Magnasis's Expanse Thread

Beltalowda My friends o7

Here in my small corner of the EVE Online forums I want to vomit out my ideas regarding several topics within EVE plus I might mix in a bit of “The Expanse” references. I am going to link my videos here in this thread so I do not contaminate the rest of the forums for everyone else. o7

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I always think about EVE reopening a portal back to the Milky Way galaxy and I think it would be a fun expansion.

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I really miss Youtubers of old… Jonnypew, NewEdenSpotlight many others! Most people are using twitch now (Which I really dislike) because it gets your current location. o7


Anyone still play The EVE Online card game? lol

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I think a good expansion would be to open up Jove space. We’d have to build our own Jump gates to go farther into Jove space. Due to their Jump gate network being offline, it would take much longer for us to explore that content.

And to add a twist to the expansion they could have the furthest Jove system contain the other end of the Eve Gate. Basically we never really left the Milky Way Galaxy, we just went to the other side of it.

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Interesting idea. That would actually be awesome! I really wish CCP would figure out what they are going to do with the Jove Space or the space right next to it.

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Who else is excited to see SpaceX Crew Dragon fly??? I sure am!


Yes, I saw that yesterday.

Yes, bring in the toothpick!


Its going to be even more nerve racking when people are on it… lol

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I have been watching this all morning… Im really excited!

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