Main AFK cloaky thread

Only because there are many lazy and/or stupid farmers giving out easy killmails. This is like complaining that suicide ganking is overpowered because someone flew a freighter full of PLEX on autopilot through Uedama.

It’s also a content killer

Utter nonsense. Without the ability to use cloaking to keep your name in local there will be a massive reduction in content. There won’t be Rattlesnakes and carriers to hunt, as soon as a name appears in local they’ll all be docked in station. The ONLY way that any content whatsoever is created is that eventually, as you say, the defenders have to whitelist the cloaked player and accept the risk of attack unless they want to forfeit their system entirely.

you directly support the notion that the newer and weaker should accept being shat on by people with much more time, resources and experience.

Welcome to EVE. “Might makes right” is one of EVE’s guiding principles.

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IOW, “I want to farm without any risk of attack, CCP nerf cloaking”. This is not going to happen, even if the penalties are crippling people will just put it on an alt and park it next to their farming ship.

New ‘anticloak’ depot

Which is even dumber, now you don’t even need to have an alt account to hold your immunity bubble.

This problem seems extremely easy to solve to me with just the most basic logic.

You are correct, it would be very easy to nerf cloaking. The fact that CCP has not done so should tell you something about the merits of the idea.

I dont know why this thread has struggled along for over 6000 responses to absolutely no useful end.

Because it’s a trash can to hold all of the anti-cloaking whines from renter trash alliances and prevent them from making a mess of the forum. CCP has explicitly stated that they are not going to do anything to nerf cloaking until/unless local is also nerfed.

Then it shows that you have no idea what you’re talking about.

First off, you think it’s a problem. (lmao)
Second, you think that your 2 minute hamster wheel would be able to solve a “problem” that’s been going on this thread since 2017? (how entitled and egocentric are you?)

Logically speaking,

I am granting that ratters should be able to hold themselves safe provided proper techniques and experience are applied. The principle of ‘two good hands’ manning the ship should be rewarded.

Poor technique can be punished by hunters, but the cloak camp system allows hunters to deny the ratter all opportunity to rat safely irrespective of their skill and experience. This defies the principles I am granting.

Therefore this foundation suggests ratters must receive new limited tools (with clever balance and downside) for their toolboxes to allow high skill ratting to access safe ratting.

So far as that goes, I am confused why 6000 posts later and this idea has not been settled.

All that is left is to define the new tool.

It has been settled - no change to cloaking is necessary or required.

You just shot yourself in your foot logically. This thread having 6000 posts and growing (actually round numbers 7000 posts) proves the exact contrary to what you just claimed.

Sounds great!

Maybe CCP could reduce the response time of arriving players local chat, and then introduce a new intel structure that allows the nullsec residents to return that to near current response time. That structure would have a cost, and could be attacked by invaders. Also, perhaps this intel structure could have the ability to, a few times per day, forcefully decloak all ships in the system thus serving as a counter to AFK cloaking!

There, a cleverly balanced solution, that admittedly requires some work from CCP, but doesn’t just make living in nullsec perfectly safe and yet provides a method to deal with AFK cloaking.

If you don’t like this, I am sure you can come up with something similar with costs, trade-offs and windows of risk that actually does what you say you want, rather than your initial suggestions which just makes it easier and safer for nullsec residents to avoid every single fight.

Give it a shot.

Logically speaking, you don’t know what the actual issue is, which is the reason why you are confused.

The “problem” is cowards who feel entitled to perfect safety when krabbing. This is not a “problem” in terms of game mechanics, because it has nothing to do with game mechanics. It stems from the cowards’ lack of a spine and fear because a small box of pixels in grey color appear in the local channel.

This is not a problem that CCP should or needs to address, because this is a problem with the coward’s mind. CCP has no place in telling players how and what they should think. If a player decides to set their own personal limits due to their fears, that’s their perogative, and CCP does not need to do anything.

thread 2 years old, has 67k views and 6.6k replies. aaand… 16 likes… XD
you are the one hahaha

The number of posts proves nothing whatsoever. Idiots just constantly repeating variations of what has already been said hundreds of times before is no proof that such proposals are either novel or have any virtue. If anything was going to be done to change cloaky camping it would have happened by now…

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They are the ones affected the LEAST. If you are even halfway competent, stay aligned, and stay on dscan, you can get away nearly all the time.
If you want to sit at 0 on the warp in beacon you deserve to die.

They can be, using the tools they already have. No further changes are required.

Poor technique can be punished by hunters, but the cloak camp system allows hunters to deny the ratter all opportunity to rat safely irrespective of their skill and experience

Only if the farmer is useless renter trash that can’t secure its own system. Poor technique is punished, competent alliances are making so much ISK farming in nullsec that even after various nerfs it still dominates the economy.

I am confused why 6000 posts later and this idea has not been settled.

Because CCP has heard the incessant whining of people like you, decided that your ideas have no merit whatsoever, and will not be making any changes to cloaking without also removing local.

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It has been settled. After more than a decade of the same complaints no changes have been deemed to be necessary.

People complain about a lot of things that are not real problems all day every day.

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Geez, This is the third time I’ve broken this down. the number of posts is irrelevant. Bah lemme just find my post and paste again…

Just looking at this thread, which I did like last week. There’s 425 distinct posters over the last 3 years. Half would be 212. Now that’s even being generous, as I would argue for every one person coming to complain there’s at least 2 others who refute that complaint. But I’ll split if 50/50 for ease of use.

Now lets use daily active players, which is also being generous, but since I have no idea of total subs its the easiest number to use. so let’s say over the last 3 years the daily average was 21k. That would mean roughly 1% of TOTAL daily active players found it necesarry to complain in this thread over the last 3 years. I believe there are roughly 3500 0.0 systems. So let’s say that 1% of active players each represent a distinct system. So that would be 35 systems being camped by afk cloakers.

Sure this is arbitrary, but since nobody else has even attempted to give actual stats, it is something at least.

So the question is, do we really need to completely rework cloaking for something that is affecting maybe 35 systems?

You are welcome to give better numbers if you have them. Until then nobody has shown any actual data to show this is a big enough issue to even be addressed.

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This. Would leave active gameplay pretty much intact, but players could actually do something to AFK’ers.

Could make it scan probe with X AU range (range could be affected by skills) that takes few minutes to finish the scan (scan time might also be affected by skills), so hunter would need to actively probe the system to find their prey. Active cloaker could just relocate because probes would be visible in dscan.

Actually very minimal change to overall game that would fix the issue.

It’s adorable that you think this is a “minimal change”.

Not minimal at all. Would totally break many other aspects of cloaking, especially WH space.

And it wouldn’t fix the issue. AFK cloaker just aligns in a direction before going afk. A covert ops moves 412 m/s cloaked. You’d never get a lock and warp in time to land close enough to it to decloak.

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Would not need to decloak by getting close, if scan probe makes cloaked ships visible within its radius.

What would it actually break in WH space?

“minimal change”, lmao

Yes, it actually would be because it only would affect afk cloakers. Active ones would just dodge the probes. But thanks for contributing.