Khimi Harar would like to extend its welcome to the Order of St. Tetrimon Special Forces who have brought the Ardishapur Demesne’s latest guest, Khanid Warlord Alar Chakaid, to their Chapterhouse Complex.
In keeping with our alliance’s commitment to the development and security of the Ammatar Mandate and the goals of Lord Arim Ardishapur and Lord Governor Ekroz Salaf, we have mobilized to eliminate Blood Raider Forward Operating Bases in the Derelik Region within ten jumps of Tanoo whose occupants might attempt to interfere with the dispensation of justice. Thankfully, due to the expansion of the capsuleer population in the area during the redevelopment project, Blood Raider Forward Operating Bases in Gamis and Ihal were removed by the local residents in a spate of patriotic fervor (and self-interest).
In light of an innuendo by a notorious Sani Sabik, we have anchored a monitoring facility in low orbit around Tanoo II to screen for unwanted ‘packages’ being sent into the gravity well.
We continue to garrison the Mandate and other locales in the Ardishapur Military Circuit in response to Triglavian attacks fighting in cooperation with the EDENCOM Defense Initiative and many other capsuleers who are united against the Triglavian menace and will rise to challenges of defense as is necessary to ensure that the Circuit remains ”a beacon of faith, order and stability within the Empire.”
By His Light and His Will,
Lunarisse Daphiti
Directrix Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Executrix Khimi Harar