Back then, in DUST514 there was a “Corporate Wars” kind of battles where corporations ought to buy their own clones for battles with other corporations at ~600k ISK a clone. The leftover from that are “Warclone blanks” you can still buy for 1mln ISK a clone (Blood Riders use them in their sacrifices I think). The clones were also produced by “The Districts” the Corporations fought each other for. Each battle needed a 100 of clones per side if I remember correctly and after the victory, remaining enemy clones became spoils of war. The clones could be sold for profit or used for another battle and the claimed district produced more clones. I took a break after DUST was closed down.
But recently my interest in EVE was renewed when rumors of another FPS in beta came out. I’ve bought omega time and started to revamp my PI colonies to produce anything I suspected could be used for warclones economy in FPS and even bought some warclone blanks off the EVE market and tried to bring them down to my colony for protection but failed miserably. (more on this here and apology I link it “everywhere” I post, I can’t help myself ) I even filed a Support ticked for being unable to transfer warclone blanks via POCO, but was told by GM in return that my High-Tech PI factory should be able to produce the clones. WHAAA?! I’ve immediately checked with my managing engineers at one of my PI colonies but she politely calmed me down with an assurance there is no know schematics for producing warclone blanks at PI factories.
I can’t tell if the GM trolled me or maybe she once saw something at the clandestine “CCP London FPS Beta<==>EVE Online server” (is Duality its name? :P) and spilled the beans by mistake. We can only guess.
The idea of hiring team of warclone mercs to do some quick “precision work” on planet surface, in stations (as seen at the end of “The OP Trailer”) or SOV structures or space battle as fighter pilots (I once fought EVE: Valkyrie was aiming this way ) is winding up my imagination…
But despite that I’ve decided to stay on alpha after my omega ended until the FPS is out (…or not )