On a duty journey,tour, when you work outside the home for a long time, while traveling, people use laptops and tablets.
This causes inconvenience when working with an industrial window. The huge circle above cannot be made smaller.
It can only be completely collapsed, but then there are no pictograms of research, production, copying.
Need to reduce it. On the right, scrolling drawings is very small on the contrary. If the corporation’s drawings store many drawings, while scrolling part of the drawings is not visible. Need to make it bigger. With this circle on my laptop I see only 4 drawings at a time. When scrolling, I scroll 10 in one motion with the mouse.
If I want to limit the number of drawings using the slider in the item categories drop-down menu, then it’s even smaller. And part of the modules necessarily skips. If a corporation has many people at the same time they work with a large number of drawings; they are all visible to me, but it is almost never interesting for me to see it.
This only makes it difficult to scroll. You need to make sure that when you select a menu item or activate a checkbox I would not see all the drawings that other people work with. I would also like to be able to designate a specific warehouse of the corporation as a warehouse of materials, another warehouse as a warehouse of drawings, and a third as a warehouse finished products for all ongoing production and research projects at the station, and for the entire corporation.
Because the interface in its present form significantly slows down the work with production, we lose time.
For example, the warehouse of department 1 - materials, the warehouse of department 2 - drawings, the warehouse of department 3 - drawings with high efficiency, after research and drawings of the next level, unit 4 warehouse - finished goods warehouse.Do not reinstall for each drawing, but set once for all drawings.
The compactness and efficiency of the interface will allow to do more things in space while the pilot is resting from work on his home planet )
I use a translator, I hope everything is clear.