Main AFK cloaky thread

multiboxers are a huge problem which need to be dealt with

you can log off right?

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@Mkikaden_Tiragen @Black_Pedro seriously guys, I’m not a carebear. I’m a full time explorer who enjoys flying around wondering what next system is going to offer to me and giving my surrounding a wave while passing by. In my point of view, I do my exploration actively all the time and I don’t find any logical reason behind cloaky camping with a lot of accounts sitting cloaked and CHOOSING when to attack. You can do whatever in your life making ppl paranoid of you without any single effort and choosing when to attack. Is it even any fun to you? You’re not hunting you’re just hitting decloak and lighting cyno. Is that what’s your gameplay all about? There is no difference of you than those ratters who hits warp orbits and go afk. I don’t support those afk ratters too, also Ccp’s bringing active drone engagement thingy to game. After that update, are you guys going to support cloaky camping or not? Seriously where is the fun or logic begind cloaky camping. That’s a serious question and enlighten me.

The logic is that it’s a bad mechanic but it is less bad than the alternative of having local become even more overpowered as a tool for avoiding PvP.

And then your name leaves local, informing everyone that you are gone and it’s safe to resume farming. Then, when you return, your name appears in local again and warns everyone that an active threat is present and it’s time to dock.

I want a bot that logs me in and cloaks. Then logs me out and back in at random times. I can afford the loss of a cheap afk cloaker fit just for the fun! :wink:


For extra income, mention in local that you will leave for xxxxxxxx isk :pirate_flag: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The other thing that is very hard to combat and still have fun, is intel channels. As soon as a scout, exploers, roaming fleet, etc. enters a region, all the krabs in region know within a jump or two and continue to receive updates.

AFK cloaky camping is one of the very few ways, and definitely the most effective, to counter intel channels and remove the certainty about the risk being faced.

That’s the unfortunate power of local chat’s perfect intel.

Where did I argue in favor of AFK cloaked camping in nullsec? I argued against hurting other forms of cloaked play, and in favor of changing the perfect intel of local to something less powerful. Finding that balance is hard, and the idea proposed that I responded to doesn’t do it.

I am not an AFK cloaky camper. I don’t play in null sec at all. But I do leverage cloaks in other areas, and do not want my cloak uses screwed up to pander to people who are cranky about having to do a little research and actually defend the space they claim to own.

This is a better alternative when log off. This is the real problem, not cloacky camping. And a player who is AFK cloak for 1 hour should automatically uncloaked.btw I’m cloacky camper myself. I’m a covert ops. Player should log off when busy doing RL things.

In game politicians like the mittani will always use bots. Only a dumb will believe that null leaders aren’t dirty.

Nice misquote. Fail.

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My bot made an error.:hear_no_evil:

  1. Now I get it.

alternate suggestions which i’m sure people have posted on here.

CCP implement an automatic log out system after 15 minutes of inactivity.

AFK cloaky campers will be logged out, 15 minutes after going AFK. which means when they log in and go to other things is simply no longer an option.
it is however easy to step away from the computer for 15 minutes and then come back to find you’re logged out. so 15 minutes could instead be 30 minutes.

make cloaking devices through industry harder to produce
T2 harder to both invent and produce

“cheap fits” are then not so much an issue, because people are throwing money at this.

explorers will in time make their money back

T1 cloaks could utilise a compounding capacitor effect, you could make it so that for normal ships perhaps a cloak would last about 1 hour normally (depending on capacitor size)

T2 & faction cloaking devices use fuel

you could then alter the different ships such as stealth bombers and exploration ships like the manticore and astero to utilise different rates of capacitor and fuel consumption respectively.
combat ships > exploration ships

sensor linking ships to form a cloak disruption grid. this is kind of ammended to my satelite idea giving players more agency ships link together or chain something from a module of some kind, which begins to effect the grid they’re on, any cloaky in that area will have their cloak destablised and will remain destablised while on grid. not sure if there is a way of making it so it can only work on red or nuteral players or perhaps even against non fleet members, meaning cloaked fleet members would be protected. would be cool to look at that. again this idea could be built off of edencomm technology because they have the whole chain lightning thing where ships work together its more powerful and such.

implement a weapon based on triglavian tech where AFK pilots begin to suffer some kind of genetic failure for being AFK, this could be implemented after 15 minutes of inactivity, ultimately it will cause the pilot to die but be replaced with a diamond style NPC who will then fly around protecting that system. operating under NBSI but obviously friendly to those in system. given triglavians are terroforming various planets in Pochven as well as some of the industry changes, i think it would be cool as hell to see something like this. i mean i doubt this will happen, it would be cool though.

and because honestly why the hell not at this point

a new anchorable structure which acts as some kind of cathedral in space, where you can place in NPC’s of all sorts, janitors, exotic dancers, refugees, as well as alcahol, quafe, tobacco and other trade goods as tribute to the might blood god who always smiles on your tribute and grants your system a cloak destablisation effect.

didn’t know how to end it, so figured go out with a joke suggestion.

To my logic, how local channel is work is that if you take stargate which is a special construction has it’s own database who use it going to be logged in the database and everyone will be notified within a solor system. Always thought in this way, that’s why there is no local chat in wh’s because there is nothing to keep track of logs of ppl who takes natural phenomenon called whs.
Also I agree with you on intel tool people uses in null sec space to avoid getting killed. Because there are tools which takes in game data to use it on third party tools and letting people to do whatever they want with that information. That really sucks point of an hunter. My hunter image is who does this actively again I’m not a supporter of afk campers who do have so many accounts and sitting afk doing irl things and choses when to attack. If that ratter is actively watching his activity it really sucks brings so much pressure. I don’t support this kind of hunters.
Problem is I understand both point of view, they do it because game mechanic allows you to do so. Hope someday, we’re gonna have a unique design for both parties to get setteled.

