A Plea for Leniency for the Family of Armast Darkar.
After extended negotiations, LUMEN officials have secured the withdrawal of the notorious criminal Armast Darkar and the majority of his assets and forces. In consideration of this positive step towards peace we the undersigned issue the following request to Consulate Governor Ekroz Salaf, Lord Heir Arim Ardishapur and the relevant members of the Theology Council.
The heretic Armast Darkar fully deserves his banishment. He fully deserves to have his name struck from the Book of Records. He indeed should and will ultimately answer for his crimes against Dam-Amarr. None of this is in dispute; the actions he chose were the wrong ones, but they were each his choice alone. The persecution of those who by chance, happen to be related to him serves no purpose except ensuring that he will have further fodder with which to sway others to his side.
Furthermore, the status of Armast Darkar as a capsuleer makes even the source of his immorality vague: To be a capsuleer is to be exposed to multitudinous lies and heresies; there remains no evidence that his heresy has root in any period of time prior to this exposure. It could even be the result of a defective clone-transfer. Furthermore, his family continues to express absolute revulsion for his actions and have had no part in supporting, aiding, or encouraging him. Even the most rudimentary of investigations should verify beyond a shadow of a doubt his family’s adherence to the Faith and innocence - that they have had no part in his heresies.
Persecuting his family also remains counterproductive; it will only seem to lend credence to his arguments and mislead others into following his errors. Let their continued rejection of his heresy stand as a testament to personal faith and devotion amid troubling circumstances - and to the justness and careful deliberation of the Empire’s justice.
This plea is not made lightly. Members of our alliance fought against Darkar and his allies in both Kahah and Thebeka. We have seen his actions first hand, we were there when he was banished, and we have acted quickly to contain his newest attempts to disrupt the Empire and her subjects: Working to contain and eliminate his attempted inroads to the Mandate. Our actions speak for themselves, showing our dedication to God, the Faith, Empire, Empress, and duty. All of this, however, was his action and his action alone; so we are humbly asking the Ammatar Consulate to either let his family continue to carry out their lives in the Mandate in peace or, if that is impossible, to freely leave the Mandate never to return.
Executrix Lunarisse Aspenstar Daphiti
Disquisitor Lyra North-Onren
Praefecta Karmilla Pryce, Lady of House Kor-Anashtih
Praefect Garion Avarr, Lord Shirrat
Praefecta Jenniver Karuna
Praefect Umar Ahmad
Praefect Esna Pitoojee