Mac OS Catalina - give us back our Retina mode!

After upgrade to Catalina, client is not working in Retina mode.

Even with these settings:

Aand all windows freezing from time to time :frowning:

@CCP_Nocturne Please help

Hey there! It’d be very helpful if you could submit a bug report from within the client using F12, and I can investigate this closer :slight_smile:

I’ve also run into frozen windows, and I think I have an idea of what’s happening. If you run in windowed mode, it looks like the client can sometimes miss inputs as you move the pointer between the client and other apps. I’m guessing that it’s something menu bar related because just clicking on the menu bar when everything freezes will unstick the UI for me.

Interesting, thanks.

And what do you think about retina? Do you also have lose retina resolution? I tried to jump by all wine versions, but no luck, it is still blurry old mode. Playing in Boot Camp’d Windows right now, significant increase of perfomance, 5 windows without any problem in Retina mode + EVE o-Preview

Have reported a bug while ago, still no response :frowning:


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