Hey Kerry,
I’d like to present NOIR. for your consideration.
We’re mercenaries. We take jobs from clients and pay ISK directly to our pilots upon contract success. You can hear more about our exploits and other Eve things on our podcast, Declarations of War. While we’re on the subject of podcasts, I’ll do a bit of personal shilling and refer you to my work on the Talking in Stations podcast
We target our recruitment at pilots like you, specialists. As a small corp, we all need to punch above our weight by flying force multipliers such as logistics in stellar fashion to complete our contracts. Still learning your specialty? You’ve come to the right place! Join in on some of our NOIR. Academy classes to shake the rust off and learn some new tricks.
Interested? Shoot me a mail or forum message, join our discord server and give us a shout, or join the “Cafe NOIR.” in-game channel.
Good hunting, o7