Main AFK cloaky thread

way to fly right past my point.

So its ok to break the game to miners/ratters but not ok to break to explorers?

Nobody broke the game for miners or ratters. I do those things every day.

Irrelevant. Cloaks are fine. They work fine for 99% of their uses. Adding something that makes it annoying and tedious for 99% of game play to “fix” the other 1% is dumb.


as someone stated earlier an explorer sitting cloaked is losing isk, we can say the same someone trying to avoid/ hunt a cloaky camper

There’s nothing broken about that.

Again I don’t mind cloak camping, but someone drop 30 accounts , cloak them and go to work is silly

YET again the AFK is the discussion here

The issue here isn’t even that they’re AFK. It’s that you’re scared of a player that isn’t even at his own house where his computer is.

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You are forcing me to call you dumb really. how will you know if he is active or not? he can get home earlier get a day off, etc. and we did hunted some , so I’m afraid of nothing , plz don’t make assumptions

Again citation needed. I have yet to see any stats that this is as widespread of a problem that requires a fix. Based on stats of this thread there’s maybe a small fraction of a percent of players who have enough of an issue to post here complaining over the last 4 years.

why are you assuming he is active then? plz don’t make assumptions

Then allow bots entirely , cause there’s a low fraction of players who do that.

Because the ad hominem definitely makes your idea better :roll_eyes:

Remove local. No more cloaky campers, doesn’t break other parts of Eve that rely on long-term cloaking, and doesn’t add super irritating mechanics that only serve to piss off 99% of players.

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“there’s a small fraction of people who commit murder so we should just allow everyone else to murder as well”

You should really focus less on the speed of your replies and more on the quality of the argument. This argument is so bad I don’t even need to explain why.

Hmm, you owe me 1 000 000 ISK you piece of sxxxx It’s the cretins like you who troll these forums that make life and socialising very unpleasant for sensitive players. You know me from nothing yet you accuse me of being an uneducated racist who also knows nothing about religious ‘stuff’ yet you are too scared to reply to a personal email I sent you asking for help in the matter. You are an arrogant bully and a complete moron if you think I will listen to you ever again, or treat you with any respect, so don’t bother replying - there is only so much crap a person can endure and you provide 100%

That was his argument not mine blame him

Ah thanks. Now I know there is a reading comprehension problem. Mostly that maybe you read too fast. Hint there is a difference between playing a game within the rules (yes it is within the rules to cloak all day) and breaking the terms of service (botting) equating the two is either being disingenuous or a lack of comprehension.

At least now I can safely take a break until someone who can can craft real arguments comes along

Because your evemail contained much of the same prejudiced bigotry that the thread you refer to did.

Just to help you out:

Orientals, depending somewhat on your viewpoint, refers to almost half the landmass on the planet. We’re talking pretty much from ancient Thrace to the eastern tip of modern Russia.

So in your crass generalisation of “Oriental” beliefs you painted, and this list is non exclusive, Persian, Arabian, South Asian and East Asian people of holding comparable beliefs.

Even if you used Oriental in a more recent interpretation to mean broadly East Asian as an allegedly educated man you’d know that actual East Asians find the term pejorative and you really didn’t ought to use it. In the case that you were referring to just the Far Eastern cultures you’re still stereotyping the majority of people on the planet who, just FYI, can’t possibly hold the same beliefs.

Your understanding of “Orientals” and your use of this term on this forum was racist. Full stop.

Also your interpretation of the beliefs of all Catholics is equally prejudiced and I don’t appreciate you dropping that garbage into my evemail unsolicited.