Main AFK cloaky thread

If you have to take a route with multiple jumps through hostile space you will hit that 30 minute timer.

And as ships can be decloaked by the mobile observatory after 15 minutes of cloaking, these mobile observatories unintentionally add a big risk to non-afk cloaked gameplay. That is an issue.

Remarkable how we have opposing views on everything, you see flaws everywhere with these mobile observatories while I think they are fine, yet the only flaw I think is present in the mobile observatories is fine according to you.

Well, you need to understand the problem of afk cloaky. AFK cloaky camping today is done to “win the isk war” and “fearmonger” and to some extent also done by blops gang to find content. in short, the AFK cloaky camping is a guerilla warfare tactic and it’s problematic because people don’t want to play the game. (and it’s pretty much only done in sovnull?)

the mobile observatory does not incentifies these campers to become more active.
it incentifies the use of different botting programs and other >inactive< gameplay around an egg timer, it incentifies troll login/logouts to bait out an observatory.
It does not really incentifies the “victims” to be using the observatory at all.
the victims would need to stop earning isk, just so they can spend 90 minutes in a scanning ship… to try to find someone that is cloaked up, watching Netflix on their other monitor while they bot in the background or have set their mobile alarm.
(that’s only if the fragile one-time use item is left alone)

Since the observatory is so bad and “pointless” it might become so that its “only” use is to find “capitals behind enemy lines”. ?

So should brisc gets his way “to save the capital roam dude”, the cloak immunization should be 30 min?

I have to say;
I can sit in multiple capital ships, I have a cyno alt… however, I don’t live in a capital ship… so I can’t say 100% that “you are doing it wrong if you need to do a solo roam in hostile null”.

undocking a ship there are always risks involved.
And I feel like you guys are using the “oh capital roaming in hostile null are at risk”- argument to ensure that the cloaky camping inactive playstyle gets a 100% buff of inactive time.

as I know CSM Brisc has said that he is pushing ccp for a 30 minutes immunization. “to save caps” but I don’t trust him.
I’m sure he just wants his "l33t PVP ‘hunters’ " to be able to rack up a lot more blops target by being AFK.


as you know about “my” cloak fuel idea, from the mobile observatory feedback thread.
the suggestion is, cloaks are fine, but in sov null owner can install something that makes hostile cloaks be using fuel.
That would mean a bomber/frigate size ship would have a 45 min “fuel bay capacity” equal to 100% cloak uptime (which is 3x the observatory)
… and a capital ship has been suggested to be able to stay cloaked for 24hr+ due to having a much larger fuel bay capacity.

so IMHO reworking how cloak works in sov null(eg cloakk fuel) is a lot better than “adjusting” the mobile observatory./cloaks immunity period

tl;dr all problems are ironed out with a cloak fuel instead of the observatory.
-at the cost of cloak campers actually have to be active, use their brain, make decisions, and live without botting scripts…
so yeah I understand the hesitation of the l33t cowop hunting community.

that 30 min immunization period is to save the roaming capitals. etc etc…
becouse we all know you are able to sit in all capital. You dont extract your skillpoints to pay for plex on your 100 alt acocunts or anything

tl;dr 30 min immunization is needed to save roaming capital ships and not for any afk reasons.*

Nobody gives a crap if you struck down an idea in your own little world pal. In fact its YOU that needs to get over yourself, stop assuming people believed things they never said, and also figure out that searching for an idea will take a lot of effort because 1) it can have dozens of names and 2) this the most related thread is near 8000 posts now, full of off topic sewage, and hard to scroll.

I don’t know why the pixel count of ideas causes you so much pain. But I am happy to add to it in any case. FFS

posted this is in the feedback thread for the MoOb but i’ll post it here too.

Since structures have timers that can be set dependent on who owns the structure,
allow those who deploy the MoOb to set the timer, that way after deployment, if they want to set the timer to start 30 min after deployment, that will break up the egg timer possibility since nobody will know when the timer will start

yeah sure, as is now, everyone can see the timer.
But still… its kinda of a bad idea anyways, the whole concept of this observatory is bad. Adding/adjusting to it will only make it a more advanced type of ■■■■.

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I guess legit cloaking is dead now. After many years of people complaining about cloaked ships stopping people mining Just turn the whole game into PvE and be done with it as the next complaint will be I got attacked while mining in 0.0 and you should stop that. All that had to be done was stop the AFK cloaked ships but kill off an intel mechanic, great idea, sheesh.

Here’s the laugh, I’m mostly PvE.

Got my first few kills with the lads today of t3c and other ships that normally just cloak and afk for an hour or so before they try to escape. Spin-up time on the deployable is abit too slow for something you can’t recover.

Still the idea someone could setup a marco to avoid getting decloaked still exists, made only more noteworthy by CCPs complete lack and/or inability to stop spammers using the exact same types of programs to repeatedly send messages on the in game chat.

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It’s one thing to use a script on a throwaway spam alt. It’s another to risk getting your main account banned because you couldn’t click cloak twice yourself.

You do know that most cloaky campers are low SP alts, right?

I like this idea. First time I saw someone come up with a reason why your name appears in local. It falls apart though when my name shows up in local when I needlejack into null or pop through a wormhole. Otherwise I like it

increase skill requirements for cloaking technology!
60 mil skill points

I think cloaking is a great part of the game but AFK cloak camping kills it. Same old dumbass arguments for years on both sides but bottom line is any thing with AFK in front of it needs to be removed be it cloak camp or mining or ratting.

You may have missed it, @E-2C_Hawkeye , but CCP already added a counter to afk cloaky camping in the form of mobile observatories.

Now it’s time to let this thread die.


Didnt seem to have an impact…sorta funny that way almost like they didnt want it to be effective.

It made a big impact, AFK cloaky camping now has a counter, where it had none before.

Does AFK cloaky camping still happen? Sure, if no one puts in effort to counter them. So if you’re still bothered by AFK cloaky campers, go put in some effort.

Hint: You’re supposed to drop a mobile observatory and probe the camper down.

See same ole dumbass responses. You shouldn’t be able to mine rocks and ice AFK and you shouldn’t be able to rat AFK and you shouldn’t be able to go afk cloak. Yes, you can maybe scan em down but the mechanic needs to be if you are not there to refresh your cloak after a certain time then you decloak, not that someone can scan you down afterwards. There should not be you get a chance blaaahh blaaah BS. The cloak goes down you Dscan or Probe em. Chances are they are gonna be in a safe spot anyhow. The MO may be a step in he right direction but it is not even a half step. And lets not even talk about afk botting programs.

Yes and an AFK miner should automatically be killed after 15 minutes AFK.

Any more unreasonable requests?

You can interact with AFK cloaked players now. AFK cloaking is no more uncounterable, and thus the old AFK cloaky discussion is finished.

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An AFK miner can be killed why shouldnt an AFK Cloaker suffer the same fate? Not unreasonable.

Yet here we are discussing it. Being able to have a percent of a chance to scan cloakers down is a half step in the right direction. They should have to interact with the game just like miners just like mission runners just like explores. Make them renew cloak every 5-10 minuets or they drop out of cloak seems very simple and very REASONABLE…after all if they are not afk is it to much to ask for a mouse click??

You may have missed it, but this mechanic seems to be one many people still want to see addressed.

An AFK cloaky player can also be killed.

You just need to deploy a mobile observatory, bring combat probes and some weapon system. Are you saying you cannot do that?