Do you need to do all that for anyone else you want to kill that’s afk in EVE? Here is where everyone gets it all twisted when it comes to AFK cloaking.
For myself as I can’t speak for others it’s not about the person lurking in system who can drop a cyno next to your carrier or battleship or Rorqual its the fact that they are affecting my game play as well as others while AFK. I accept the risk that comes from that cloaker in system what I don’t accept that if AFK then why should that person be able to dictate how I play when they are not even playing the game.
People have been crying for years about AFK miners or about AFK mission runners etc, but unless you are botting you cannot be AFK bc it requires you to move to the next rock or activate a gate or target next mob etc. All these are mechanics placed in the game by CCP to PREVENT AFK game play.
People that system cloak can be AFK not windowed out or working. One of the things I like to do while in Low or Null sec is log into my account and just let my pilots sit in station so people who may be looking to gank me or may be waiting for me to undock never know if I am really there or not untill I leave station. I don’t think this should be possible either bc I am really AFK not playing the game, but I know it helps CCP numbers with total people logged in numbers. So they wont let me mine afk they wont let me mission run afk they wont let me do relic and data sites afk but they will let me cloaky camp afk??? I don’t bother wasting time trying to scan down cloak campers but if I recall the mechanics. I believe it was a percentage of a chance to be able to scan them down.
The most consistent and reasonable thing would be a required renewal cloak button that if your not there to renew the cloak you DE-CLOAK immediate not this BS oh now you have to drop this thing and launch those things with a chance to scan em down. If your afk you must pay the price just like the rest of us.
TBH if your logged in and you don’t have any input from your keyboard the game should log you out. It may hurt the ole hey look at all the people we have on right now but would remove any AFK debate on any type of game play.
Ok here is a thought, how about you stop clicking on the discussions your tired of? How intelligent do you have to be to click on a topic your tired of then complain about being in the topic you clicked on? Could it be you want to defend your shitty AFK game play so much that you can’t control the pathway from your brain to the mouse in your hand??
10 min scan interval with a 40% chance to scan? WTF?
My more than valid point is if you want to cry about AFK miners and mission runners and explores or market players then cloaking in a system should have the same requirements. If your not at your keyboard to renew the cloak every ten min just like the scan interval of the MO then you decloak. Simple straight forward and that would end the discussion your all so tired of.
Pointless for you to reply to me specifically as I was deliberately not taking part in the discussion.
I’ve added my remark regarding nothing ever will satisfy some people which is evidenced by those other subjects I was referring to, no matter how often those other aspects of the game are nerfed, people will still complain.
Whether your case belongs to that only you can know, if you feel what I wrote applies…
As my post states I find it funny (as it was easy to foresee) that regardless what solution CCP implements there will always be people who complain.
Frankly even if CCP removed the AFK cloaking (or ganking or any other such) aspect of the game or made it impossible people would still complain about it, if nothing else they would complain why it took so long.
Maybe even would demand compensation retroactively for the losses they’ve endured back in the days that the “imbalanced” feature caused them (and they would argue the fact the feature was removed proves it was imbalanced).
And probably would find other made up reasons to complain afterwards just the same as before as well. Some people just like to complain for the sake of complaining.
I think they are called Karens.
I deliberately didn’t mention you specifically nor replied to you or any such because it was just a general observation. A bit of humorous intermission.
I’ve both used these and fought people who used these deployables.
Yes, it’s a 40% decloak chance. Pings 9 times.
This means you have a 100*(1-(1-0.4)^9) = 99.0% chance to decloak an afk player, or 99.99% if you deploy a second observatory. Sounds good to me.
I realise this version of the thread has been going on for almost 8 thousand posts now and that you haven’t kept track of it all, but I have mostly been posting against AFK cloaking because I thought it was a bad no-effort gameplay trick without sufficient counterplay.
With the introduction of mobile observatories that issue has been fixed, and I and others I played with have been able to kill AFK cloaky players.
