Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread - Part Deux!

No, I don’t think, nor am I providing answers.

I’m saying that BO has no future.
That if we are here to discuss it, It is more constructive to try on what we’ve learned from it.
That I see and try to show us all that the exercise showed a possibility.
That environment can be the answer. But not the 42.

If CCP is phuckd up to the point of no return, well still what I’m saying is way more useful.

If EVE is FUBAR, why are we here? I just want to make it something useful instead of all the crap biased Cro-magnons and Neanderthals keep throwing against each other in here.

But it is doable, you have to give me that. And it is EASIER.

CCPlease hire 250 new developers and spend the next 12 months reviewing code written by people long gone and try to figure out what does what, and the cobble together this new idea without breaking any working and desirable code, and make it live and see if the new game Xucca proposes saves Eve!

You know, what you propose would be easier to try out in Eve 2.

Look, I can’t argue that, I don’t know. All I can say is that it would be less work to achieve.
If you don’t like it or think it would not work, just say it.

I don’t understand what you don’t like, since I’m not giving any answers or saying how it has to be.
Those were examples.

It would be far easier and BO showed it’s doable.

But you think it’s not.

Ok, point taken.

But don’t take it personal, don’t crap yourself with

It’s not necessary. Just say you don’t agree and if possible, bring a reason or a better idea.

If not, just say “I don’t like it” and be done.

Uhm what for? pls explain?

are you even aware of what olmeca did before any of the chaos bs started to happen?
have you watched this thing?

There are paths of interacting with sov empires without joining them but the name of the SOV game is nation building.
I’d like to see some small Corp infiltrating an alliance and launching a coup from within.
Angry renters throwing their landlords into Highsec.
But im not quite shure what you really want? Small corps holding sov all on their own without any super caps? Sounds like a c2 to me.

I don’t like it. Hard to be “done with it” because you keep posting unrealistic development plans.

IDK, possibly they are allowed in Lowsex for mobility? I guess they should be able to move around anywhere… just not work everywhere…
Maybe I’m wrong.

Sure… which is perfect.
I’m just analyzing BO, it’s potentials, if any and the chances of it coming back.


By mobility, I mean, cyno range.
Keep in mind these things cannot just over the cyno range.

So they sometimes have to losex, a band-aid

makes sense… Maybe have Concord shoot them if they stay anywhere longer than 10 min and only minimal fatigue in exchange - could make for some fun content.

IDK, it would be nice and great experience for newcomers to see titans jumping through gates in High Sec.
They would be impervious and pretty much paperweights in HS, but quite a sight for newbies.

I’d fly one and showoff like a douchebag with a bunch of grupies all around me.

But it would have to be a sexy ship, like me, a hot one!


Or inoperative, weaponry wise. IDK… they just need to losex but they just shouldn’t be fully operational in there or in my dream world that Becham doesn’t like and thinks is impossible.

I beg to differ, Sir. :stuck_out_tongue:

Imagine a random gang shows up in your space and starts to molest innocent crabs… resistance is forming, a fleet goes up and people want to join and get their share of your loot.

Do you think the FC should close the fleet so there are not more people in it then in your gang?

Don’t go poke the big guys if you can’t deal being outnumbered or even better try yourself at an MMO that offers arena-style PVP, might be better suited to your needs.

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You misread. I didn’t say that a FC can’t make a huge blob or that people can’t join one. I didn’t say I care if its fair or not. The person I was responding to claimed that was a ‘fair’ fight and a true PVPer should always accept 10-1 odds. There are no fair fights in EVE (other than what you win). So They are free to do what they want, and I am free to not engage them.

The difference is that with local, anyone gets free intel the moment someone enters the system. I use local myself since it is there so why not. For example, just as local allows the crab to see a PVPer the moment they enter system, the PVPer also sees how many people are there as well. I can be lazy and have eyes out and use this free intel to not have to pay as much attention to monitor my supposed easy targets. Since you say i’m a coward and cherry pick targets what is one tool in the box helps do that for me? Local lol.

Say local was not there. A crab could be mining or ratting and 50 people could be in system docked up, out of scan range, etc. The PVPer doesn’t know about those 50 people so goes after the crab and then is killed by the blob in retaliation if they aren’t careful. If eyes are out for the PVPer they are more likely to miss targets coming through the gates, etc because of seeing them in local the eyes have to actually see them at a gate or on d-scan.

Anyway, in the end, both with local or without local there are ways to use the situation to your advantage whether a crab or a PVPer. The argument is really more like which is better android or ipohone? I prefer null without local and I always thought that local did not belong in null as using a chat channel for the type of intel that local gives is pretty bad gameplay. (In addition to using the ESI to monitor various things is also bad gameplay) And as I have said before, they could have possibly made removing local interesting by adding some gameplay for the ‘builders’ in eve to keep it and some gurella warfare to knock it out.


Every time you use or agree with any phrase containing “make”, “have” or the like, consider what that means. A CCP development team writing 100,000 or more lines of code and testing it against millions of lines of legacy code to make sure the fragile eggshell legacy code doesn’t implode. And then hope we like it. This is why you won’t see radical overhauls in a game that is so long in the tooth. At some point, it is easier to just make a new game than to try to make complex changes.

Well apparently really misread you, fair enough what you write here and I can see your reasoning. :+1:

BTW if you warp to the citadel cloacked you can see how many people are docked in there :wink:

But to me I found local only helps certain PVP styles, generally, I found it way more boring than before. The cyno changes although are even worse, in regards to escalations. Nothing more boring than killing a rorqual that can’t get help.

And cap umbrellas are bad eh? But no, for you every system needs their verry own guard - how about we make it so that acquiring one unit or tritanium takes one man hour to do? Would you be happy then?
Do you even think before you start babbling?

A whiny wannabe who does not want to risk his own ships in dangerous fights should not whine about ‘carebears’ relying on visibility to to their thing - thats what im going on about.

I don’t ‘disaprove’ of your syle of PVP i am merely pointing out how risk averse it is and how unproportionally more risky ratting is without local.
You’d get more content if you took more dangerous fights and would become a more competent pilot for it but thats beside the point, really. Keep your cowardly style of PVP but dont go around asking for it to be buffed while crying about risk averse cearbears.
There is no need to buff your style of PVP, it works just fine as your Killboard clearly shows.

And you still have the option to move to w-space for even more covert covert ops. Keep this nonsense out of nullsec.

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And here goes the goon PVP god once again about risk aversion… yawn… you should get back to your mining op since the hive needs some more supers for defense against the cowardly PVPers.

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Yup, we already established that i take solo fights more often and am overall less hesatant to loose ships than you are.
Call me risk averse, make a fool of yourself.

Actually, it was established I have taken more solo fights and you fight more in F1 blobs, so yeah… statistics can show whatever you want little bee.

Numerically but not in the percentage of total engagements, you understand the difference? It means i’ll have pulled ahead of you once my char is about half as old as yours.