps within Goonswarm.
If i’d have to spend half my time elswhere to make money CCP would have managed to do what no in-game hardship ever came close to. They’d make me abandon my space family.
To make whaling the single most overbuffed playstyle in this game was a stupid idea that deserved to be financially punished.
At least building mega alliances requires thousands of people and REAL diplomacy so they have good reason to be on top of the food chain.
Whalers do nothing of consequence at all.