Main AFK cloaky thread

Renters are being protected by their overlords

You really are stupidā€¦thanks for letting us all know.

Does this count as @The_Dunning_Kruger ?

I accept your surrender mr nonsense

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  1. The point of upgrades is that if you are flying in someone elseā€™s space you can only farm it if they set it up to be farmed. If a sov holding alliance allows reds to farm their sitesā€¦ thatā€™s kind of an aggressive move that should be celebrated, not punished. Going into Goon or Test or PanFam space and running their anoms is a ballsy maneuver. Not carebearish in the least.

  2. The amount that get away is really immaterial. Hundreds get caught every day. The idea that itā€™s 100% safe is simply wrong when you see multiple pages of killmails from a day thatā€™s not over yet and had a longer than normal downtime. If it was impossible to catch peopleā€¦ we wouldnā€™t have so many die.

By her own words renters do not deserve the space they inhabit, because they have done nothing to actually deserve it. Not only that, those who are being protected by their god/sugar daddy/big brother are doing nothing to defend the space they personally occupy.

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Sov holders spaceā€¦ sov holders rules. They can rent or farm it themselvesā€¦ either way theyā€™re profiting off the space they hold.

Goons tend to both farm and protect/take space. They keep their farmers in house. Others have one group who protects/takes an another ā€œout of allianceā€ group who does the farming. Thereā€™s no functional difference.

I will just leave it at that, enjoying what just happened.

Please excuse my interjection and carry on unharmed.
I will leave this site open, and on occasion I will let you know that I am afk. : - )

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Again, thank you Capt. Obvious.

How do you know it is balanced if you cannot tell the success rate for hunting ratters?

I have honestly lost track about how an afk flag would help. That is so gameable, with no need to tamper with the client, that it seems useless. It would only make the situation worse ā€¦ for the renters, of course : - ) ā€¦ as they would be more easily fooled into believing that it is safe to undock.

But, anyway, I shall not forget that this is actually a non-issue, exaggerated by a loud minority of people abusing the willingness of others to ā€œdiscussā€ things, making it look like it is a far bigger issue than it actually is.

And many people who instadock and/or whine are likely botters and/or RMTers anyway, because when your goal is RMT, it would be stupid not to rent space in nullsec.

But please, pleaseā€¦ carry on. My bad. I apologise for interjecting into this important discussionā€¦ again! I am now going afk.

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Hereā€™s what I was referencing in my reply:

"No, I am upset that they are able to make billions of ISK farming endgame PvE content with negligible risk. "

4 pages of mostly ratting VNIā€™s killed in less than one day of gametime shows that risk exists. Itā€™s almost filled up the 5th page now. For comparison there are only 15 pages of kills right now in TOTAL for the day in Wormhole space. All of it. That includes pods (the VNI list does not include the pods from those VNIā€™s).

Iā€™m sorryā€¦ the idea thereā€™s no risk is kind of disproven by the number of anom runners in null who die each day. Having ratting ship losses equal to 1/3 to 1/2 the TOTAL losses in wormhole space is not an insignificant number.

There are also far less players (especially morons) in wormhole space. Your ā€œdataā€ is entirely meaningless.

That meaningless data is called evidence, while all you have is lies and nonsense bs

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So what? I never said it didnā€™t.


So what? You are, once again, arguing against a position other than what I have stated.

Please link the post where I said there is no risk?

Again, so what? It is like I say, ā€œWouldnā€™t it be nice if X happened?ā€ Then you come along and babble on and on about how awful Y is.

Correct. We need to know the number of players and the number of ratters to get some idea of what is going on.

It is like trying to determine if the fraction X/Y is ā€œlargeā€ or ā€œsmallā€ only by looking at X. You canā€™t.

Holy crapā€¦

And the number of active hunters with timezones are totally irrelevant, right? Holy crapā€¦

Did I say that or did you infer it like a complete moron?

Seriouslyā€¦you are another total waste of space on the forums. You assume if somebody does not say it then they must have meant that it is irrelevant.

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Then next time be as precise and intelligent as you are trying to show yourself. :wink:

next one please

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Or you can not be such a tw@t. Seriously. How do you evaluate something like X/Y by only looking at X? You canā€™t. At the very least you need Y.

And if you are going to compare it to A/B then there might be other information that one needs as well (in the case of killing ratters/miners in NS vs. WHs yeah, number of hunters would be good as well. As would the relevant populations). I wasnā€™t the one making such comparisons of X and A leaving out all the other parts such as population sizes, and yes, the number of hunters.

So even you have shown that Lena Crewsā€™ numbers are kind of pointlessā€¦although it seems somewhat apparent you did not get it.

Omg i love you dude. You always make me smile. Thoose numbers are important to this argument, because some newbie ceptor bros claim that ratting means billions of isk without risks and Lena just proved them wrong.

Worth to mention: theese newbie ceptor bros did not show up at the ceptor training. They refused to learn but they keep coming back here to cry. Iā€™m dissapointedā€¦:weary: