I’m fairly new, only a few months. So I should know what new players feel.
Yes, don’t discourage them, let them find out on their own that their fit is crap, like when they get blown up in a blink of an eye.
Thanks, captain Obvious.
Fact remains: New players cannot “fit ships just fine”, not at all, not in a million years… well, at least unit all those skills are done training to at least lvl 3 or even 4 and even then they have to get T2 modules to keep ships energy consumption down.
Either way, not going to continue back and forth posting with clueless people. and/or trolls. Good luck, just don’t spread your stupidity to newbies thanks very much.
Yes I do. I also know that when I try to fit a ship to its max dps the CPU and Capacitor take more modules than anything else to balance and I know it’s so frustrating that I often think, while fitting:
"So I buy everything it needs and still I don’t have enough energy!? F- this game, I ain’t paying for that sh- ! "
I too was once a few months old. As the newly promoted Captain Obvious, based on your dismissive reply I feel compelled to remind a clever person like you.
I get you are frustrated and feel like you can’t compete. That latter bit never goes away, even people in their “perfect fit” undocks knowing there are people out there in counter-fits, bigger blobs, blingier fits. The former bit is fully in your control: you can keep being frustrated at the Eve universe and lash out at people like me, or accept the challenge like the rest of us regulars and enjoy the game’s challenges.
The truth is if you don’t get over this mental block and continue detesting Eve Universe instead of embracing the challenge, it will eat you alive.
No. You don’t get it. I don’t care about competing, I do care about being able to fit my ship to its max capacity though.
I just want to be able to fit a ship without spending hours trying to figure out how to keep the ships energy in line.
I’m not frustrated at EVE’s universe. Don’t put words in my mouth.
And if you call my post “lashing out” then the internet isn’t for you, my friend.
I enjoy challenge, I don’t enjoy stupid game mechanics.
You’re the one with the mental block, not realizing that ship’s energy is the major hurdle for new players
You’re reaching. You’re creating strawman arguments and assigning me feelings I do not have. You’re not arguing in good faith, you’re just following the company line like a good little CCP shill.
I hate to break this to you. But even with max fitting skills I bet you still run into these problems. You will never be able to fit everything you want to a ship.
You will still be giving over mids for cap batteries, rigs for cpu and plugging in implants…… or any other combination of the above.
This isn’t something that “goes away”.
I’m over 2 years in now and I only started really focussing on fitting skills around Xmas time.
In the year and a half up till that point I had very few issues that I couldn’t compensate for by sacrificing a little dps or a little tank. There is always a trade off
Not talking about “everything I want”.
Take the Catalyst for example. A ‘new’ player who trained into it still cannot use all 7 turrets, not even 6 with a salvager or a monoprop. And even when it’s possible, there is no energy left for other systems like target tracking disrupter for example.
A ship is only as good as its modules but if you can’t fit them then why even undock??
My refusal to pay for the game won’t go away either then. If I pay to be able to pilot a ship I expect to be able to fit all its slots without running out of juice.
Yeah, there’s always a gimmick by CCP to make sure you lose your ship.
I am dubious. I observe you’ve repeatedly rejected my feedback and perspective, insulted me, refused to engage, and generally preferred to burn half the bridge I’m building.
And repeatedly posted complaints while ignoring all advice. That’s a lot of energy expended on something of minor importance.
Lashing out is precisely what it is. I’m just a stranger offering a different perspective and genuinely attempting to support you. Your responses are personal put-downs and typical ego defense reactions, and nowhere am I faulting you-the-person for them. But don’t mistake that for me caring about your opinion. I don’t give two what you think of me. Hopefully this is reassuring that you need not worry about me and my internet experience.