They haven’t used those exact words but that is the clear intent of their suggestions. Saying “BUT PVP” while lobbying for RMT buffs doesn’t make it any less of an argument in favor of buffing RMT botters.
You mean like players who set up buy and sell orders? Or contracts? That kind of effect?
I recall there was a carrier where the player did go AFK while he was ratting (to get a bear, food, etc.) and he was dropped by a gang of stealth bombers. But his geckos finished off the last rats came back and started in on the stealth bombers. When the guy got back to his chair, the bombers were bugging out…unfortunately I cannot find the link anymore. It was back when INN was and they did the ALOD. So in this case, some players were killed by an AFK “player”…still it is the exception that proves the rule. And I’m pretty sure nobody AFK cloaks with a carrier.
Hello, old friend. I hope you are well.
o7 mort
i am indeed, hows yourself?
I’d love to see you set up buy and sell orders and contracts while AFK. Setting them up isn’t possible AFK unless you use some kind of illegal program, and waiting AFK in station isn’t going to have any effect on how fast those orders fill up so no, that’s not a good comparison.
Please keep kicking down the straw man you made, it’s not helping your credibility.
I have seen good arguments for AFK cloaking in this thread, but yours isn’t one.
Merin isn’t exactly here to convince anyone. I guess it’s more about deriving pleasure from masochistic tendencies. At least for me that’s the only reason I still occasionally read these forums.
Ccp if you dont fix this bs tactic that a 2 year old can do you may lose a dedicated user of your game the cloaking mechanic in this damn game is a damn joke and the fact that you can put alts in a system and sit there for 24 hours with no repercussion is complete bullcrap. I am so glad that some one can give you money on alts and crap and then just go and camp systems all damn day is completely damn fair. Is it because they give you money that you are to damn lazy to fix a bs system how about a inactive kick system in the game so piece of craps cant sit there on an account for 24 hours. not even being at there damn computer eh? I think you just dont give a flying crap about it because they give you money or they just buy plex. If you dont fix this soon then im done with this trash game
the worst part is that adding a kick system to the game may even fix some of the lag this game gets in huge fights but i guess you are just to lazy to fix something that is totally stupid a gaming company that is to damn lazy to implement a system that a 10 year old could code
Can I have your stuff?
inb4 this thread cloaks up and merges into the background radiation called the main afk cloaky thread.
and that is the problem with this game and why its trash
We already have hard evidence (from the chat server issues) that a change to local stops AFK cloaking. I’ll take a wild stab in the dark that this isn’t the solution you want though.
The problem isn’t the game. The problem is your expecations. I suggest you play a game more up your alley, since obviously you aren’t cut out for EVE.
Inb4 lock and merge
With perfect local intel the only way to marginally slow down the krabbers is afk cloaky
@ISD_Buldath lock and merge please
I like these threads. They are the Null sec version of High Sec Ganking threads. Tears are tasty, no matter what the security level they are crying in.
There’s nothing wrong with cloaky camping. Maybe stop raging?
Edit: I do not support the move of this rant thread to the AFK cloaky thread.