Ok, screw it.
I have been debating with my self about weather or not to post this, but I guess I have to. If CCP changes cloaking itself because people won’t do things for them selves it’s going to get ugly.
As I have said, and even given hints at…
I have a way of dealing with this and have hesitated to put it in here, but the threads on this stupid subject are insane (and I’m helping with that because I to am a bit stupid at times).
Anyhow cloaking doesn’t need to be changed. The players who don’t like people using a tactic should learn to think and counter that tactic, and in this case they have failed to do so and here’s why:
First, if someone got into what you think is your space, (it isn’t, but I will let you go on deluding your self), that’s on you, your gate camps suck (people in Rancer can stop a Stiletto with 1.8 second align time with out using area of effect weapons, their gate camps do NOT suck they target and shoot you and you die). Ok, so your gate camp failed, here’s what to do: inside of the gate, and at all points in space that can be warped to, you can place junk, I don’t care what it is, just stuff that prevents cloaking, drones, metal scraps, tourists, Brisk’s frozen corpse, what ever you like. What this does is prevents the invader (this would be me, and that is why I don’t want to post this in here) from cloaking at the gate, if they then manage to warp AGAIN (what is WRONG WITH YOU??? Hire the people in Rancer, seriously!) They will be decloaked on arrival at the heap of crap you left in their path at the next warpable point they go to. The people in Stain do this all the time, I once made a killing scooping their drones once when they ran off after someone, and if they can do this while under almost constant attack so can the people who think they own whole systems, or even regions.
I’m not going to spell out all the obvious things like you better have someone at or able to pounce on that moon or whatever they zipped off to but you get the idea. They are already in your system? Good! That will keep you busy wringing your hands in anguish while I zoom around with impunity.
The point is, there is a counter for this, and CCP doesn’t need to waste time because you refuse to spend time. Or think.
Just because of all this I’m going to train for using cyno beacons and all the other stuff I don’t much care about in order to use them, I’m then going to offer to jump anyone and anything to where ever they want to go just because evidently I cannot be countered.
If CCP does end up changing cloaking because people can’t cope I’m going to think up something truly horrible, it will be something simple, but, considering the targets, totally impossible to counter.
Actually I should start working on that now I suppose, CCP does love a good nerf.
To those who would point out that this takes effort I would point out that I could do an entire system by my self given enough time, I’m not going to, this is your problem, you think it’s your system and I’m telling you it’s not. Also I would point out that people in Jita draw PICTURES with crap they leave in space, if they can do that you have no excuse.
To those who responded to me in this and other threads, I’ve lost track, I’m sorry about that, and to the guy who did the gigantic pile of math explaining how stuff like reverse engineering a safe point is seriously hard, I am in awe. That was astonishing, thank you.
I’m sorry to everyone in general if I’m coming off as a bit peevish about this, but it’s getting on my nerves that people rely on CCP to make them feel safe, I don’t mind balance, but I hate when whole chunks of people’s skill queue become obsolete overnight.
I’m good at stealth, being hard to catch, or just stop, but there are people out there that can counter anything I do and they kill me on a regular basis. They just figure out how, they don’t ask CCP to hobble me, they just blow me out of space. I admire them for that, they put in the time effort and thought and that’s important.
It’s also intensely fun.