Main AFK cloaky thread

Yes, true. However “How many vowels in Facetious?” is not a simple key press and neither is any visible pointer to an answer. The REAL problem is not to confuse the human who IS at the KB but to frustrate the script playing the game. ID the script and IN SPACE put it into warp where it is essentially logged out.

Unfortunately this is quite difficult. Most existing cloaky players don’t want to have to play a captcha game every so many minutes to keep their ship working. Including me, if we’re being perfectly honest about all this.

As for “ID the script” Eve basically can’t say for sure that anything that simple is running in the background. You could potentially make this complex enough that you need an actual screen reader and bot program, which would at least up the barrier to entry for this sort of thing, but it would also be very frustrating to deal with by real people if that were the case.

Yes, Cade - all valid points. My personal problem is falling asleep in space (cloaked) and waking up dead. What we all have to do is ID what the problem actually is. Is it someone stealing my stuff regularly because I have no door or is it having to open and shut my door continuously to stop the thieves walking all over me?
The issue I am trying to address is simply to ID the ‘thief’ before he robs me blind - I would prefer the ‘door’ rather than not.

captcha is a bad idea, make the module not auto repeat and not drop cloak instantly when cycle ends is enough, won’t change anything on gameplay, afk campers with 30 accounts will still be there but now they need to be at KB just like everyone else

Yay and here we are again with the same arguments coming back full circle. This one came up probably 800 posts ago

There are plenty of legit uses for afk cloaking. A very common one is simply trying to stay alive.

One simple example is ninja exploring in say an Ishtar. Can’t warp cloaked but can fit one. Suddenly you encounter a very aggressive group hunting you down. Can’t dock. Maybe cant even safe log because the skies are filled with combat probes.

I’ve been there. Cloaked for hours waiting for them to give up. I think its perfectly fine in that case if I can actually step away for a little bit. Stretch my legs etc.

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Yes let’s design game mechanics specifically for bots

This is as stupid as adding CAPTCHA to mining lasers for exactly the same reasons.

It’s absolutely discriminatory. Are you just suggesting pop-up puzzles to prevent you from being logged out in the middle of a fleet battle?

Do you even play this game?

Thankfully you’re not a game designer.

None of you have thought about players elsewhere in the game, or how long term afk while cloaked in Wormhole space is essential. Especially when coordinating operations with fleets in some systems (like fractured systems) where structures cannot be anchored.

so taking this example, a miner should be able to afk mine too, cause the rocks won’t “give up” for hours , and that would be exausting. that example doenst fit in my idea, if you are cornered and can’t cloak it’s an specific situation,not an entire mechanics.

I’m pretty sure this is both false equivalence and a straw man. I’m impressed.

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That doenst kill the idea at all, is that so hard to press a key once every 2-3 minutes? don’t think so. And I said cloak won’t drop instantly after timer is down, so y keep cloaked for few seconds while you hit the cloak again

Lovely, I understand.
So, a cloaker needs to press the cloak key every 60s to maintain his/her cloaked status or they will drop the cloak a couple of seconds thereafter. Very clear, but extremely frustrating for a spider in her web having to rebuild the web every minute so all potential victims recognise the danger. The clever spider will get a script (servant) to press the web button every 59 seconds while she just waits for a nibble.
We need to keep the spider alive and also concentrate on the fact that it MIGHT NOT BE a spider at all in the web.
The way I see this whole mess is the problem of BOTS . Eliminate them and play against real people. The Capture principle system can eliminate bots.
Signing off,

Yes it does. Players need to be able to step away from the game. Safelogging is not an option in a hostile wormhole.

Do you even play this game?

Then that spider would be smashed by the ban hanmer

Well don’t y know how to create safe spots? I am amused y guys can’t just jump to another wh and safe log there. they will take a while to realise witch way y came. and again you are making an specific example , not countering the idea itself.

Have you met combat scanners?

Have you met warp bubbles and interdictors?

Have you met covops scouts? Of course they know which way you came from. Aside from that you may be clearing sites in that wormhole for days before you move on.

Because one specific and totally reasonable example completely invalidates your terrible idea because your terrible idea completely invalidates an entire profession.

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Have had that too with a Sabre on each wh waiting for you to try.

The main point is these “solutions” screw with a lot of legitimate situations to try and fix arguably one fairly small one

One thing I have yet to hear is any stats on how widespread of an issue afk cloaking even is.

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no, even with that mechanics will be plenty of whormholers and explores around. Adjust not the lazy ones. miners had to adapt to trigkavians in hisec, to ore nerfs in null, gankers had to adapt to ehp boost in haulers, just to cite few examples. Why can’t you guys adapt too?

Not even a legit argument. If an explorer is legit hiding from hunters he has also stopped making isk.

If a miner wants to cloak up and hide from the trigs maybe that gets closer to a legit rebuttal

AFK is the word. I don’t mind about cloaking , camping , or both together. can’t believe a whole profession is gonna die cause y can’t press a button every 2-3 ok make it 10minutes.

False equivalence.

Permanent cloak in wormhole space is the only way you survive being hunted by an organised fleet.

It’s not a just adapt situation. It’s nothing like jumping one system to another belt.

Your idea is bad, it breaks the game for other people so that you feel less scared of an AFK alt.

It’s not even a new idea.

You could “just adapt” to being afk camped however. You should do that.

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Y can’t cloak from trigs they warp in exactly in your spot when y try it xD