Yeah, there’s a lot in there. Most of it completely not concrete or informative. There’s more actual info in the latest World News post. Suffice it to say, though, that Hilmar’s pretty happy with the numbers they’re showing as of… Wednesday. (Note: I have no idea why they didn’t put it out immediately. If I was CCP, I’d be pretty peeved, especially since they’d been planning to hold it until Sunday.)
25k player online very very bad
Not really. We’re slightly below the 2 Fridays immediately before the Blackout, but above the ones both before and after those weeks.
Launched the launcher, looked at the update process and closed the launcher.
Do you want this CCP?
You should go listen to the interview. You’ll get a clue what they want.
“EVE Online will enter into sort of a ‘Chaos Era’ after a fairly stable situation… which I think is turning into, as I sometimes say, our sandbox is turning into cement.” -Hilmar
“We want you on your toes, we want you to feel like the blanket’s being pulled out from underneath you every single week, so you’re panicking all the time, the heartrate goes up, you need to take stress medicine to keep focus… that is the chaos era, and it is on.” -Hilmar
Listening …
No fun, no game, no money!
Play the sandbox with cement yourself.
No need for webs or painters.
If have a good fit with drones you can clean a rat den out in 10 minutes or there abouts. That includes taking out those little spider drone buggers.
I normally sit 60km of point and have 5 sentries up, and just kill the rats with RHML’s and the sentries.
Another that gets close just pull sentries and drop lights.
And cleanups of BS or structures its 2 geckos and 3 lights please the 5 rhml’s.
Worse I’ve had was a blockade solo, took me down to 15% armour before repairs started to balance out the dps taken. Biggest issues was deciding what loot to keep and what to throw away.
This is the creepiest fuckin’ timeline. Hilmar bloody redeeming himself? I would genuinely never have thought it was even a possibility a mere six months ago. Now it’s looking like it’s almost… almost… happening. This is frightening and confusing and I like it.
If they actually manage to make the rest of the game playable again, I’ll gladly come work that shaft until it falls off. Wooh! Potentially Competent CCP, ya’ll! Get hype etc, as the parlance of the modern era would have it.
You got no clue what you are taking about. I was specifically talking about TRIGLAVIAN FLEETS.
Go into invasion system and try your luck with triglavian fleets. Your sentries are worthless there. And light drones are not nearly enough to take down trig fleet - they do have proper logi support.
18 months, he wants to have it turned around.
Well, call it a out of the box thought, but when you shake things up…You prevent things from cementing.
02:25 - Hilmar : “We’re actually experiencing right now in the month of July, MAU and DAU the highest it’s ever been in the last five years” - (DAU/MAU = Daily/Monthly active users).
04:50 - Hilmar : “Blackout is accomplishing their goals for this year, one of those goals is to make the game easier for new players and more challenging for veteran players, eve nullsec gameplay has been completely figured out and thus causing stagnancy”
I mean, we’ve been calling out the stagnancy for quite some time, but better late than never. I love the fact that both Falcon and Hilmar recognizes this.
12:20 - Falcon : The Pendulum has swung too far to the safety side and then stopped. I see Nullsec as a wasteland of people who’ve embedded in, who are happy in their little bubbles, making ■■■■ tons of ISK, under conditions safer than empire space. Capital umbrellas mean they can do whatever they want all day, I think we need to be in a position where a lot more unpredictably is throw in, rattle the cage, see who survives and who doesn’t. This goes for lowsec too.
14:15 - Falcon : Eve if up to me, would be a very harsh dark dystopian place where bad stuff happens, eve should be an absolute hellscape of terribleness.
Good, good. Yes. This. Of course, the question is, how exactly are they going to go about achieving that?
15:20 - Hilmar : "The world as we built it was static, because we never thought we’d be running eve for decades, we’re 16 years in and we’re limited by the initial conditions of the game. We need to empower eve-online with natural chaos built into the system. procedural regeneration should be built into eve and ideally it should freak we (CCP) out as to what is going on.
ogodno, stahp. no. Procedural Generation is cancer in anything that isn’t supposed to be quick Roguelike experiences, or certain kinds of survival games. It does not play well with perpetual worlds, persistent servers and so on. Dial it back, Hilmar. You’re getting too high on whatever it is you’re on.
19:40 - Hilmar : (On Resource depletion) - We need procedural regeneration, in nature when you strip mine you destroy the environment, we should have offensive mining where you destroy your opponents environments like in real life wars. Right now the system is too static. Players have become too self-sufficient, originally we had asymmetric resource distribution, then we changed it to symmetric distribution.
I mean, yes, but… not procedural generation. This is a very complicated machine and you need to be very very very meticulous with the generation and regeneration of resources and assets. This is one of those things where the flap of a butterfly’s wings will literally topple Empires once the balance is disrupted.
