Still, not the right thread for it.
I’ll write it in any relevant thread.
to me training frigate and destroyer and small weapons …faster… can do abyssal 0 and 1 and fw … but i like your option more than magic 14 anyway
I have never seen Magic 14 presented as a panacea for everything. It is presented to noobs who have zero idea what to skill for…solely as a rough guide to the sort of things they should be looking at. Nobody says you will be conquering the universe in a fleet of Titans the next day.
In my own case the Magic 14 skills actually pretty soon slipped down the list as the real relevant skills were added. In fact it will not be until next week, 9 months after joining the game, that I reach Level V Capacitor Management…which I do finally need.
Magic 14 is purely a rough guide. I never followed it religiously…and I doubt anyone else ever did. But I guess that doesn’t fit the narrative.
Just skill inject the magic 14 and use your queue for getting into ships.
… which again prioritizes the magic 14 over getting into ships and is a silly thing to recommend to new players.
Better would be if they were to use that SP to skill inject into ships instead, so that they can fly fun things immediately, day one.
And then they use the queue to get more fun skills, or perhaps a few support skills to improve their effectiveness in areas where they want improvements. Some of those skills might coincidentally be in the list of ‘magic 14’, but many useful support skills aren’t.
I have, by various people. Example below, a forum regular who once said that the magic 14 are required at level 5 to competently fit ships:
Of course he kind of forgot that only 2 of the magic 14 are fitting skills and that most of the fitting skills aren’t actually part of the magic 14, but that doesn’t stop him from attributing magical fitting power to these 14 skills.
People are bad at reading. They don’t really know what’s inside the list of magic 14, they just know that it is a list of skills that is recommended by other people, so they too recommend it to other people without knowing the context in which it makes sense to recommend this list.
But this assumes that no other skills get added or given higher priority…that a person is just sitting there for months with nothing but Magic 14 skills in the queue.
I would argue that what actually happens is that within a short time other skills are added and raised to the top, and that the ‘essential’ Magic 14 skills simply slide down the list and find their natural place. Magic 14 is simply a scaffolding that gives a general sense of what to do. I doubt anyone is so silly as to religiously follow it for months on end.
Was just a couple of days ago that a newbie asked in chat if they could drag skills for a ship they wanted to fly up above the magic 14 that they had in their skill queue.
I don’t know who told them to put the magic 14 in their starting skill queue in the first place, but I really hope that whoever does that stops doing that.
Half the fun of this game is planning and discovering thing’s and to have the game hold your hand is kinda meh.
It’s like opening path of exile’s talent tree and spending a whole day planning, literally the best.
When i was taking new players under my wing, i always explained that if you dont know what to train after you have decent skills trained fir what ship you wanna start, go with whats useful in the magic 14. And i usually recommend level 3 or 4 on certain skills until they progress further in game
But that’s just it. The minute a person discovers that they can drag skills about…most ‘skill plans’ fall apart. I would have people in Rookie Help specifically telling noobs that skills can be moved about…that they don’t have to stick with a particular order. I still have Magic 14 elements in my skill queue, but they are now all over the place. Level V Capacitor Management finally completes in a few days…and that’s because I do ( finally ) need it for a setup I have.
I usually just advise people to train things to 3 at first to test and see what they like, then specialize after.
@Aisha_Katalen this is a forum and unless it’s @Gix_Firebrand don’t judge the avatar, judge the message.
The message is very clear, and it’s not very democratic of you dismissing the point because it’s avatar X or Y. Ofc, unless it’s @Gix_Firebrand , he’s a boring troll.
Edit: I also want relevant discussions, but the game is DAD right now, everybody is waiting for the biggest surprise EVAR. Cheers.
Good God, man! Too early in the morning for that.
I almost choked on my toast and jam.
Mr Epeen
Ganking miners is Nonsense.
That talent tree! Such a memorable moment seeing that for the first time when playing PoE. I should give that game another go, see how far into the maps I can get this time.
How else can she do it
I never said new players should train up all to 5. I didn’t bother till I started to pve 3/4 yrs later.
And alphas can’t even train up all to 5. Last time I chk’ed, it brings them above 5 mil sp.
I don’t always have to agree with Aiko and was just pointing out that depending on what you want to do with your toon, it might be worth training up some.
Calm down miner.