Lvl 2 mission fits

I am currently doing some pve.
There is a lvl 2 agent near me and I thought I would head over there and do some missions. I have heard that cruisers are good for lvl 2 missions but I can’t find any fits for cruisers and what the best cruisers are.
If you have any fits or recommendations, my budget is around 5-10m but keep it low as I’m not going to stay on lvl 2 missions forever and I don’t want to spend that much just to crush the missions when I could spend less money and put effort in
Thanks for helping me!

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I’m going to suggest having a look here:
Specifically at the user comments for the Level 2 missions, a lot of the time people will post what ship/weapon systems they used to complete a mission, and how successful (or not) this was.

For level 2 missions I think a destroyer will work fine, I’ve been running lvl 1 & lvl 2 missions in nullsec on an alt (~1.5mil SP) in an Atron, with rail guns, damage control 2, small T2 armor rep & an MWD (also a point & web in the mids but they’re not really useful in High Sec). It’s not a good fit, at all, but is cheap and able to (with piloting) complete the missions without too many issues.

I do remember using a cruiser for lvl 3s, then stepping up to a BC and doing lvl 3s & trying L4s in a BC until I was able to use a BS for lvl 4s… then quickly going back to the BC as my skills for BS just made things more difficult.

So I guess what I’m trying to say is if you already have decent destroyer skills (weapons & tank) I’d stick with that until you’ve got ‘good’ cruiser (weapons & tank) skills before upgrading.



That’s low.

A low skill can fit a vexor with double rep, or a caracal with extenders, an omen with pulse, or a T1 munin with AC (I think arto needs too much pwr ), depending on your skills. Of course there are many other choices, but IMO vexor is the simpler as it can fast tank even some L3s.

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@Cypr3ss_Deteis’s response is sound. The normal reason for Cruisers being recommended is that they are more able to handle taking damage if you get a little caught out by the mission.

With experience you learn to fly in a way that keeps the incoming damage to the levels a destroyer can handle - speed tanking, knowing when to keep at range, not triggering aggressive behaviour from all the targets at the same time, prioritising targets well and so forth.
A cruiser gives you a bit more grace in case of cock-ups because it can handle more damage. The trade off is that in some cases medium weapons can struggle with small frigate sized fast NPCs (my Railgun Moa was painful). And a fitted Cruiser will cost about 10m ISK more than a Destroyer.

You should arrange skill training so that you can field a T2 tank on your destroyer, that is completely transferable to other, larger, ships. T1 medium weapons on a Cruiser are fine for Level 2 missions, getting them to T2 weapons for a Battlecruiser will give you a good Level 3 mission ship that can tackle many Level 4 missions - though be aware some Level 4 missions really are Battleship territory unless you are careful and experienced.

The Empire Factions have a couple of good combat cruisers, one normally damage focused (such as the Amarrian Omen, a long range dancer) and one with a better defence (the Maller - an aggressive brick). Which works for you is a personal choice.
I flew an Arbitrator…


The reason for my low budget is because as a new player I am trying a lot of new things and pve is one of my favorites so far, but looking at the pay for lvl 2 missions the cruiser won’t pay for itself and I don’t want to spend too much incase something comes up.

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Have you had a look over the Community Fittings?

The fit posted here: Caracal - Tech 1 - PvE (Level 2 Security Missions) looks like it might just squeeze into your budget (pyfa tells me it’s ~10.2mil with ammo etc) if you’ve got your heart set on a cruiser.



Welcome to EVE. Check your wallet I left a gift to help you get started.


You’re not supposed to have an issue buying your cruiser.

I know L1 missions don’t pay that much either, but you can do several fast an get like 10M more in an hour.

be aware that rigs can cost as much as the rest of the fitting. If you want to stay under 10M you’ll need to make some compromises and rigs are the first things i’d drop for cheap newbie fit
edit: i’ve never tried spamming L1’s but i think 10M an hour is optimistic. i’d expect closer to 2M if skipping loot and salvage

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Sorry, I am trying many things so they are all paying low until I really get into one
Thanks for the help!

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You are too kind!

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Unfortunatly most of the fits i’ve found need 20 days worth of skills. I guess I just didn’t realize how much of a grind this was going to be

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I don’t think they do.

Ho yes if you are alpha, they may. Find people (friends) and shoot them for skill point !

Keep in mind that running a single set of Career Agents should net you about 10 million ISK after you sell off the ships/items you don’t need. You’ll also have several decent frigates, Ventures, a destroyer, some haulers etc.

You’ll also score some good faction standing with each Career agent you finish. There are 3 career agent systems per faction, you can run them all. You can even run the ones for other factions if your own faction standing there isn’t too low.

I tend to find Destroyers with a decent amount of drones (Algos, Dragoon) are fairly capable for level 2s, and as you already found, Cruisers are fine too once you can afford them.

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Dear Kai. Please keep in mind that you won’t need a cruiser for L2s. Just fit any destroyer for range, be it drones, missiles or guns, keep moving and mow down those rats. Recommended: Afterburner, damage control, armor repair or shield booster, maybe some cap regeneration. Later, on higher skills, you would do L2s on a frigate, but thats when you rather go for L3s in a cruiser. Dont worry and fly safe.

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i also sent you some isks, as you seem to be anew player with the willing to learn and improve
welcome to eve!

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Perfect! The main ship I used for L1s was a talwar with missiles an afterburner and damage control, but no armor repair or cap regen instead I had a webifier to keep the rats from getting to close (because most rats use short range weapons) and some rigs to improve my missile damage. I will probably upgrade in terms of fitting, thanks for the advice!

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Thanks! Everyone hear has been so helpful whenever I ask a question, and I am loving eve so far!


Does not work this way. please use a MWD and extenders, though I know the talwar is short on the fitting.

Oh oops! I just saw that the webifier is for not letting opponents get away. Thanks for brining my attention to that!

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