[LUMEN] Ammatar Mandate Revitalization Project / Welcome to Lord Ardishapur

On the joyous occasion of the well-deserved ennoblement of Lord Governor Ekroz Salaf, Khimi Harar would like to not only send our congratulations, but express our thanks for all he has done and will continue to do for the Ammatar Mandate. We will certainly be celebrating along with the people of the Mandate in the coming weeks.

In the months leading up to this historic event, Khimi Harar has invested heavily in the Mandate. We have defeated many of the blooders that plague the local area, even downing one of their capital fleets in its assault on our Fortizar that sits above Tanoo II. We’ve repelled the Triglavians so effectively that they all but stopped showing their faces around San Matar when it was one of their favorite initial targets. We’ve assisting the transfer of wanted criminal Orlon Zashev to Lord Sarum. That’s the same Zashev who has now been transferred to the Mandate for trial for his war crimes. We’ve set up a market that while still small and growing, sees a great deal of use. Our Fortizar also serves as a hub of diplomacy, with capsuleers from all four empires visiting regularly, utilizing its services, and spending time at the various facilities on board. Additionally, going forward, we will be running regular patrols to assist in the anti-piracy operations in the low security regions of Derelik.

I, and some of our alliance’s other pilots may have grown up in the Mandate, but recently, a great many from our alliance have come to make it one of their homes. As we invest in the Mandate, we unsurprisingly become more invested in the Mandate. So we want to help with the festivities with one more thing that we do well… host a party!

LUMEN will be dedicating its Starlight New Year’s Ball to the ennoblement of Lord Governor Ekroz Salaf, and to the prosperity of the Ammatar Mandate.

The Ball will be held in Tebu Amkhiman’s new Starlight Ballroom on Sunday, December 29th at 20:00 NEST.

Dress code will be formal (military or civilian).

The Ball will be open to all blues and neutrals of Khimi Harar (LUMEN). If a neutral, please RSVP to Lyra North-Onren and Lunarisse Aspenstar.

We hope to see everyone who qualifies and wishes to celebrate with us in attendance.