Main AFK cloaky thread

Here we have this blanked statement again. Implying that anyone unhappy with the current state of AFK cloaky camper is an RMTer.

Statements like this won’t help you at all. It’s really easy to counter such an overgeneralization, as there needs to be just one nonRMT scared noob against AFK cloaky camping to prove you wrong.

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… said the RMTer.

Sure, mate.
Let’s go through this.
I’m walking home right now.

AFK cloaking is a solution to the perfect intel problem.
According to CCP.

Perfect safety is what you would have,
if it wasn’t for the camper.

Perfect safety is provided through local and by docking the instant someone enters.
Like a bot, btw.

If it wasn’t for the camper,
your bots could farm in perfect safety.

You know how this works. The only problem here is people like yourself creating the illusion of a problem. All changes revolve around the ability to tell if he’s afk, or making him a target. The end result is perfect safety every time. No matter what.

That’s what you want. You can’t word-smith me around and you can’t ■■■■■■■■ me with reasons no one cares about because they’re not changing the outcome. You can’t pull the think-of-the-children card, because you don’t give a single ■■■■ about new players who wouldn’t be in some weak ass renting corp anyway!

The claim that people want to shoot afk cloakers is just a smokescreen, hiding the fact that when you can hunt him, you will remove him. End Result: perfect safety.

The ones benefitting the most is renter trash, who doesn’t even own the space. People who are able to own space, legitimately, have the resources and manpower to deal with the camper.

When you can’t deal with a camper, i doubt you’re actually owning space. Which brings me to reddit. The reason, why no one on reddit complains about afk cloaking, is because no one gives a ■■■■ due to it not being a problem. These guys own space!

If afk camping truly was a problem, people there would be constantly complaining about it.
They’re not. They’re not renter trash.

I guess you know where you can stick all this wasted effort you’re putting into your posts.

They achieve nothing.

■■■■ Farmers.

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Helios checking in on alt, seeya out there capsuleers. :wink:

I’m disappointed. Even though we don’t have the same ideas I thought you were someone worth arguing with. I guess not.

If you have seen my earlier arguments about afk cloaking in this thread, you’d see that I’m only against the ‘AFK’ part of AFK cloaky camping, as I believe no AFK gameplay should have an effect on the game.

However, I have not supported any of the ideas that would make botting/RMTing easier. I suppoted ideas in this thread that did the complete opposite, the ideas that make space more dangerous for AFK VNIs and such. If local were to be removed I’d be happy; no more AFK cloaking and more dangerous space.

Calling me a RMTer just because you accuse anyone who’s against AFK cloaking of RMTing means a severe lack of logic and means your contributions to this forum aren’t worth reading. And as such I won’t be reading whatever nonsense you’ll be typing in the future.

You don’t care about arguing and discussing.
If you actually valued discussions, you’d understand that there is no fruitful discussion to be had here and you’d understand that, when all facts are against you, then there is nothing to discuss.

That’s the thing.
There is nothing valid to argue over.

You just want to make people believe there is, but there isn’t.

The facts are literally all against you.

When discussions only revolve about being right or wrong,
ignoring the facts completely,
then what’s the point?

There is none.

You just lose by default and this thread is evidence enough.


That is why I have been asking for information on the matter.
Initially I thought something like probes was a good solution, but (be it right or wrong) I have gone to adding heat generation while a cloak is active as the right way to introduce risk. If you’re active, it’s not a problem, if you’re not, well why are you playing? I makes cloaking safe, but only for so long.

Bark bark bark.
Heat introduction is a great middle ground, you don’t like it because you have or know someone that has dozens of alts that cloaky camp for isk or some other equally foolish reason you hide with claims of RMT and repeated, stale points.
You fear the idea because it’s an actual solution that indirectly affects the afk cloaky business.
I just want to make perma-cloaking not perma-safety so I can hunt. You want your safe space to remain untouched, but there’s no room for safe spaces in eve.
It’s gonna get it touched. Half a dozen (paid) forum warriors aren’t enough to stop that.

For complete invincibility. Now if it could turn off after 30 minutes to an hour or so (not sure on the exact numbers) then we introduce risk, minor effort and the nanite paste market gets a boost.

It’s easier if you just don’t reply. They always say the same things and try to drowned out any conversation by spamming the thread. They are also unusually dedicated to the status quo.

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What point would there be to a discussion if people stop replying?
I have had a lot of useful discussions on this forum, both in this thread and outside of it where I learned more about the game. And as such I will keep responding to people worthy of a discussion, which most people seem to be. Sadly this example above uses such gross generalisations of ‘someone with an opposing opinion must be a RMTer’ that it simply isn’t worth reading any of his posts.

A lot of arguments keep repeating, that’s true, but most people are capable of a normal discussion so I’ll continue replying to any good arguments.

I actually often wonder why people insist on being wrong and wasting time on things that will not ever change in their favour. Ever. This, combined with the fact that literally everyone knows you’re full of :poop:, only trying to make it safer for yourself to bot and RMT.

You know… the biggest benefittors of changes to afk cloaking.

The above, further combined with this threads wealth of information about the mindsets and personalities of those ultimately demanding more safety in the richest spots of the game.

There’s more, but why even bother?
It’s clear as fresh water from a mountain top.

You have absolutely no chance at all,
yet you keep insisting.


I don’t see why CCP doesn’t nerf the cloak they have nerfed everything else in game pretty much. CCP could just make it where the cloak would turn off at random times so that it makes the person actualy monitor there account, I think that would keep everyone happy.

