Almost 100% true… But here is what it takes to make it not true.
Having 30+ guys in over a dozen systems trying to log in ASAP after down time all to get a glimpse of a cloaky camper as he logs in from several locations and warp to the general location from every angle and then estimate how close he was to each person off of recorded video before he cloaked up and setting up those players in positions like combat scan probes outfitted with combat scan probes then logging most of them off in position with a handful of people still logged in for standing fleet and the regular player base doing there thing all day and some swapping out all day looking for a decloaked ship and praying he does not just decloak and warp to another location, then repeat the process over and over each day until the triangulation maneuver finally lands on the cloaked camper [assuming he never moved to another safe.] and decloaking him to kill him.
That is no less than 300 players tied up for DAYS
As this fine gentleman has calculated for us.
Just to get rid of the cloak campers in 10 systems.
and that is just the ships that can not be used for anything but triangulation.
Support all day scanning ships number no less than 3 on scheduled shifts all day
so (3x10) + 300 = 330 players to clear 10 systems from just 10 cloaky campers…
F U C K!