Main AFK cloaky thread

I believe this is the hard part, for as soon as a non-blue shows in local the bot docks up. This seems to be the main reason people have pushed for the removal of Local or delayed local. 60 seconds of delay after gate cloak is finished would give hunters 2 minutes to d-scan for prey. Maybe that’s too much, but it’s a start.

I’ve said the same before, and my last post was trying to get to the same point. You only need a defense fleet or some type of defense plan while you are ratting/mining. And you only need a defense fleet on alert if there is an AFK cloaky in system. And I may be wrong, but if you do get dropped on, and your defense fleet works by slapping down the bloppers then chances are you will no longer be an ideal target for the campers.

If you are ratting/mining without a defense plan, then having to defend against an AFK cloaky could be construed as disproportionate. On the other hand if you rat/mine with a defense plan, regardless of whether you are alone in system or not, I don’t see how it matters if the person is AFK or not.

You only need 2, not 10. Keep the fuel in the fuel truck and it wont leak. I could stay forever that way just like it is now. There a plenty of players who can afford to do that…

I mean that active players will move negating the afk player altogether. If he sneaks in somehow, you will certainly know he’s active.

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Anything with AFK cloaky camping will just get moved back here. Really there is no reason to move it into any other thread. The ideas can be discussed and justified here quite easily.


Don’t be so sure. CCP basically took it away for a period of time. They might be willing to take it away again and give you some means of “clawing it back”. CCP has a dim view of “passive” things in game. Typically they focus on “passive income”, but nothing prevents them from turning it to “passive intel”.

But he doesn’t want you picking apart his idea!!! :stuck_out_tongue:


Of all the games, and all their forums, EVE Forums, AFK Cloaky thread is the last place that will not happen :rofl:

This is the pinnacle of NO, NO WAY, NEVER!!

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I think the thd should be changed to “Entitled children want to bot”.


That will leave a mark…

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Happy Cake Day to … uh … me!



There are already tools for a response.

  • Control your space.
  • Be aligned.
  • Don’t play “AFK” while you watch Netflix.

Those are simple tools that already exist and require 0 development time to implement, as well as 0 chance for CCP to utterly ■■■■ up.

I’ll repeat my previous example: I started out as a Provi Nerd, back when ProviNRDS was a thing. I joined Of Sound Mind back when they held the 9-F0B pipe, and we were cloaky-camped 99% of the time by one of the many ‘n’of’x’ dudes – something like Replicant 1of140 or something.

On top of that SOUND back then had a 15M SP CAP to getting in because they didn’t want bittervets. CVA had like… 4 caps in the entire alliance that they wouldn’t pull more than 1m out of a POS shield for fear of being turbo-dunked by every competent entity in the game because CVA dared to have titans at all. So no capital umbrella. Hell, you could barely get the idiots to form anything competent until after the threat was already gone.

Most of us barely had fitting skills, and flew around in low-SP ships and fits. However, we mined, ratted, hauled, and manufactured crap all day every day. And we didn’t lose ships to AFK cloaky campers. We had a rule that you were on comms and in fleet if you were undocked, with a 2-strike policy. We fitted our mining and PvX ships reasonably, with an expectation that we might get jumped on.

And we always had fights. People came to fight us, just because they knew that even if we knew we were likely gonna get dunked, we’d still bring it. It was our space, and we fought for it. Can ask anyone that lived in Catch or came to Provi back then, OSM would fight to control our space, only docking up and ship-spinning when it was completely overwhelming fleets passing through – like a Tengu fleet (back then Tengus were stupid OP). A-A, TEST, Goons, Brave, etc. all would come through and fight us, 24-7. Funnily enough they also came to back us up when we were being booted out over an ONI :stuck_out_tongue:

Use the tools that exist. Basically, to quote leadership back then, “We don’t subsidize stupid.”


Ok, screw it.
I have been debating with my self about weather or not to post this, but I guess I have to. If CCP changes cloaking itself because people won’t do things for them selves it’s going to get ugly.

As I have said, and even given hints at…
I have a way of dealing with this and have hesitated to put it in here, but the threads on this stupid subject are insane (and I’m helping with that because I to am a bit stupid at times).

