Main AFK cloaky thread

AFK miners can’t hurt you, everyone screams “Kill Miney!”

AFK cloakers can’t hurt you, everyone screams “Leave AFK Cloaky alone!!!”.


Nice try, but no. Try again.

No still no better. Remember your first analogy was specifically relevant and clever. Your latest one’s could be applied to any situation.

I live in null and support afk cloaking even if at receiving end of it.

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No it wasn’t, don’t encourage the ones in the cheap seats.

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If you’re considered to be in the expensive seats, no wonder gankers are whiners.


Now we can add reading comprehension and spelling to the list of things whiny gankers are incapable of.

AFK miners can and do affect the economy, they’re often making isk while afk.
AFK cloakers can’t do shite, except passively gather your fearful tears.

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@Ralph_King-Griffin isn’t a ganker. Try again, buddy.

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Considering that the only way to “win” in EvE is to leave forever then no, gankers do not win often…

Depends what you mean by gank? A gank can also be used to describe the use of over-whelming force that gives the enemy no chance at all. It is like wham bang and done.

AFK miners do not affect the economy because they do one roid per mining lazar or per mining drone and that is it, you cannot mine AFK, simple as that, and anyone who says so is either being dumb or dishonest.

It’s totally possible to warp into a belt, target some rocks, go do something else for 20-30 minutes, come back, dock and repeat; being ATK 3 times in an hour is pretty much AFK imho

It’s not the most efficient way of mining but it’s certainly possible to inject isk or materials into the economy through mining while being afk for 90% of the time

It is totally inefficient. I have semi AFK mined in hisec using two Orca’s while writing.

But it is not the same as AFK cloaky camping and cannot be compared to it in anyway, it is more like 5 minutes max depending on the roids as compared to up to 15 hours of AFK for an AFK cloaky camper.

In fact it is so much worse because one cloaky camper can shut down the Rorqual mining of many smaller alliances and that is no way comparable to hisec mining which is what you are referring too.

Just afk vni rat with the camper there it’s even better if you can discern his activity patern.
He can only catch one at a time if you run 3 or more at once you cover the loss and come ahead in like 2-3sites.
That’s only if he’s a danger if not even better.You can also mine in an orca with some barges esp if you use hig rigs and keep alignment.
You can even carrier rat keep jump nav open be at jumpcap and alert and if fearful insure the carrier too.
You can even warp said carrier to anoms in such a way he can’t land on you and will need probes I won’t specify cuz I believe people need to learn and improve on their own too just think about that massive carrier control range eh.Most cloaky campers don’t carry a probe launcher

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Rorqual mining of small alliances gets shut down all the time by people rolling wormholes too next you’ll complain about that.I’ve seen so many people Ill prepared in rorquals dying around in the end each to his own level of greed and carelessness

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I am not complaining about it mate, I am merely comparing the affect of a single AFK cloaky camper to someone doing 5 minute afk cycles on roids in hisec.

I suggest you read above and you might understand the exchange, because your projecting post comes over as incredibly infantile, which is a pity as your comment on VNI’s was pretty spot on.

Yea I did mix them up my bad

As for rorquals dropped I also seen people save over 100bil in rorquals when dropped and lose nothing

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To me Rorquals are a massive content creator and as such the gameplay around them is pretty spot on, they earn a lot in terms of ISK per hour but they need defending and to be fit properly as they are very vulnerable to being tackled. I see so many people moan from both sides of the argument in that they are too tough to take down and too easy to catch. For me they are in a good spot.

I found Chessur moaning that he could not take down a properly fit Rorqual with a gang on Reddit rather sad. It is supposed to be a challenge…

The number of fun fights there has been since they have been introduced has been pretty high, it is good content. You could say that AFK cloaky camping gets in the way of this content…

Yes sure, I agree. My joke was more about the neverending story of gankers vs. anti-gankers, in which mostly win because they are usually not the ones “whining”.

I guess gankers face a little less danger of getting bored by the game, because they constantly interact with people and because some of ganking might be deeply connected to empire vs empire strategies. Ganking could possibly feel more meaningful, have more effect, than low-level highsec PVE or mining. That may be why (if that is so, I have no idea) they could win EVE less often. They stay because they create part of the game. People who don’t create anything, any story, any group activity, any drama or so, will get bored sooner than later.