Automatic decloak after 1 hour of inactivity and not appearing in local when logoff is enough. Asking too much upperhand is lame.

why not then auto decloak instead of auto log off after 15 minutes

10 minutes of inactivity detected by the client, it’ll prompt you over the next 5 minutes to do something, if nothing happens, just decloak, let the pilot get blapped.

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Gotta say this sounds brilliant to me, main problem for both parties is to being afk. If we have some invasive npcs like diamond triglavians nad giving them a device which locate cloaky ships and capable of system wide dscan tool to locate afk ratters/miners, could be a problem solver.
If you’re doing cloaky camping you need to do it actively. If you’re doing ratting you need to do it actively. Also there is already an update incoming for drone agro for actively ratting. So problem is going to become only cloaky campers issue. So this would probably solve issues for both parties.

expanding on what you said just want to throw in some extras.

from my experience there are 3 types of ways of interacting with the game.
-semi afk

EDIT: so based off that we need to move the way players interact from AFK to semi afk at the very least, which was the point behind my satelite idea, having something automated doing a grid search means both sides are playing “wait and see” if you’re AFK you’re going to get caught, if you’re semi afk, you COULD get caught and if you’re Active, you probably won’t get caught, probably because you can leave the system being searched meaning you could easily move outside the search grid. given this is also in a way in line with the thinking of how the dynmaic bounty pay out system works, meaning players have to move across a region instead of ratting in the same system, literally forcing players to move their ships.

(just as an example of semi AFK i’m sure most of us here have at least done semi afk mining, where we shoot rocks listening to a pod cast or youtube or something, keeping things nice and mellow)


even if you remove the concept of turning the ship into a friendly diamond NPC pilot, you could write into the game as part of the lore, the body dies in th capsule and new updates to capsules mean the capsules nanotech structure disolves, so it’ll just leave an abandonded ship floating in space, which would by nature decloak.

if CCP wanted to put in further cool features based off of this, perhaps pilots could mod their ships with some kind of pilot detection module resulting in ship security, this modification would be seperate from the rest of the modules and show that if say a triglavian pilot or perhaps someone who isn’t registered to a corp or alliance isn’t piloting that ship it’ll blow up.

this way the cloaky camper could come in, cloak up, get killed, someone could hop in the ship and it’ll blow up, taking the capsuleer inside with them, thats going to be 1 kill on each side, the ship loss mail though would still go to the origonal pilot.

this would also make resources a lot more difficult to steal from corporations however would still be viable, you could still move and reprocess them if you had substancial roles, or simply robbing the corp wallet becomes more of a viable target.

I dunno maybe i’m over thinking it now.

like i said some of the changes in industry seem to be about protecting peoples genetic state’s so perhaps instead of looking at tech, mechanical balance etc, finding something in lore is the way forward, triglavian genetic alteration weapons seem cool.

in a game built around the aspect of transhumanism, played by human players, removing what literally makes our character genetically human seems to be a very brutal option.

I can envision the gene tech locking pilots into their ships unable to leave the ship, causing them to self destruct of be blown up.

all this is concept there might be a good idea if the community help further refine it in there somewhere.

genuinely glad to hear you like that idea though.

thanks man, you just made my day <3

wanted to just drop this in here as an extention on the previous thoughts to make something a little bit more fleshed out.

Triglavian Tech Inspired Genetic Ihub Upgrade

in light of the current changes in game for industry which seem to be about protecting pilot’s genetic structures.

And based on the edencomm and triglavian war where these new technologies will be emerging from

You could theoretically create an ihub upgrade which would effect pilots who are not registered as blue, the way this can be managed could be similar to docking rights. This way out of corp alts, logistics pilots and services such as the Frog logistics groups could easily be added To the list.

The ihub upgrade could theoretically work across the whole system (I have no doubt this will not only be heavily flamed but heavily debated)

additionally you could make mobile versions of this which work in smaller areas of for example 1AU this way wormhole groups who want to protect moon dets as well as other field resources and can do so and have the same level of grid security. It won’t remove ultimately the threat of ganking but it means people will eventually have to move along.

a possible concept is that You could have it so that while you’re in range your genetics become corrupted, if you leave grid they start to restore to normal through normal metabolic processes, perhaps if you go back to the same grid the corruption happens quicker or more permanent effects on that specific clone, so changing you clone (a shout out to the old “upgrade your clone” thinking) would mean a form of reset option.

another option is the more frequent visits from a capsuleer the more agressive it becomes, this working in a similar mindset to the DBS where you are in one location too much it is then not worth your time sticking around, move onto somewhere else. aka when you first arrive it has minimal effect, if you’re there 24 hours later for example, it has a very aggressive effect or if you have visited constantly within 24 hours.

Anti Cloak Grid Defence Deployable

this is based off of the deployable concept from the paragraph above.

Alternatively you could just make a deployable structure which has a specific cloak disruption field generator on it which means cloaked pilots within a specific range are automatically decloaked.

Cloaky campers can still be in system, but it just starts to rule out certain locations where they actually are and if certain locations on the field can be checked for cloaky campers then it means people’s activities are going to be less disrupted.

“how do you know he’s not there?”

“this deployable has a 1AU range, if he tries to warp in, he’ll be decloaked so we’ll see him land, plus it means he can’t cloak while on grid”

cannot be anchored within 5AU of stargates naturally similar rules other rules for other structures.