Main AFK cloaky thread

Except I never did that.

Why are you dragging a specific like that into a general discussion of your general attitude? Why, when its far from the only idea I presented?

And yes, I see you harping on it, and linking to past mentions of timers. As a guide it would be nice, but that’s not your point. Your point is to avoid discussion of your garbage attitude by pretending that its utterly impossible an old idea ever could be improved upon.

Do you really believe you can read minds? I don’t.

You know, you really can just disappear and let people talk and it really will be okay without you, your negative attitude, your personal attacks and your attempts at mind reading. It really will. You can just vanish from the forum and go enjoy your life. We don’t need you here.

Nonsense. CCP has suggest that the Observation Array will address the issue. They have indicated something will change regarding cloaks soon. Hopefully it is the observation array or some other solution that does not shift the balance towards krabbers. I have posted about this in this thread and previous versions before.

Are you always this passive aggressive and whiney? Just curious.

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I guess I better also point out to you that an idea may be old to you, but new to someone else. Its quite likely that a person new to the discussion could come up with something brilliant without you shutting them down from the get go.

Leonardo da Vinci had ideas that took hundreds of years to come to life. People talked about and dismissed those as well…for literally hundreds of years…until someone picked it up yet again and made it reality. I think it was 2005 that a new heart surgery was created based on da Vinci’s understanding of the heart.

Any idea how many people tried and failed just to make airplanes? I can see you in the 19th century, reading about the Wright Brother’s and saying “Rubbish! They will die like Icarus and Lilienthal.”

So. Other ideas won’t kill you.

Balance can be address with other new ideas that can come out in constructive discussion.

Timers are pretty simple and have been discussed to death. Why do you insist on beating a dead horse?

You are not Leonardo da Vinci (and neither am I) but the timer idea is just bad. It clearly is designed to shift the balance in favor of krabbers.

Tell you what…why not a timer for krabbing? Why not have a timer for ratting or mining? Why don’t we ever hear about that? We toss AFK cloaking on the rubbish heap, but you can only rat or mine for say…mmm…3 hours in NS then you have to have a cool down of 1.5 hours.

This is such a foolish and nonsensical analogy…I am talking about game design and balance. Is there such a thing regarding real life invention or innovation? No.

Seriously, here is a question…

Why are you such a negative Nancy? People don’t like the timer idea. They don’t like it because timers pretty clearly shift the balance towards krabbers and krabbers already do pretty darn well in game. They don’t need a buff.

But instead of trying a new idea, asking about ideas people have talked about concerning the observatory array, or the like…you just whine, ■■■■■ and moan about how unfair everyone is to you. Like a child and not an adult.

Your idea sucks.


You want to discuss other ideas…fine. But maybe go look at what has been suggested for more than a decade and not suggest that kind of bullshite and not post that bullshite.

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Could do, but so far it hasn’t happened.

I’m not a chef, yet I know bad food when I taste it. In the same vane, I’m not a game designer, but I know bad game design when I see it. So far, all of the ideas fall well short of good suggestions, and there’s been no brilliant idea, either new or an iteration on an old idea posted by anyone.


I used to think paella was a horrible idea for a dish since the first three times or so I had it (only tastes of other people’s after the first time) it was simply awful. But people kept telling me it was good, so I tried again by different chefs. Seems I had the bad luck of bad chefs and restaurants. Finally I found good paella. I guess its hard to make good, but not impossible.

Bite someone’s head off the second they come to the thread or forum and yeah. Don’t hold your breath for it to happen.

There is your trouble. I guess I need to stop telling you how not post and instead give a positive example of how to post. It could be like this:

Thanks for posting! Your idea is popular in the sense that many people have proposed it before. I will provide you with some links to those past discussions so you can see if you can improve on them or find some point that was missed. Its a lot to go through, but I wish you luck. All that information is going to be very useful to find a methodology and craft a proposal that could be accepted after so much prior discussion with many strongly for and many strongly against. You will find my opinions in there as well!

Let us know which of the proposals you found most like your own and how yours may be different. Or, is it possible the linked discussions made you think twice about the idea?

Goodness you are delicate…

Look, you came in and suggested an idea. The regulars pointed out it was an old idea discussed to death yet here you are still whining. Why?


Grow up.


It was not only me who got it like that. Its the main theme of this thread in fact, to bite someone’s head off for posting.

Slow down. Calm down. Consider your posting style. Consider the posting style of many here. Consider how you could make the ideas section a better place and post in a way that gets you what you want, assuming that its not a bitter fight that you want.

I did and you bitched that you weren’t going to read them. Seriously…grow up. You cannot even take your own advice.


I think you have missed the point. I know you provided links…eventually. But the point of my post was to provide a positive, encouraging response to someone who posted an old idea or variation of one.

Will you please slow down, calm down and consider what I wrote? The point of my post was pretty clear.

You bite everyone else’s head off for not giving your idea more than a cursory consideration…and you complain? Really. Grow up.

Between this thread, the two threads on the previous forum and all the treads on the forums before that we are talking at least 20,000 posts. People post the same old tired crap again and again. In fact, it is rude to do so. Use the search function. Read the thread. Use google. Use Eve Search. See if the idea has been presented before. If it has…STFU. Really…STFU. Nobody, except the person posting, wants to see idea number 5 posted for the 576th time.


Will you please just slow down? You are not taking any time to read what I wrote and think about it.

Posting an old idea is a forum faux pas at best. To post an idea beaten to death is kind of inconsiderate. To sit there and throw a tantrum because nobody is considering idea 5 for the 577th time is just childish.

Here is an idea…try thinking of another idea?


BTW…POS modules, or citadel modules, given the current environment, that has a “decloak pulse”…very old idea. Been suggested even more than the timer.

Fuel for cloaks, old idea.

Letting combat probes probe down cloaked ships, old idea.

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Basically most ideas are of this nature:

Gimp cloaks.

Let krabbers krab with even greater safety.

Most ideas are never “symmetrical” - that is they do not present any kind of increased difficulty for the krabbers. This is why most of the krabbers who complain about AFK cloaking hated the discussions around the observatory array.

And keep in mind who is complaining. Is it front line NS veterans who are used to having ships go boom? No. It is usually people who krab 100% of the time in renter alliances. Not all, but mostly.


That’s just not fair. There is too much history for anyone to take in all at once and you know well this thread is extremely difficult to scan for any information at all.

You and others have pigeon-holed an idea type as a “timer” idea, but that its too much a leap to expect someone to know off the bat about that pigeon-hole you guys came up with long ago, or any of the other ones either.

What I see amounts to a “troll the new guy at work” kind of attitude. It has no place in an ideas section.

This is often standard on most forums. And there is google. And perhaps you should ask about old ideas first. There are tools to find this stuff out.

If your cloak shuts off after a period of time…its is a f—ing timer. Call it what you will it is a timer.

Can you not move on? Or are you going to be stuck on this butthurt forever?