[LUMEN] Humanitarian Aid for Anath System

An update on the status of our efforts:

Medical and humanitarian teams have fully deployed to Anath IV, and are hard at work helping local authorities stabilize the situation. Relief supplies continue to be delivered, and temporary refugee housing is in the process of being set up. Our medical teams have set up several centers where those in need of care are being treated. While it will be a difficult process, and it will be quite some time before the road to recovery for the communities on Anath IV begin to truly recover, we are optimistic about it.

Anath II, however, has seen only the most scattered survivors who seem to have lived only by sheer luck. While some have been found and are being treated by medical workers, we are not optimistic about continued prospects for survivors.

We continue to provide aid as best we can, and we thank all those others who have also rendered assistance. We pray that those responsible will be soon brought to justice.

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