24:45 - 28:00 - When asked about transitioning more risk averse players who are resistant to change over to the new chaos era of eve Hilmar : When we launched the new 64bit client I was surprised by how many players immediately started using it, over 40%. There was not many real immediate benefits and it was an opt-in beta that didn’t directly affect the gameplay of most people adopting it. Because of that, we believe we have far more innovators playing eve than we original thought. That gave me a different way to think about it, based on the influx and based on the response to the relatively crazy things over the summer, the response and data has been very positive. We have much less risk averse people than you might think. Eve is designed as a difficulty mountain, but the mountain is broken. It doesn’t go high enough, and it also doesn’t go low enough.
30:20 - CCP Goodfella - The stagnation makes people more risk averse than they actually are in their natural habitat, eve players in general are hardcore and they will adapt to the chaos. We are seeing players coming back to the game because we’re shaking things up.
34:35 - CCP Falcon - the MER for July and August will look very bizarre due to the Blackout. Even when you filter out the login campaign from the data, it’s incredible to see activity is still there. ISK generated from bounties is down massively, but that player activity is still there it has just shifted to other activities as players have adapted. We believe blackout has a been a enormous success.
Good to hear CCP agrees. Just bloody well maintain the momentum. Shake up the sandbox, topple the damn towers we’ve built all over the place, and force us all to react and adapt.
42:40 - Falcon - the map needs a huge shakeup, we need to create conflict, people have built their sandcastles, now they need to fight for them.
44:30 - Falcon - We don’t need an eve classic or an eve 2. We have a great game and community, we just need to make the right changes.
51:30+ - Falcon - Want to make gathering intel more of a player skill rather than something that the game automatically gives you through ESI/ingame data. The hardcore element of the game is still here and he has hope.
1:06:00 - Hilmar - The more tools you give to players, the more large scale impersonal groups you can create. A small startup is more engaging and endearing than a huge conglomerate. We should make you have to trust players more so you get stabbed in the back more, make trusting people more important. Trust should be the fundamental currency in eve. We want eve to be the game where you always win in the most trusted, tight knit group.
I am excited as hell, while also terrified about this. It sounds to me like he understands how the megablocs are cancer and that smaller entities need to be able to thrive, and there’s that one thing that I’ve never actually heard a CCP dev acknowledge quite so well before: Trust should be the fundamental currency in Eve. This is the one thing that has been kind of glossed over for some time now. Literally everything else in Eve I can attain and maintain with mediocre effort. I’m somewhere in the top 10-20% in wealth I bet (or was, before null got isk-diarrhea) and I’ve never really had to work for my crap for a long time. I’ve been part of large scale null warfare, and I’ve taken on and defended against all kinds of different entities both solo and with others, as an industrialist entity or PvPer and so on and so forth… and I’ve never really risked more than I decided to risk.
I have always been able to say “I’ll risk this much of my crap with this structure, these PvP ships, these wars, those characters” etc, and nothing else than what I have deemed expendable have ever been at risk, really. Not to my enemies anyway.
Friends though. Friends have always been the ones who have been able to inflict actual damage to me in Eve. From the more harmless and funny stuff where my CEO steals all my combat drugs out of my god damn fleethangar during a fleet (I will have my revenge, Josh.) to the more morale ugly thing where someone I genuinely considered a friend stole a fit Vargur, which wasn’t so much of an isk loss as it was a lesson in literally no one being trustworthy in Eve. Or the time someone I trusted implicitly in real life stole blueprints worth eleven billion before they’d been researched further, etc.
Even when you curtail the possible isk loss and take the time to ensure roles and asset segregation is top notch, it’s the act itself that stings. The demonstration of people, the ones you thought you were good with, all being enemies no matter what you thought.
Trust is the only currency in Eve worth sod all, once you’re as inundated in isk and assets as most of us are. The fact that Hilmar and CCP understands this and intend to leverage this in the future? I am grinning, cracking my fingers and seeing some light at the end of the tunnel here. I have never betrayed anyone in Eve and I have always ensured anyone I ever deal with does not trust me with anything they don’t have to. This has been currency worth having before, and it might just prove worth something again, now.
I didn’t think this would be the case, half a year ago, but… well done, CCP. You have my attention. Keep it up and you might have my money again too.
EDIT: Quotes have been taken from this excellent highlight post on /r/eve by /u/suitipuffcutiepuff.
Well, I would have to give CCP credit for this interview, although I didnt like what I heard at all. Also to me it sounds like the guys doing the interview were all pro-blackout which doesnt really make it a fair one, but oh well. Better this than nothing…
You did notice that most of those people who you say are pro-blackout are living in nullsec?
Yea, he may understand that blocs are “cancer”, but this blackout is going to do the opposite because blocs have the manpower to do the type of intel work CCP would like for players to do. So blocs will instead grow and grow
You keep saying that, while others keep giving you examples of how this Blackout benefits smaller entities that can now go somewhat under the radar if they’re clever. For some reason, you keep ignoring this, in favor of your narrative which we see no data to support at the moment.
It is not a narrative, it is simply my opinion.
Meaning : if you strip mine belts they decrease the volume.