Main AFK cloaky thread

They have been posted. They all suck, and it has been explained many times why they suck.

Then I guess you never really owned it to begin with…so the problem is moot and your solution is not needed. If you want to hold space, do not run to Mommy and Daddy CCP to hold it for you…

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Yeah…nobody has thought of that before…

Do you know what google is? Did you read the first post? He provided a list to many of the bad ideas that have been suggested.

Here is the template for the new people posting…

Hi, I am new to this thread. How about:

Old idea that was posted 8 years ago (if not longer).

Another old idea that was posted 9 years ago.

Yet another idea that was posted repeatedly 10 years ago, 9 years ago, 6 years ago, etc.

Lots and lots of text. Silly lore stuff added in that most don’t care about.

When the tired and repetitive nature of the ideas are noted poster gets peevish and says, “Well at least I’m trying to ‘help’!” Which really translates into, “I want to create an unbalanced situation in my favor via arbitrary CCP intervention and balance can go f–k itself to death out behind the chemical sheds.”


Defend against WHAT?

A cloaked ship CAN’T DO ANYTHING.

Correct, a cloaked ship cannot do anything. Because it needs to uncloak to do anything and then it’s not a cloaked ship anymore!

Just like a pile of explosives cannot do anything that poses any danger to people. Until it explodes, but then it isn’t a pile of explosives anymore. So the pile of explosives itself is completely harmless and no reason for worry.

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And for everything it can do while uncloaked, there are existing counters.

False analogy eh?

I will see your false analogy and raise you ad hominem!

Screw you @Gerard_Amatin you dope!!!

[Note: excessive exclamation points indicates sarcastic/joking nature of the comment.]

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Sure. it would be an idea once CCP addresses the fact that you can spam 500 citadels in one system, and just fire them off repeatedly.

Actually in light of Main AFK cloaky thread - #8350 by Daichi_Yamato
No. Not a good idea.

Best defence against afk or active cloakers is still simply staying aligned or owning your space.

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Add a minimum timer of 7+ seconds to said explosives after being close enough to do damage, and a big sign (equivalent to overview) with “EXPLOSIVES HERE” on it, and the ability to run away at warp speed, without any delay (because you’re not a moron, and are aligned to something).

Then it would be a good analogy.

7 seconds? Depending on the cloaky you may have less than 2.

i see some people have had some negative things to say to my ideas which is fine.

I do feel however tackling the AFK part of “afk cloaky camping” is the way forward.

why not just implement a compounding timer effect for cloaking (and not a capacitor drain)
the longer your use it, the longer the cool down before you use it again.

could be possible that after a set amount of time of (for example) 15 minutes the module could simply start taking over heat damage.

once over heat caps out then you have to repair it before you use it again.
repair time simply takes a while unless you use station services while docked.

keeps cloaking as it is, but limits the effect a player can do and grinding whole systems to a halt.
requires players to be active or be blown out of the sky when the module burns out.

various ships can have different cool down rates added or modified to them.
balance would be up to better minds than myself

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What’s with these kids coming in and thinking they’ve got a unique, never-before-suggested change? Why can’t you just take half a second to search for it and see if the argument has been raised and struck down already?

fine, have the ship just auto destruct for players being noobs
problem solved no heat damage. just boom. <3

sure as hell hope you’re sitting at your comp at 14 minutes 59 seconds to cancel your cloak!

genuinely the more I think about it the more i love the idea of someone trying to come along and afk cloak and just going boom, if you have to step AFK you can go dock up or don’t be gone for more than 15 minutes

either the complaints are unfounded whining or valid mechanical problems, they only appear in sov null

Dear CCP
please, consider making the future promised changes to cloaking only affect sov null

that way the locals will be pleased (asuming the changes are a success) without potentialy messing up a major part of the game elsewhere

a cloak user

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If they are in nullsec AFK ratting or botting, then yes, those noobs ships should explode. Auto self-destruct is as fine approach as anything.

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While this would make AFK cloaking impossible, exactly how much thought did you give on active players using cloaks? People trying to cloak through bubble camps, people stalking their prey, people in Wormholes.
Because this would be a HUGE nerf to anyone and everyone who uses the cloak module.

And why limit this to the Cloak module, what if I was to suggest the longer you continuously use your weapons for, then the longer there is a cool down before you use them again? To allow them to cool down and reset after being fired for long periods. Bet you wouldn’t think that was a realistic idea?

I would just seperate out combat cloaking and non combat cloaking.

by my suggestion this would “impact cloaking”

you then have to look at the entire demogrpahic of cloaking
normal ships

all have different reactivation timers and rates for cloaking
all have different roles and thus the players have different needs and requirements based on the ship their using. this clearly would have to be factored in.
then balance accordingly.

anything i post on balance would be speculation.

but ultimately providing people were not able to be AFK for long periods of time and taking people from
out of an AFK state to at least a semi afk state would be an improvement.
could be really daring and have different rates of cloaking reactivation linked to the cloaking skill rather than a cloak duration.

the higher the skill the less time between reactivations.

this is what overheating is for, so my idea in essence would be to have a base amount of time you can use it before the mnodule begins to auto over heat, if you’re AFK it’ll just become damaged and offline.

oh wait heating was an disputed thing, so i guess your ship will explode now. :stuck_out_tongue:
further more as capsuleers we love dying in huge firey explosions and if we don’t we’re disappointed.

I also want covert cloak to be nerfed- When you use covert cloak you should be immune to bubbles.:hugs:

This, but you know what, the people whining are the people from NPC null who are afraid to undock unless they are alone in a system.

CCP knows this, so in the end why make a change to an area where no one really cares just to please whinners from another area.

And so we have this thread to make the whinners feel better :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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