Crap thread.
Autopilot is useable as is, albeit at your own risk.
Crap thread.
Autopilot is useable as is, albeit at your own risk.
It’s hypothetically usable if you visit high-sec
In low and null it’s 100% useless
Its 100% useful in all sectors, as it operates identically in all sectors.
It means you dont have to to activate the next jump gate. Thats it.
The difference, is the extent of risk for using it, owing to have to slowboat the remaining 10k.
Nothing forces you to use it.
Well the middle ground would be if null sec rats would drop AP AB (named auto pilot after burners) (turn on during approach automatically when in auto pilot) I bet it would bring in good coin on the markets.
hey that’s pretty good, but sounds hard to implement
CCP Programers ok I see what mean what was I thinking!
Completely right. Who wants to bother with this trash when risk averse grief monkeys and cowards have all the advantages?
Alexey Rumyancev1d
I’ve been playing EVE since 2011 and only time i’ve seen someone use autopilot is kill right scammers or somebody clicking it by accident.
Have you never sat in one of the systems adjoining Jita and watched all the Freighters autopiloting?
I took my JF to jita the other day and as I landed on the Perimeter gate there were 7 Arks all “approaching” from 10 or so K off…
I docked reshipped to a shuttle, warped back to the Perimeter gate just in time to see the Arks decloak and align to 4/4. They all landed around 10k off the 4/4 undock and commenced slowboating.
NB; All the Arks seemed to belong to the same person, names were too similar to have been individual pilots - At nearly 10 bil a piece that’s 70 bil + cargo (if any) using auto pilot
The “avoiding rewarding AFK gameplay” excuse is dumb. What does the temperature of a chair have to do with anything? Calling long distance travel in EVE “gameplay” fails to understand the definition of the word “game.” It’s keeping a chair warm, glassy eyed and slack jawed. Or at best, alt-tabbing (i.e. leaving the game) for something that doesn’t suck. People who choose to NOT stare blankly at meaningless flashy lights should absolutely be rewarded. It especially fails as an argument when you take into account all the other ways EVE rewards afk players. AFK market activity, AFK PI, AFK industry, AFK skill training. Maybe there should be a nag feature added to industry… it only goes at half speed unless every 60 seconds or so when instructed you click a booby button.
So are there any good reasons why bad travel is a sacred cow? Because to me, it just looks like more of a liability than an asset, making the game an actively worse experience.
edit: making autopilot not suck would be the perfect opportunity to work on project discovery and do something profitable while something stupid happens in the background, without getting interrupted having to click one of the stupidest buttons in EVE.
Actually I disagree, you should be vulnerable while AFK and auto-warping to 0 would be a problem for that. It sounds like a lot of people can just use autopilot no problem, and anything except for freighters has a really strong chance of still being there in highsec when you get back to your chair. The push should never be for more automated control of the ship, and that’s exactly what the grand majority of travel would turn into if you could auto-warp at 0. In the interest of keeping flying pilots present and not becoming a script running simulator, the grand majority of activities in EVE should be done actively. I agree, there are parts that are more AFK friendly but those are all non ship-based activities. Assuming you aren’t using a bot, null ratting or AFK mining is even half-engaged.
It doesn’t sound like a lot of people have a problem with autopilot and accept that extra time as the trade off for leaving your ship unattended but still travelling. Even if you never end up getting yanked while on autopilot. I think that risk should be present for anybody who’s willing to step away from the computer while undocked
This is why you can’t give anyone anything. If you give them a convenience feature you didn’t even have to, they won’t thank you for it, they’ll ask for even more…
if you have a few places which are visited on periodic bases you could set up jclones there; jumping to the 0 won’t save you from ganking anyway.
but op when will i get to watch my cat vids
If all you are doing in game while travelling is staring at the screen doing nothing, then you are wasting a lot of opportunities right there, auto pilot or not.
Very true, but PI or looking at the Ship Tree can be annoying while manually piloting.
I would never opt for “remove it” like the OP, but the mindless clicking sucks. And although I’m not for AFK “play”, the idea of a good AP with some sort of proximity alarm or way to tell you ■■■■’s about to happen, is almost the base of every spaceship story ever told.
Trudat, my homie
Have you heard of Le Mans? What about a marathon? The Tour De France? The ability to outlast a competitor (or a hungry predator) over a long distance or time is most definitely a game. But games of endurance are not exactly “fun”. They . . . hurt. I’m getting a runner’s high just thinking about it . . .
“Slow and steady wins the race.”
Can we also have the following, please:
Thank you
What? I don’t dare googling it.
It’s a fancy brand of “French” mustard sold in the U.S. and marketed as for the rich and elite. It’s commercial was spoofed in “Wayne’s World” the film.