Fix the manufacturing tool tip in facilities tab of the industry window to show the efficiencies for cap/super cap and cap part building. currently there is no way to know that there is a capital efficiency rig installed without scanning the structure or simulating a blueprint. It is possible if you have a deeper understanding of how engineering complex rigs work you could figure out based on other efficiencies that are shown but that isn’t going to be common knowledge for most players, and it’s worth adding to the tool tip.
All this being said the entire tool tip system in the industry window needs a revamp. There are a few other places where the most efficient place to build certain things just isn’t shown. The one above is just the most common one i hear.
On PI, fix the warp to when you right click the poco in the PI interface. Currently it warps you to the planet amd not to the POCO, it would be an amazing QOL change if it warped you to the POCO
My eyesight is not improving as I grow older so I play at 150% scaling and the industry window takes up roughly 80% of the screen. At least half the upper pane is wasted space and the UI team should be able to eliminate this waste - giving room to have another window visible on the screen and/or additional space to show prints/jobs in the lower pane.
Module Tiercide
Old news, but I think CCP underestimates the value of completing this and introducing player built meta modules. A new player interested in industry has very limited options given that T1 are rarely competitive with meta. A lot of the tiercide work can be done by students and the switch from module drops to named component drops is the kind of bold move CCP seems more comfortable with these days. It’ll take them a few iterations to get the balance right and players will complain but we’ll adapt.
You can convey the same information in less than half the space by eliminating the pictures and reorganizing the relevant data. I understand the design intention and it would be great if we could undock it and move it to another monitor but it takes up too much space in the current client with conventional 2K monitors - at least at higher scaling factors. Maybe a compressed option, like they gave us for the PI app would work.
I would like to have my industry and inventory windows visible at the same time - it’s not a deal breaker - I’ve survived this long without it, but Dunk asked for ideas …
Make bpcs stackable or at least make Kits when talking about Capitals so we get less heartattacks from the indy Window when loading up with a fuckton of bpcs
Also wtb a file cabinet Container so you can Organize blueprints without having 20 + Containers in your Hangar just for blueprints
Also mineral distribution and usage would be a neat topic to Look into again stares at the 50k Blocks of useless Ochre in his hangar
AFAIK the cost of the items is mainly from the input of the bpc. Therefore, as long as the requirements in materials are the same, the ratio of cost between the two will remain in close range.
I’ve got some simple feedback; iron out and improve the existing industry UI. Some pet peeves:
-Anytime you search in a large pile of blueprints, it will take a few moments to search, show the results… and then revert to showing everything unfiltered. Then you need to add/remove a letter, space, etc. for it to refresh the search and actually show the results.
-Sometimes, the industry screen “gets stuck” - you start a job, click on the next item you’d like to start, the bottom half updates and selects the new item, but the top part does not update. This leaves the expected “start” button a “cancel” button for the previous job. Sometimes you can fix this with selecting another item, then your intended item again. Other times you need to close the industry screen entirely to fix it because even if you click another item, the one item stays “selected” and can’t be reselected.
-The “facilities” tab is more or less a “freeze my menu for 10 seconds” button. Allowing to move to another tab (and thus stop the facility tab search) would be nice when you misclick.
yes, sometimes the two “filtering” thread are done in parrallel and the first one complete after the second one, therefore your result don’t match the last one you made. That’s a bug. A fix would be to prevent the filter thread from modifying the result if it is not the last thread started for industry .
I agree. Another fix is to go in “available structures” and back to “available bpos”.
what I ended up doing was filtering to something that has no result, eg my structures.
PI is so clunky and click intensive, please, please, allow us to just export our raw goods and “refine” them into their tier goods at refineries or citadels.
Definitely agree with the colours on Lava planets making it harder to see what you’re doing.
I’m in two minds about extraction of raw PI and processing it in citadels using something similar to reaction formulas. These reaction formulas would have to expensive. A positive effect would be limiting the amount of PI being processed. A negative effect would be making processing PI out of the reach of newish players.
add specialized superfreighters for L and XL citadels (mineral supercargo, capital ship supercargo, ore supercargo, PI supercargo, moon ore supercargo of 5 mil m3 base + skils)
add more usage for junk minerals as pyerite, isogen, megacyte
PI just needs something to make it easier to do. Anything. Seriously, anything they do will be welcome.
We’ve posted ideas 100 times here and elsewhere and 90% of them are the same for the existing system - most of them are “little things” ideas:
1 - Split stacks option for large amounts or amounts you set like 4000 or 8000 units. Most of the time spent on PI is doing clicking and splitting up stacks of materials. This would be a large help.
2 - Allow planetary resource scan (min/max resource limit) to be unique with each planet, currently the scanner level for PI is the same for each planet. Each planet can have a different level of resources available and when I open one planet with low resources, I move the scanner to towards the minimum to show areas of higher resources for my extractor. If I open up a new planet that is resource rich, the whole planet is white and I need to adjust the scanner again. If each planet had it’s own scan setting, this would alleviate this issue and improve QoL for PI processing.
3 - Allow right-click, set camera focus when viewing planets with a command center.
The camera zoom on a planet with a command center rotates to focus on the command center as it’s center but a planetary colony does not require to be near the command center and often times is not.
4 - Fix the bug with amounts in launch pads (currently only lets in 99 units of P4 when 100 should fit.
5 - Any other option to reduce the number of clicks.
So, Maybe I just don’t know how to do it. but I seem to find it hard to figure out which Rigs might be on an upwell structure. Say I want to reprocess some ore, Right now the only way I know how to check is to go to the station with Ore,Ice,Moon rocks. And drop in Qty of 100 to find out the percentage. Would be nice to see that before taking a bunch of stuff someplace. Same goes to Mfg Rigs. you can kind of tell by pretending to do a job and comparing. But really it would be nice if there was a better way. and doing it remotely as well, like via the structure browser Maybe?
Maybe there is a great way and I just haven’t found it yet.
make T1 module production more new player useful:
Add meta BPCs and replace meta module drops, make the meta bpc drop in hisec sites/sigs/mission run typically by newer players only, thus giving newer players something to build that could be profitable yet relatively simple compared to the complexities of T2/T3. would provide demand for T1 module production that currently only really exists to feed T2 production.
allow BPC copies with less then max run able to be combined to allow consolidation of BPCs with only a few runs into a single BPC, which would be nice for people who do lots of T2 invention and want to do multiple runs in weekly or other longer batches but end up with lots of a few run bpc
allow some method to get a summary of bpc qty by bpc with out searching/filtering every bpc in inventory, perhaps the Blueprint sub tab in industry can have a consolidated view that only shows one of each type of unique bp/ME/TE, and the (qty).
get rid of “Deliver Job” there is no reason besides extra clicking that your job should not just end up in inventory when done, when would you ever not delivery a job???
without the deliver job required, could allow jobs to be set up without all the materials, that would kick off as soon as the materials are deposited, thereby allowing series production. (still limited by number of build slots) Given the same function another nice benefit is it would also allow corp mates to deliver materials to a hanger and someone else having already setup the job which would start once everything is there, i.e. i’ll set up the job to build you a new ship, you just deliver the materials.