It isnt, nor is that happening.
Atm its just for Corps without a structure.
It isnt, nor is that happening.
Atm its just for Corps without a structure.
When test and goons and god knows who else decide to make this an issue you will see exactly why relegating it to structure based and over simplified mechanics make this a BIG issue.
IE it does not encourage growth, risk or even reward for most players.
I agree.
But this is what it is, and CSM is arguably 6/10 Goon stooges.
Make of that what you will. I argued for more restrictions on Social/Nonwardec Corps, but tis is the result.
Quote needed.
Because this is hilarious salt
Its funny how suicide gankers are worried they will be next, now that CCP and CSM recognized the mass wardec issue causing player attrition.
And yes, they will be next.
Their salty tears will be enough to match the Dead Sea.
Woah, look at the big man writing big words while hiding behind the forums …
… while his actually known char is being banned …
… while he cried on a different char about how he biomasses and quits.
You’re so salty, man, the dead sea is all your making.
How am I salty?
Just predicting that suicide gankers are the next to be identified by CCP and CSM as causing huge player attrition, and needing correction.
Especially as they side-step wardec mechanics past, present and future, entirely.
Does that worry you?
You’re salty as ■■■■.
Looks like you are VERY, VERY salty.
Thats not me.
Everyone knows it’s you.
Like, seriously, you’re incapable of hiding it.
I’m glad CCP and CSM recognized the mass wardec problem causing player attrition, and is taking action.
Next they should analyze the data on suicide gankers in HS in the same way.
Thank you for admitting defeat, Salvos. : )
Come December, players will finally be able to operate in HS without wardecs, as long as they dont place a structure in that Corp.
Next step should be looking at how much player attrition HS suicide gankers are causing and to whom wardec mechanic changes dont apply, and the wardec changes wont affect to cease the player attrition caused by them. Im fairly confident an investigation of this will reveal a lot of ugliness regarding suicide ganker affect on player attrition as very high, as well as other very anti-social behavior by many of them.
So I think that wardecs being addressed will be great. I doubt that it will change anything for the better for the bears, but the fact that something is going to change will be great!
I agree.
Now CCP and CSM should do an investigation of the player attrition caused by suicide ganking, which side-steps wardecs and any fixes to wardec mechanics.
It will be. It has been long overdue. I think there are plenty of challenges with coming up with a better system, but I am glad CCP is spending the effort.
Yeah, they’ve neglected it for too long. Happens when all you care about is looking at money, ignoring the huge cash cow that is waiting to be milked.
Do you think there’s a chance we’ll get our proposal through to them?
And what do you think about Ima’s proposal?
They certainly did, thats why it got so bad.
But fixing attrition by wardecs, wont fix attrition by suicide ganking.
Suicide gankers dont use wardecs.
CCP did a good job investigating stats on wardecs, and CSM did a good job responding to them.
Next up should be doing the same regarding suicide ganking causing attrition in HS.
Especially since its pretty predictable there will be a substantial increase in suicide ganking, now that mass wardeccers can only aggress Corps with structures.
I think CCP’s game designers are not stupid and will do their best to come up with a working war system. I think the real challenge is dealing with the existing power balance between the hardened mercenary groups and the smaller group of casuals/newbros which can’t be papered over by adding objectives or whatever. There will have to be more to it.
CCP will see The Wardec Discord proposals, although I really think there should be some formal report authored that people can publically sign. Not sure CCP will care, but it would be nice for the community.
The whole thing about making a corp is to play with likewise minded individuals, many of which you befriend, well, maybe not you since you just think of the taxes thing, but a lot of us do. Many people both new and old currently play in NPC corps due to wardecs. A lot of old timers have tons of neutral alts that will now be able to leave the NPC corps in addition to giving new players some breathing room. I gurantee you that with some old timer alts in their corps the new players will fair better overall because they will end up getting some help and knowledge which they need.