Main AFK cloaky thread

Oh. Is that what this is about? Days on end? Please contact a moderator to change the thread title. Its confusing. Some people seem to think it could mean less than one day cloaking AFK sometimes.

Miners operate a bit differently.

You mean apart from those who simply have somewhat neutral ideas about AFK cloaking and those who show up to complain about such ideas?

You clearly do not know what you are talking about then. You keep spouting off like an ignoramus in this thread. Yes, people do not care if you come into a null system, and cloak up for a few minutes while taking a dump and then moving on. They care about people moving a cloaking alt into system and leaving them there for days or weeks. If it were less than a day we wouldn’t have this thread.

You’re right, there are those ignoramii who have no idea what they are talking about or how things work.

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Not at all. But why should bad ideas just be allowed to stand as bad ideas? This is a discussion forum, we are allowed to post here, otherwise the place would be pretty empty.

But there is nothing about the forum that expects that bad ideas just be left alone and the holes in them not be pointed out and questioned.

Show us on the doll where the “bad” ideas hurt you son.

Discussing? Is that what you think you are doing?

You even quoted me saying “a day”. You think “a day” is equivalent to “a few minutes”?

Even if it were a day it wouldn’t lead to all the whine threads, all the crap ideas with the silly names, and people basically upset their krabbing is being interrupted.

It seems to me that you are whining and upset as much as anyone.

Tell me, have you ever put forth an idea for discussion? Or are you only capable of deeming everything crap with a silly name?

Your the one that has a tantrum every few posts. Perhaps you should stop with the projection.

Yes, in the forums prior to this one. Suggested that local is removed and a structure be used to bring back local but that can be subverted and easily attacked.

Oh. I get annoyed when people troll and poke at me. Shocking. I guess I might be human.

Might as well be from the 19th century. Was it your treatment there that made you what you are today?

Would you say that cloaking mechanics are perfect as they are currently put into practice?

Salvos is almost on tilt again.

Well, CCP wants to think about a significant change to cloaky camping? I might have 2 cents.

So, I will admit afk cameras, afk locals, are great tools for intel gathering. It makes what would usually be the job of a few people possible by only one. Who needs team work for intel when Twitch/Discord exist? And I don’t even have to consent to pvp unless I want to pvp. Great life for me in my afk tengu that can fly threw bubbles.

Wait, so I can make people consent to pvp action while they can’t do it in return? Well that’s not fair. Everyone should be able to fight anyone eventually out in the great sandbox of nullsec. If you can gank a procurer that forgot to keep local open, you should be able to be punished for not being at your computer. But just in case let’s just try something simple, but still allows a little bit of afk.

For the suggestion: So those cool little structures for navigation gave me an idea. Why not make a ‘pulse field wave generator’ or whatever you would call it, to make a pulse that travels slowly threw a system (0.5 au/s) that ‘reveals’ cloaked ships that are hit by it. Making them scannable but not lockable for 1 minute, you can see them on your overview but can’t issue movement or a lock command. Make their cloak futz or glow a little for added cool during the effect. In addition, some limitations should be in order. It would take fuel to charge the pulse, it can only be used every 4-8 hours (maybe tie it with adm?) And it would give a massive audible warning for the whole 5 minutes it charges up to anyone in the system that is undocked.

Yah I’d still cloaky camp to that.

The usual suspects hated it. They hated it because they couldn’t rat/mine in near perfect safety. The idea of players sneaking in and turning off local really bothered them. Alot. Other players who weren’t just into krabbing were more receptive.

As for the current mechanics I am fine with them. The current mechanics may not be optimal, but they are balanced. I am fine with that too.

Ahhh yes…the pulse generator suggestion…which has been suggested so many times before people have literally lost count…

Non-consensual pvp is everywhere in the game and isn’t an issue anywhere. However, it’s always the case that anytime you can engage someone else in pvp, they can respond.

yeah. Hunter style pvp. You don’t need a consent.

Great. And do you understand that any new idea is going to shift the balance, and most likely require a separate change for the sake of balance and better optimization than before?

If you do, surely you can see that one side of the equation needs to grow, and perhaps grow A LOT, before trying to tackle the other side? And that attacking an idea too early thwarts that growth?


Will a new idea have an effect on balance? Yeah probably. However, I don’t think that a new idea necessarily results in “better optimization” or even balance.

This looks rather unbalanced. If the status quo is balanced and “one side grows” that is unbalanced by definition. If your idea is substantially unbalanced then I see no reason to even entertain it at all. Maybe if it was a tiny bit unbalanced but moved substantially closer to optimal it could be justified, but a timer with a fancy name is not that.

Necessarily?? Where did that come from? Of course it won’t, “necessarily”. Ideas could go any which way.

(sigh) I simply cannot understand your mental block on this. Until an idea has been positively entertained, you cannot possibly know if its unbalanced, or even if another separate change will balance it. Much less would you know if the entire load of new ideas would be an improvement.

How can you fail to see that being hasty is not helpful to idea building? How can you fail to see that it takes time to find a way through to many good things and that you cannot possibly know where a discussion will lead at the outset?

No kidding which is why your idea is getting such resistance.

The idea of a timer has been discussed to death. It is not a new idea no matter what kind of fancy schmancy name you attach to it. It is considered a dead end/bad/silly idea that unbalances the status quo in favor of those who engage in krabbing and they don’t need any help in that regard. You act like you are this brilliant person who suddenly thought of an idea…a timer. That has never been thought of before. But it has. It has been thought of over…15 years ago is my guess. I know it predates my time in game with is 13 years.

I have been watching and reading these ideas longer than you have been playing the game (unless you are an alt and your main has been in game since before 12/30/2007). Maybe the people who look at your idea, roll their eyes, and dismiss have seen that idea presented dozens of times before.

I pointed you to my old AFK Cloaking Collection thread…a collection of the bad ideas players have proposed.

Timer 1
Timer 2
Timer 3
Timer 4
Timer 5
Timer 6
Timer 7 (This one is awesome as it has multiple ideas and goes back not the previous incarnation of the forums, but even further back to the one prior to that.)
Timer 8
Timer 9

Get the point? (Almost surely not.) You are not the brilliant person you thought you were. Your idea is so old it doesn’t have mold on it…it has complete decayed away to nothing.

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And here is the old sticky thread by ISD LackofFaith.

Oh and look!

Timer 10
Timer 11