I don’t think cloaks need nerfing. And neither do I think CCP has nerfed everything else in the game. A mechanic that could allow active cloaked players to continue without giving away their place could be a nice mechanic to discourage AFK cloaking, but a randomly turning off cloak is not something I’d like to see in a game where no other combat mechanics are random. It would be really annoying to have your cloak turn off at the wrong time just when you’re stalking someone.

Why do we need a middle ground between a current system that is working fine and an even more terrible idea? It’s like demanding that we accept the middle ground between letting you live and killing you, so we compromise and cut your legs off.

You fear the idea because it’s an actual solution that indirectly affects the afk cloaky business.

Nope. I don’t AFK cloak, nor do I know anyone who does. I simply hate lazy and entitled carebears who think they can whine endlessly on the forum until CCP gives them their risk-free PvE farming paradise. And I also hate RMTers who pretend to care about PvP in a desperate attempt to convince CCP to make their bots more profitable.

I just want to make perma-cloaking not perma-safety so I can hunt.

Then why do you keep suggesting ideas that do absolutely nothing to improve your ability to hunt? Active players, by your own claims, are not vulnerable. Inactive players will no longer be logged in. So who exactly are you going to hunt?

It’s gonna get it touched. Half a dozen (paid) forum warriors aren’t enough to stop that.

CCP has already explicitly stated that no changes to cloaking will be made until local is nerfed. This thread only exists so they have somewhere to dump all the whine threads and prevent them from cluttering up the forums.

They said that 6 years ago.

And 4 years ago.

In previous posts you say to combat cloaked players a cloak will sustain heat damage, and that after 30 mins to 2 hours depending on skills when it starts to it will get to a point of damage and shut off, which then the player needs to apply paste to fix. You also say that if a player can’t do what they want to do in 2 hours then either warping to a safe to apply paste, or log off depending on circumstances.

If your idea was implemented can you say with 100% certainty that it would not negatively affect those who are using the cloak legitimately and actively playing in any way, and only apply to and tackle the issue of AFK cloaking?

Strangely enough we have hard evidence that changing how local works does exactly this. And all without changing a single module or re-balancing a single ship.

Been a couple good ideas by others regarding changing it too, and would rather see adjustments made to local than a module to combat afk play, plus who knows might even help combat the bots a bit.

I disagree with you and others on these ideas and ask questions only because I think in it’s current format it may hurt the gameplay of those at the keyboard, just as you are free to think the same of my ideas and thoughts.

The idea itself I could almost agree with if say as an added measure any sort of game input negates the heat damage altogether. Even if cloaked for 2-3-4 hours whatever, if there is input you won’t get heat damage, camp up in system and go shopping or something well…

Who are these people? Asking for a friend.


Same, hell just for that extra customer satisfaction I could even give fleet compositions, activities, players, main tz’s etc (essentially retired now so plenty time on my hands lol).

While that’s completely true, there’s a difference between someone participating in discussion, and actively trying to shut it down with the same old, word for word replies, reasons and redirects.
If you can get more information than I can extract as to the reasons why some of these cloaky defenders don’t want cloaks to not have 100% permanent immunity to interaction while cloaked, feel free… but I see it as a fools errand to engage with some posters here.

CCP tries to placate the loudest voices. Think about the changes we’ve seen, who are the loud voices advocating for those changes? Why nerf rorquals into oblivion rather than reduce the respawn rate of ore anomalies? Why nerf carriers and other capitals damage application instead of nerfing their jump range?

I can’t, but I can say that CCP isn’t exactly on the record as caring about 100% of the people affected by their changes. I would hope that CCP would deeply consider any change and the impact it would have on the game. Numbers will need to be tweaked, some people will die not knowing about the change, others will rage for days, all of the alts used to cloaky camp on a business scale will be out of a job, but really you can’t make everyone happy.
Demanding everything stay the exact same with no changes is just as foolish as saying we should delete the cloaking device. Draw the parallels, who’s talking about and trying to work through the issue at hand, and who’s trying to distract from that process?

Local is a very interesting thing for this game. I do wonder if pirate vessels being delayed in showing up on local would produce interesting game dynamics. Sure, you wouldn’t be able to use your T3s or other ships for this purpose, but it would have some of the less uses pirate vessels a given purpose.

That could work.
I’m not sure which slot to put it, but a mod that acts like a proper heat sink that uses charges to collect the heat could be the solution for the extended stay cloaker.
Lets say it doubles, maybe triples your time being cloaked. You’d have to activate it manually, thus promoting active play, and if you run out of charges you gotta decloak to reload. Interesting idea.

One guy has characters by the name of don trolleon. Not sure if I’m spelling it right. Most of these guys hang out in the ISboxer discord (and amazingly if you watch it, you can see when they are active, thus able to evade their alts)
I know there’s others, but I’ve never actively sought out their business. If you look, you’ll find them.

Agree and as with all topics there are both for and against so it’s always give and take to find the middle ground, and as you say some still won’t agree with a change (I don’t agree with a lot of the explo changes over the years). I think there have been a lot of genuine people here discussing the afk topic, it’s a contentious one so everyone agreeing is kinda like herding cats, and rightly so each to their own and all that.

Instead of taking up a module slot could even be a rig slot. Still not a fan of more clicking or adding in fuel/charges as such, would more prefer it to be background somehow, dunno v0v.