Magic 14 Nonsense

Oh look, it’s a Magic 14 cultist!


Give new player better guidance over skill progression, if you want to be a ganker , miner , low sec pirate , or an F1 monkey explain how you get there .

You can be a Tornado gate ganker in a matter of days if that’s your fancy or mine most things in the same time if shown.

People should be made to understand it’s often pilot skill that counts for more , the example I like is a week old player change the course of a battle in the last big war , I bet he never thought about the magic 14


Thanks for this thread Aiko! I’ve been thinking and saying the same thing over time.

Like @Geo_Eclipse_Oksaras I don’t recommend newbies to train ‘the magic 14’, unless the newbie has no clue what they would like to train and is asking for some minor skills that could come in use in many situations.

Then and only then the ‘magic 14’ could be a good answer (just tell them to stop at level 4), but it’s still not the best answer. Better is to talk to the newbie, ask what they would like to do ingame and then give them a set of useful skills that train towards fun and new ships.

Newbies shouldn’t train those ‘magic skills’ nonsense that don’t unlock anything fun for weeks. Those skills are minor improvements that new players train after they have unlocked ships to fly for a few playstyles like exploration, mining, abyssals, ganking so that they can have fun while they slightly improve their effectiveness with boring but useful support skills.

The ‘Magic 14’ is not a newbie training plan and whoever keeps telling new players to train that should really get it through their head that you’re setting up newbies to train very minor support skills for days, weeks even if you forget to say that they should stop at 4. You’re setting up newbies for a painful boring introduction to EVE by suggesting the magic 14 as someone’s first skill plan, because it is not a good newbie skill plan.

Anyway, I’m glad we’ve got a thread about the magic 14 being nonsense and that there are still people here who agree with that.


Yah, EvE is full of people who want to AFK automate the entire experience, and that goes for all the people who want to ‘help’ new players - they don’t really want to help, they just want to automate it and then maybe they can get some PLEX or some cool shoot outs for all the good deeds they pretend to do.

100% agree.

Glad to hear you also think that the Magic 14 is nonsense!

I’m a bit confused though: your words make it seem like you would want people to know about ‘your previous posts on topics’, yet your actions do the opposite, because you hide your profile. Which one is it?

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The advice I got years ago was only train a magic 14 skill just enough (and no higher) in order to make a specific fit work or be able to fly it for a particular purpose.

Do people these days really say “here go train 14 skills to level 5”? Cause that’s worse advice than the learning skill days.


I think the best advice for a new player is to figure it out themselves, cuz relying on someone else’s cookie cutter step-by-step plan is a path to failure.


In my experience newbies do ask questions though. It makes mentorship tricky to offer just enough guidance without erecting artificial mental walls for them.

I dont know anything about that, Im too busy maxing out my MINING skills. When they are all 5 Im finally going to be able to watch Netflix while I Eve.



Why are people serious replying to a troll and troll thread?

Would you rather someone start another Ganking thread again? :smiley: I wouldn’t blame you, those are fun.

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No I’d rather see actual and genuine content. I know I’m weird.

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Because, even though the tread is written in a provocative or even ‘trollish’ way, I agree with the title.

Many players assign far too much importance to a few minor support kills because of the ‘magic’ nickname those skills got. A nickname these skills got based on how often the skills apply, rather than the impact of the skills itself - an impact which is relatively low, especially for newbies, as none of these skills unlock any new fun or interesting playstyles for newbies.

Over time, these skills have been hyped up in importance by the playerbase.

Introduced as a general set of minor support skills that help people fly most of their ships a little better, these skills have then mistakenly been recommended to newbies (this is how you get newbies to leave the game complaining that it takes them 5 weeks before they can fly something fun), have been regarded as essential and lately people are asking CCP to just give every player all these ‘essential newbie skills’ for free. Even though these skills are just another bunch of minor support skills you can specialize in - for example if you wish to specialize in ‘tackling ships a fraction of a second faster at a gate camp’.

If it takes a troll thread to get a good discussion going about the in my opinion overinflated importance of these ‘magic 14’ skills, then so be it.


Gerard gets it.

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Same but the OP made that statement to troll and be his narcissistic self, it’s in bad faith. Why fuel it.

It’s just more “give me free ■■■■ and make it easy so I can’t lose as much” nonsense.

Just more ganker nonsense.

Even a troll thread can be right, sometimes.

The tragic 14 is a millstone around rookie’s necks.
They are told that before they can start enjoying EVE, they must spend 2-3 months training all of these skills because “reasons”.

Armor players can pretty much ignore the Shield ones, and vice versa.
The Navigation ones are a luxury.

As far as I’m concerned, new players are better off training for Cruisers and medium weapons as the priority, then doing the Tragic 14 after that as they get into Level 2-3 security missions and/or abyssal deadspace and combat exploration.

Constantly telling new players that they have to waste their first two months training support skills is one of the reasons people get pushed away from EVE.


Because maybe I secretly enjoy reading select kinds of trolling.