Make Concord Nerf Damage % In Highsec

I still don’t see why that is sad. The amount of ISK a player carries is completely under the control of the player. Most ships, even battleships cost only a few hundred million ISK. If a player wants to take a risk to earn more by fitting expensive modules, they take the chance someone will pay the cost to CONCORD and try to take their stuff.

That doesn’t sound sad to me. That sounds like a game. Risk vs. reward.

Everything CCP has released about ganking and new players shows it isn’t a problem. New players are rarely ganked - which makes sense as they have nothing worth taking - and almost no one cites ship loss as a reason they are quitting. The MER shows that 99.8%+ of ships reach their destination safely in highsec, and even of those that are lost most aren’t due to suicide ganking. Highsec is objectively incredibly safe.

I get that players don’t like losing stuff to other players but piracy is an intended feature in this game. I don’t find that sad at all.

You clearly have no real understanding of the cost and effort that goes into ganking. Almost every ship is a loss to gank in highsec, or is uncatchable if the pilot does anything, even in a cheap destroyer. If it was that easy, highsec would be shutdown, yet almost everybody all the time is left alone. The facts don’t match this narrative you are painting that ganking is a cheap and effortless activity.

Ganking is only an issue for the complacent and rich, not new players, and even then it is easy to mitigate. There are professional hauling companies that move billions of ISK every day without incident. There are careful mission and incursion runners who fly expensive ships attentively every day without loss. Yes, there is nowhere that is perfectly safe in this game as was intended from the beginning, but that doesn’t mean there is nothing you can do to keep your assets safe. Everyone is going to experience a loss from time to time, whether to other players or NPCs, but that’s why we have the Golden Rules.

Highsec works perfectly fine to keep most people safe most of the time. Unless you think highsec should be perfectly safe and you free to fly 10B ISK mission ships or freighters with no worry, then I don’t know how you can claim that it is “broken”. You are basically only at risk of people taking your stuff if several people gang up on you after you made yourself a profitable target, and made several other mistakes on top of that, and probably also were very unlucky to be noticed at all in the first place.