Main AFK cloaky thread

That’s the whole point. You’re not supposed to know whether they are there or not. It’s null sec! Ratters get hunted in wh’s constantly without knowing somone is there.

This is why afk cloaking is still a thing. As long as local exists the only way to create doubt is to let people afk cloak. So afk cloaking will always exist as long as local doesn’t change.

Not going to happen

Which is why afk cloaking hasnt changed. And these threads always get the answer: nope!

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The only answer this thread got is complaining from both sides. :stuck_out_tongue:

consider it to be /dev/null for cloak comments.

For those that don’t know UNIX that’s an inbuilt oblivion that you can send unwanted output to…

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Just put ammo in cloack module like others modules. Problem resolved.

Why should ATK cloakers have their game nerfed?

Can we nerf your preferred in game activity to nerf cloaks?

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Is it okay if I afk cloak in an Orca?

And then put a limit on how long you can use local. Problem resolved.

That wasnt a good idea sir.

By holding up a mirror containing an equally ignorant and dumb fuckery idea?

It’s no dickins moment i admit but some morons need things spelt out for them, and this is the beginnings of that process.

IDK…maybe local should require “ammo”. Maybe it should require fueling…via something like the station services…that can be shot by hostiles if they want too.

Are you really going to “die” on the following Hill?

  1. Ratters, miners, etc. should have free intel that they can use to keep themselves safe.
  2. But cloaky hunters shouldn’t face very, very low (practically zero) risk while cloaked at a safe spot and unable to do much of anything?

Seems like a greedy and lop sided position…

I like the idea of a module that keeps local running and ofc it should be destroyable. It should be able to scan cloaky campers too. :rofl:

Obviously local is being “abused” for intel, and I’m not defending the status quo. But there is and should be a clear distinction between in game things (ships, modules, ect.) and things that are used to play the game.

Local does not exist “in-game” it is a tool for playing the game. If it isn’t clear the distinction I’m making think about a good old classic game of D&D: your barbarian doesn’t have or use a D20, you use it, it is not “in-game”.

In gaming speak, the use of local as intel is “meta-gaming”. In video games the game and the meta-gaming often has a blurry line because of the technologies we have available to us, but they are still very different.

The use of local as intel is really not cool for the playing of EvE, and should be fixed. But insisting local is like an in-game thing is not cool either.

Then why are you going full retard and arguing for the greedy and lop sided solution?

Bunk. Local in w-space is delayed and things work fine there. Now, maybe NS can’t have no local, but the idea of just trying to nerf cloaking to get at a subset of cloak users is just damned lazy.

So is AFK cloaking because it works via local.

Holy crap…why does this have to be asserted again and again and again after 5,000 posts on this topic?

If you have an issue with AFK cloaking you are really saying, “I have an issue with local.”

Actually I believe they are saying “I have an issue with cloaks and cynos, and people wanting to remove my perfect (if ATK) intel and therefore safety.”

Cloaks are (as we agree) not the problem at all, the use of cloaks and cynos, and an unwillingnes to reduce perfect intel are the problems.

But local does exist in game. It’s a register provided by gates.

Make me a coffee retarded solva