Anyhow cloaking doesn’t need to be changed. The players who don’t like people using a tactic should learn to think and counter that tactic, and in this case they have failed to do so and here’s why:
First, if someone got into what you think is your space, (it isn’t, but I will let you go on deluding your self), that’s on you, your gate camps suck (people in Rancer can stop a Stiletto with 1.8 second align time with out using area of effect weapons, their gate camps do NOT suck they target and shoot you and you die). Ok, so your gate camp failed, here’s what to do: inside of the gate, and at all points in space that can be warped to, you can place junk, I don’t care what it is, just stuff that prevents cloaking, drones, metal scraps, tourists, Brisk’s frozen corpse, what ever you like. What this does is prevents the invader (this would be me, and that is why I don’t want to post this in here) from cloaking at the gate, if they then manage to warp AGAIN (what is WRONG WITH YOU??? Hire the people in Rancer, seriously!) They will be decloaked on arrival at the heap of crap you left in their path at the next warpable point they go to. The people in Stain do this all the time, I once made a killing scooping their drones once when they ran off after someone, and if they can do this while under almost constant attack so can the people who think they own whole systems, or even regions.
I’m not going to spell out all the obvious things like you better have someone at or able to pounce on that moon or whatever they zipped off to but you get the idea. They are already in your system? Good! That will keep you busy wringing your hands in anguish while I zoom around with impunity.
The point is, there is a counter for this, and CCP doesn’t need to waste time because you refuse to spend time. Or think.
Just because of all this I’m going to train for using cyno beacons and all the other stuff I don’t much care about in order to use them, I’m then going to offer to jump anyone and anything to where ever they want to go just because evidently I cannot be countered.
If CCP does end up changing cloaking because people can’t cope I’m going to think up something truly horrible, it will be something simple, but, considering the targets, totally impossible to counter.
Actually I should start working on that now I suppose, CCP does love a good nerf.

To those who would point out that this takes effort I would point out that I could do an entire system by my self given enough time, I’m not going to, this is your problem, you think it’s your system and I’m telling you it’s not. Also I would point out that people in Jita draw PICTURES with crap they leave in space, if they can do that you have no excuse.

To those who responded to me in this and other threads, I’ve lost track, I’m sorry about that, and to the guy who did the gigantic pile of math explaining how stuff like reverse engineering a safe point is seriously hard, I am in awe. That was astonishing, thank you.
I’m sorry to everyone in general if I’m coming off as a bit peevish about this, but it’s getting on my nerves that people rely on CCP to make them feel safe, I don’t mind balance, but I hate when whole chunks of people’s skill queue become obsolete overnight.

I’m good at stealth, being hard to catch, or just stop, but there are people out there that can counter anything I do and they kill me on a regular basis. They just figure out how, they don’t ask CCP to hobble me, they just blow me out of space. I admire them for that, they put in the time effort and thought and that’s important.
It’s also intensely fun.

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There are entire alliances dedicated just to exploration. I’ve had an exploration toon buried up in WH space now for awhile. As a non-combat pilot (basically the only defense it to run or hide as covops are not very offensively strong) you would say I have to find an exit to regular space every 8 hours of cloaking? There have been some days where an hour of scanning yielded zero usable exits to kspace, or only exits where I would have no options to find fuel.

So in your idea where you want to curb afk cloaking with minimal damage to other cloaking playstyles, which is your solution hurting more? Do you think there are more cloaky explorers in the game or afk cloaky pilots?

I do not wish for any impact to normal cloak usage. When the cyno fuel runs out while cloaked you can still cloak as normal, you just cannot light a cyno.

There are already counters for cyno, like warping away.

Indeed. And there already is a counter to dying as well, just keep your ship’s hitpoints above 0.

(If you’re going to troll, put a bit of humour in it, will you?)

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So you don’t have a real answer, I’m not trolling, when the cyno pops warp away, there is no need for a counter.

If he scrams you, fit a stab.

If he is too far away to see on grid warp away when local fills.

Same as any miner in any system, align and warp.

Got another excuse?

Ok I missed that part. That is less problematic. Unfortunately it doesn’t solve the “problem” in that nobody will stop complaining until they can have an empty local.

Not to mention aside from a SB, every other ship lighting a cyno is also going to have a targetting delay.

Bottom line, if you remain aware and aligned while ratting you can warp away from almost anything landing on grid with you 99% of the time, aside from a interdictor. However even then an interdictor is going to show on dscan for plenty of time (if you are paying attention) since they cannot warp cloaked.

Sorry, but tnis is an unacceptable burden. The game must be changed so ratters can watch Netflix, or completely just bot for their ISK.

Luckily that isn’t the problem I’m trying to solve. :smiley:

I’m merely trying to solve the problem that the counterplay to AFK cloaky cynos requires a disproportionate amount of effort compared to the effort of AFK cloaky camping.

I get that. Unfortunately the reality is that those who come here to complain about AFK Cloaking will not be satisfied until they don’t see anyone cloaked in “their” system.

First it’s “the AFK cloaked player can pop next to me and light a cyno, I cannot defend”

Then it will be “the AFK cloaked player can land on me in a brick tanked (pick your ship, Proteus) while the rest of the gang cyno’s in next door”

Or change it to whatever things you want. It’s like an AFK cloaking Mad Lib (did I just date myself?)

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