Main AFK cloaky thread

Which totally Fk’s all kinds of other gameplay.

Honestly the big issue is that Nobody here has yet, in 7000 posts, even begun to show that this issue is even large enough to be even called a “problem” As far as I know I’m the only one who has even tried to put numbers to it, which points out how little of an issue this is. Nobody has addressed or tried to show better numbers.

One balance issue is no local. So you never know who might be cloaked watching. You could just keep these probes out all the time and instantly know when someone might be sneaking up on you, just as one example.

Yeah, coding wise: copy paste existing probe definition, change attributes (range, scan time, show cloaked ships). They could make this in few hours probably.

Gameplay wise: minimal because it only really affects afkers. Active ones could just dodge the probes.

Saying it over and over doesn’t make it true.

Bottom line you are talking about a major change to a mechanic that has been in use for over a decade. Before you can even talk about the details you need to show there is a “major problem” that needs a fix.

Nobody has shown that AFK cloaking is even a major “problem”

Actually no. Long scan time so when probes become visible on dscan, just relocate and come back few min later.

Keeping them up all the time would require a gang of people, launching probes in short intervals.

It obviously is an issue because theres huge frikkin threads about it all the time. If mechanic has been there for decade, it does not make it not flawed.

Irrelevant. I’m not reposting the numbers again as I already have 3 times this week. This thread is huge because it keeps going around and around on the same subjects. But over 3 years only 400ish different people have actually posted. Even if you count half of those posting to complain (200) it is a fraction of a percent of the playerbase.

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Amount of people actually using these forums is also a fraction of percent of the playerbase. So your logic in this is bit flawed…

It is less flawed than just saying “the thread has lots of posts”.

At least I have made an attempt at some numbers. Nobody here complaining has even tried.

Far more people complain about high sec suicide ganking, which CCP has officially stated to be allowed gameplay.

Its not a thread with lots of posts. Its been going on for years with countless threads about it…

Anyway, theres some minor changes to cloaking happening with certain metaliminal storms already. So maybe Devs actually think certain aspects of cloaking is an issue. Lets wait and see…

All the threads get merged here. so the numbers still stand. It’s not the number of posts that matter. Heck you could have a thread with 20k posts over say 10 years. But if it was just 5 people posting in that thread you wouldn’t say its a big problem. You’d say its 5 people that can’t shut up about it.

Either way. I took an initial stab at trying to put numbers to how widespread afk cloaking is. Prove me wrong. How many afk cloakers are active daily? How many systems are they in? What kind of systems are they in?(big alliance blocs?, renter space?)

Fact that merged thread needs to be even made about one issue, is already a proof that theres quite a few people complaining about it. This discussion already degraded from discussing the actual issue to pickering about post counts, so i think ill retire from this one if nothing interesting actually comes up.

Because the numbers do matter. Right now you are talking about a solution in search of a problem.

First people need to actually show that this is a problem. Just complaining about it doesn’t prove its a problem Players complain about everything in EVE. They complain about suicide ganking (officially deemed proper gameplay). They complain about people salvaging their wrecks out from under them (literally designed into the game that way).

Now that is still tough to deal with, as unlike some other gameplays I’ve not seen CCP officially weigh on on AFK cloaking.

So even if it is identified as a “problem” it’s critical to know how big of a problem before you go fundamentally changing a long standing game mechanic. That’s where the numbers become important.

But if you can’t help put actual numbers up, you probably should give up, i mean retire.

OK, since you are so fixated about your numbers, let me point one major flaw for you: Discussing about numbers you deem so very important is completely irrelevant because neither of us actually have the correct ones. Only devs do and maybe you should leave it for them to decide if its an actual issue or not. Your repeatedly shouting about those numbers is just a distraction from actual issue and fixes and adds absolutely nothing to this discussion. Just like talking about suicide ganking, which obviously is completely separate topic.

But you can keep doing it and consider you actually somehow won the thread for repeating one irrelevant thing over and over again. Forum warrior surely is a special kind of breed.

And the fact that they have refused to do so should tell you something about the merits of your idea.

Good point. The devs have explicitly stated that they will not be changing cloaking without also removing local, so the issue is settled and you can give up.


Maybe they drew a blank on ideas how to fix it without removing local. Ideas come, ideas go. Time will tell if something actually sticks.

And BTW, if you somehow missed it, they are already changing cloaking with metaliminal storms…

EDIT: typos

The difference is that the storm affects everyone in the system equally. It does not take sides. What you are asking is a button to remove all risk from your ratting.

That’s hilarious.

Ok fine. However nobody coming here complaining gives even a minimal amount of information to put the situation in context. I have asked about this as well which you and others have ignored.

Given most are forum posting alts I cannot research myself, so I can only ask. Nobody wants to give any information on their personal situation to give it some context. Now obviously I’m not asking you to give super detailed information, but there is plenty of generic info that puts the situation into context.

What kind of corp/alliance are you in? (size?). Are you a small SOV group? Part of a large bloc? Renting a SOV system? How many systems are being camped? (it seems you could just move a system or two over if its only one).Nobody seems to want to share anything that can give context.

Where did i ask that? Please enlighten me.

Looks like you skimmed some message quicky, jumped into conclusion and somehow completely managed to miss what was actually talked about.

That is basically what every “nerf cloaking” -idea boils down to.