Gaining Standings? Repairing Standings?
I’m not sure what that even means, so I wouldn’t have thought to ask about it.
Gaining Standings? Repairing Standings?
I’m not sure what that even means, so I wouldn’t have thought to ask about it.
Standings are what you have with corps.
DMC and Archer are both experts in helping repair or gain standings with corporations or factions. I work with Archer in helping pilots raise standings so they can do a goal quicker, without them having to do it.
Say for instance if you want to be a market trader.
you want low fees, so you’d need high standings with the owner of the station, Caldari Navy in Jita, and We run missions to help raise their standings so they don’t have to do the work.
Learn how to read the ingame map (F10 hotkey). The tutorials, if I remember correctly, do not cover this, and it is one of the most useful features of the game from my perspective.
I won’t discuss what you can do with it, cause you could write a novella about that…but, take a look at it, poke around with the various filters and see for yourself. It provides a wealth of info.
Also, there are two maps…the old map in my opinion is more useful. There is a toggle in the Settings Menu, under General Settings (bottom left) for the game, that will let you switch back and forth between the two versions, so you can decide for yourself which you prefer.
Also, my first big adventure in EVE as a new player:
I went to Curse (in nullsec), and ended up “auto-piloting” back.
Yeah, not really something to worry about right from the start. It doesn’t really have an impact until later in the game. But for future reference I’ll post a link to ‘The Plan’ in case it’s needed…
Faction Standing Repair Plan
I think right now as a new player you should be concentrating on skill training, specifically on maxing out your Core Fitting Skills and learning on how to fit ships correctly while deciding on what career path you want to pursue in Eve.
Getting to the end of the questions I have so far. I’ve just got a few more.
I’m playing from an Apple MacBook Pro, which has left me with a few issues.
Any other MacBook users have similar issues and any advice on how to resolve either?
There is a Mac OS subforum here, for mac users, you can get some questions answered from them, in regards to Mac
Hm, perhaps it would be worthwhile, to mention this:
Top left of your screen there are 3 horizontal bars, you can click on that and it will bring up a menu, each item listed in the menu will have a submenu. There are lots of things pertaining to the game listed there, including a listing for the map.
Let’s consider reeling back a bit - you are flying a Slasher and doing missions? Belt ratting? Is this something you enjoy?
Please don’t give @Geo_Eclipse_Oksaras the impression that he amounts to anything more than he actually is (I only let him hang around me because he has no where else to go sooooooooo )
But yes… today… my daily objective is to… let’s see… reread channels in case I forgot to write something down, at consolidate-and-archive channels to reduce the channel count by an additional 6… that should take time since the channels are rattling nonstop… and if I have time I have more interviews to conduct with incursion leadership and 3rd party devs… I wish I had more people working FOR with me, would make campaigning easier
I assume I’ll have a few more questions built up in the next few days, but perhaps I’ll have found helpful people in the chat by then and just ask there.
Ok, last question for today, then I’ll get back to playing. I saved this one for last because it’s a multi-part question. Basically, it comes down to a frustration and the thought that “There’s got to be a better way!” So, I guess the real questions are, “Is there a better way? If so, what is it?”
Here’s the frustrtation…
Since the very first thing I did in EVE was complete all the training missions, literally ALL of my inventory is stored in the Item Hanger at Hadaugago Republic Military School. This means any time I need to change out weapons, or load more ammo, or swap ships, I have to constantly fly all the way back to Hadaugago from wherever I just accepted an NPC Agent mission, re-fit and re-load, and then fly all the way back to the Agent’s location again to complete the mission. Should I just pick a solar system, and then move all my stuff there with the knowledge that for each hour of play I’ll spend 30% of it flying back and forth? Are there better ways of managing inventory that I’m not yet aware of? Should I even bother keeping a lot of inventory around? Alternatively, I’ve considered just selling everything (since ISK travels with me for free and takes up no space), and then just re-purchasing stuff as I need/want it, wherever I happen to be. I’ve avoided that solution so far because I assume I’ll lose a huge amount of value on both sides of those transactions.
There’s nothing wrong with keeping inventory in several spots. I have several NPC stations that I keep back up ammo or what not at, if i’m several jumps away from mission station. As a member of USIA, all of us who grind, have ships and ammo scattered around, depending on the clients we are working for.
Not sure what “Belt ratting” is.
Yes, I’m currently flying a Slasher and taking on Level 1 Agent Missions from nearby locations.
Is it something I enjoy? Well, I don’t absolutely hate it. It’s about as fun as any other resource driven progress-through-the-missions game I’ve ever played. If I don’t progress beyond that in the next month or so, I’ll get bored.
Like I said earlier…
" I’m so new, that it’s nearly impossible for me to know what I actually want to do. I just don’t have enough experience yet to know what I’ll enjoy the most (it’s a bit like asking a 5 year old what they want their job to be when they grow up)."
Do you have any suggestions for what I might enjoy? What would you enjoy as a 3-day-old player that just finished the Training Missions and has almost no skills yet?
Belt ratting is flying around to asteroid belts and killing the 2-3 rats that show up.
That is a very complicated question and the short answer is it amounts to a matter of personal choice/preference.
Many new players once they join a corp just sell everything and “travel with isk” to their new home and buy “locally”. Some corps have ships on contract (for sale) in their home systems for their members’ convenience.
Players such as myself treat ships like “rental cars”. I travel in a ship fit for that purpose, and when I find somewhere I’d like to stay for a while I shop locally and buy, and when I move on, I sell up. Some times I make isk and some times I don’t; but that is the cost of my “life style”.
And, since moving items is such a big deal in New Eden there are “movers”. There are corps dedicated to transporting goods over all…for a fee. Space truckers in essence.
I assume “Rats” are the NPC ships that attack me on every mission?
yes. Rats are basically anything NPC that is not another player…
I was far more lost than you, believe me
Way back when I started - I was the Eve platitude: leveled up my Raven and then quit.
It’s kind of hard to answer your question simply. It’s a good one. I think the best course would be to keep asking and learning like you’re doing. Find someone you can play with one on one. I like to play in a little bit of everything because it’s like you said, a month of missions would be so boring I’d quit too
Holy moly, what a thread…
My first suggestion would have been: Did you try google?
Honestly, googling key words is still the fastest way to obtain informations about EVE subjects.
It’s perfectly normal you need to learn a lot. For a start, bookmark that glossary:
These are subjects to be talked about in a newbro corp, btw.
Did one of you send me a bunch of ISK? I just noticed that I seem to have quite a bit more on my account than I recall acquiring.
If so, thanks! Very much appreciated.
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