Looking for Caldari Navy standings boost

Looking to get some character standings boosted with Caldari Navy if I am not mistaken people can run missions and complete them for everyone in a fleet.
Of course, will pay for this - I am unsure of any existing services like this/where to look for them so any assistance would be great.



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You could also do the level 3 Caldari epic arc and the level 4 after. That should get you in the good graces of the Caldari.

If you cannot do Caldari missions, the Amarr are very close friends with the Caldari and if you do missions for them, the Caldari will honor it in time.

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If you’re looking just to gain standings, remember the Sisters Arc is repeatable every 3 months. On a skilled toon it can be completed very fast in a single ship. Just make all your choices towards Caldari, especially the last parts. Last time I did it in a T2 fitted Algos, it was a breeze.

You’ll gain not just the Caldari Navy but a lot more too. There will be a bit of standings swinging back and forth as you do it, but overall you’ll end up with a really big Caldari boost.


@elitatwo The level 3 Epic Arcs are for Guristas and Angel Pirate Factions.

+5.0 Caldari State Faction standing or Expert Distribution NPC Corporation standing is needed to access the level 4 Caldari Epic Arc. If using the NPC Corp standing for access, the Caldari Faction needs to be above -2.00 standing. The standing requirement is only checked on the first mission of all Epic Arcs.

@Fluffy_Moe In answer to the OP’s question, running the Epic Arcs including the level 1 SoE Epic Arc won’t directly help raise standings with Caldari Navy, course having high Faction standings will definitely allow access to high level Caldari Navy agents.

@CPT_Ashen The fastest way to gain Caldari Faction standing along with Caldari Navy Corporation standing is to complete tag missions for specific Caldari Data Center Agents. Course it will cost some ISK but hey, you already offered to pay anyway. Basically these are Trade missions, just have to purchase the required amount of Pirate Dog Tags from the market and deliver them to the agents yourself.

Data Center Agents

Location = Ahtulaima System (In space @ Celestial Beacon)
Agent = Vaktan Sido (Level 1, Required standing n/a)
Corporation = Caldari Navy
Faction = Caldari State
Mission = Deliver 3 Guristas Copper Tag’s
Reward = +2.86% Corporation and +1.0% Faction standing increase.

Location = Saikanen System (In space @ Celestial Beacon)
Agent = Rokuza Taman (Level 1, Required standing n/a)
Corporation = Caldari Navy
Faction = Caldari State
Mission = Deliver 3 Guristas Copper Tag’s
Reward = +2.86% Corporation and +1.0% Faction standing increase.

Location = Kamokor System (In space @ Celestial Beacon)
Agent = Peeta Waikon (Level 1, Required standing n/a)
Corporation = Caldari Navy
Faction = Caldari State
Mission = Deliver 3 Guristas Copper Tag’s
Reward = +2.86% Corporation and +1.0% Faction standing increase.

Social skill and Connections skill will increase the amount of standing reward and as usual those skills should be max trained before doing any mission. For more info on repairing or boosting Faction Standings please refer to ‘The Plan’.

Also there might be Standing Increase services offered in the Marketplace sub-forum - Services section.


This^ …takes like 10 minutes

Handing in tags is a lot faster than doing epic arcs or grinding for a particular corp but it will cost you. Some of the tags are quite expensive and some are quite cheap.

2nd fastest way is cosmos missions. Both reward you for the faction not the corp, but faction standing is far better than corp standing anyways. Corp standing comes and goes for me. Faction standing is strong, and can handle hundreds of declines where as Corp standing takes big hits from declines. I’ve made 4 gallente faction pullers and it takes roughly 12 hours to get from 0 to 7.0+ on a brand new toon If you hand in tags and then do all the level 1 and 3 cosmos missions for Caldari, and all of the level 1 Amarr cosmos missions (or Gallente/Minmatar in my case). Well worth doing because then you can mission for any caldari corp, and most likely any amarr corp as well.

Edit: Forgot this link: Caldari COSMOS - EVE University Wiki


Yeah, the only issue with doing missions for those Event Agents is you’ll incur both positive and negative derived standings towards all Factions. Keeping watch on them and making sure those standings stay at acceptable levels should be a priority for the player if they want to maintain or have access in the future.

The Epic Arcs are the exception to the rule which is why they’re usually mentioned. Also the lv 1 Epic Arc has no standing requirement for access and allows the player a choice between the 4 main Empire Factions for completion.

By the way, nice link. I linked the Faction Standing Repair Plan because it lists all Event Agents for all Factions as well as links to various walk-through guides.

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I think the correct price would be 1B for 8% increase from epic arc.

Anyone know how often these can be run?

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Only once in the life of the character.

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