If you think I’m here to defend my AFK gameplay you haven’t understood my posts. And if you think AFK cloaking is still in need of changes, I think I know what the problem is:
Yea it’s a skill issue to get a 40% chance to decloak a camper who is AFK every 10 minutes. How about we remove ALL AFK play like CCP pretends to want and stop protecting game play that people in charge of the game seem to enjoy and refuse to fix. Not about skill it’s about ccp developers protecting the unfair afk game play they enjoy. Hard to hot drop on someone when your working at ccp and need to keep your cloak going. Can you imagine how inconvenient that would be?
How about we improve the game for ALL EVE players by improving server performance and reducing TIDI and getting better server ticks and response times and making EVE just all around better by forcing account log out server wide for inactivity on every account?? Then we would never have to talk about AFK anything again.
… which as I had shown above leads to a 99% chance to decloak the camper if they’re AFK for the full duration of the mobile observatory.
This means that any AFK cloaky camper who leaves their ship in system overnight while they’re asleep is pretty much guaranteed* to be caught and killed, if people want them dead.
Which was the purpose of mobile observatories: to add a counter to AFK cloaking.
*if the countering player has enough skill to deploy a mobile observatory and is able to combat probe an AFK target, which apparently is too big a challenge for players named E-2C Hawkeye.
Go make a thread about it. (This is the AFK cloaky thread.)
The mobile observatory has a chance of 40% to decloak someone. 60% chance they are still cloaked. The observatory pings after 10 minutes and every 10 minutes thereafter, 9 times total.
The chance someone is still cloaked after one ping is 60% or 0.6. The chance they’re still cloaked after two pings is 0.6 times 0.6 = 0.36 or 36%.
The chance they are still cloaked after all 9 pings is 0.6^9 = 0.01 or 1%.
In other words, one mobile observatory has a 99% chance to decloak a completely AFK player, like the people who used to leave their camper in system at night while they were asleep without risk of getting caught. Not any longer!
Add a second observatory and the chance to stay cloaked multiplies: 0.01 times 0.01 is 0.0001. Two observatories have a 99.99% decloak chance.
Nope not clear at all. It says it pings every 10 min and has 40% chance to decloak. Do you work for CCP by chance? Your seem to be taking it a little to personal and seem to be pulling information from that place named after a planet in our solar system.
I believe those numbers come from the fact that if they are stationary and not moving then it can increase the percent perhaps. If your not a Dev how about we get some clarity from someone who is, clarity either way won’t change the facts though that it’s still AFK game play. If the cloaker sets his speed to go to empty space then they are moving and your back to the original 40%.
So let’s do the right thing remove all AFK game play and have AFK people get logged out with no input and if they are biting will make it easier to detect.
I’m just a player who has tested and understands the mobile observatory, and has used it to catch cloaky campers, and also has seen it used against his fleet.
Please play some more, read some more, grab a calculator and maybe a smart friend who you can trust to explain it to you.
It’s not about speed it’s about the ship being in the same location from the last ping that happened 10 min ago. If it’s not in the same location then it resets the percent to uncloak. I can’t help but feel you guys are trolling and being deliberately misleading in an attempt to confuse the subject. Your like the men in black with the government when it comes to UFO/UAP sittings. The more misinformation the less likely people will understand that’s it’s still just AFK game play supported by CCP and if that’s the case CCP should just say that and not try to hide or disguise it behind a failed half measured attempt called the MO.
I believe this would be a great subject to document with a video on a deep dive and test these numbers not that it would change the mechanic but at least we would know. Like the Rooks and Kings video on the worm holes or like that on going moon goo thing that went on unaddressed for so long.
This is an on going issue needs addressed not covered up.
There is nothing to reset, location does not matter for the decloak chance.
Each decloak chance is equal: 40%. And you have 9 of these rolls. The chance of rolling ‘not decloaked’ nine times out of nine is 1%.
Keep in mind that we are dealing with an AFK player here who does not recloak after being decloaked.
If they have been decloaked by the first, third or last ping the end result is the same: ship is not cloaked.
Location only matters if you’re trying to decloak a cheater who recloaks with a bot every few minutes to circumvent the mobile observatory, but that’s a different story. Then you need patience, a dscan, a line of bookmarks and a report button.
Speak for yourself.
I’ve seen too many people with trouble understanding chance on the internet to immediately assume trolling, but you’re making it really hard for me to not just call you troll and give up trying to explain how this thing works.
It’s like you aren’t even trying to understand this game mechanic.