Hello everyone! I’m looking for an high sec corp for my toons, after a short amount of time in null sec and around 3 months of game. I prefer a relaxed game for mission running and ore-moons-ice mining. The corp must be not war elegible. There would be a corp with a good number of players (i don’t want join a 10-man group or a dying corp). I also prefer corps in alliances with at least 100-150 active players.
-I’m not looking for 0% tax corp. I am happy to repay the corp or alliance for services that you offer me (moons for example) through reasonable fees
-No problem about ESI check for all my chars and accounts, but i don’t want voice interview or long recruitment process.
-I’m on 5-6 days in a week in EU timezone. I’m happy to join corp’s fleets or other ops but i don’t want obligations
Last thing: It would be perfect if the corp had friends or blue standing with groups playing in low sec / WH / null sec to get access to pvp fleets. It is not important, as I said above I’m looking for a relaxed gameplay, but to be able to participate in some fleets that shoots around new eden would be really perfect.
Mainly i would be happy to meet new friends and play together, improving my skills and my English
Send an EVE mail to “Mister Irrilevant” or reply here. Thank you guys, o7